50pp for life, bruh.
Its a lot easier to get to the bottom and check outta of a thread for a latter time.
scrolling forever builds character
50pp for life, bruh.
Its a lot easier to get to the bottom and check outta of a thread for a latter time.
I'm not playing a story-heavy game, I'm playing FFXVMan, Yakuza 0 really does set such a standard for story telling, it makes it difficult to play some other story heavy games.
Near the end of Chapter 6. I just beat Leisure King (he joined my team) in a fight after getting to 90% but it looks like I'm stuck at 90% ... is there something I'm missing to get to 100%?
Nah man, don't feel bad that asshole deserved it. Also I'd appreciate it if you could spoiler the name.Also, is it bad that I cheesed thefight by using a couple of shots from the swordfish canon, cos I still feel bad about it after a good nights sleep?Lao Gui
The combat felt more weighty pre Y5. I remember the more arcadey feeling being something I was noticing quite a lot when I jumped from Y4 to 5.Did they add " weight " to the combat
I played a bit of five and while over the top and funny I didn't find the combat very "impactful"
Oh, we topped that thread a long time ago. That one only has 47 pages.yeah, i suspected as much! now we just have to top the giveaway thread somehow, haha
ya'll are still using 50 posts per page?! cmon now!
Did they add " weight " to the combat
I played a bit of five and while over the top and funny I didn't find the combat very "impactful"
Nah man, don't feel bad that asshole deserved it. Also I'd appreciate it if you could spoiler the name.
Done. Slipped by me. Does he play a part in the later games?
You're my kyoudai, fam.Oh, we topped that thread a long time ago. That one only has 47 pages.
50 posts per page for life!
Edit: Lol, I just realized that Rymuth has said the same thing hahaha.
How did this thread get so big? Should I buy this game?
Who cares how many posts this thread has.
I want to see how many unique posters this thread has compared to other GAF Yakuza threads.
Yakuza 5 thread had 422 unique posters.Who cares how many posts this thread has.
I want to see how many unique posters this thread has compared to other GAF Yakuza threads.
Who cares how many posts this thread has.
I want to see how many unique posters this thread has compared to other GAF Yakuza threads.
Yakuza 5 thread had 422 unique posters.
This thread has 963.
Yakuza 5 thread had 422 unique posters.
This thread has 963.
You're my kyoudai, fam.
One question: is there a way to find out your current objective? I seem to be missing something as I skipped tre last dialogue window by mistake and it was telling me what to do and now I seem to be aimlessly running around the city. Earlier save is a bit far back.
Pause the game and look at the bottom left. The objective should be there.I got this uesterday. Was staring at it on psn for a while but couldn't justify the cost. Decided to check my local CeX on the off-chance as I had games to trade jn.... and they had a single copy that had /just/ been traded in!
Fate right? They couldn't find the disc.... Took 3 staff members and the manager, but we found it and I got it!
So far this game is superb. I've never played a Yakuza game before, but it's a series I've always wanted to get into. SEGA arcade style mechanics are some of the best things in gaming, and they're everywhere here. Very surprised at the level of polish and strength of the art design too, this game is obviously cross gen but it still looks great.
One question: is there a way to find out your current objective? I seem to be missing something as I skipped tre last dialogue window by mistake and it was telling me what to do and now I seem to be aimlessly running around the city. Earlier save is a bit far back.
It's a pink glowing dot on your map. The minimap should also show a pink arrow.
Pause the game and look at the bottom left. The objective should be there.
Yeh, there's some text telling me what to do. "Ask around town" I guess means wander and overhear stuff/talk with random people as there's nothing showing on my maps.
Yeh, there's some text telling me what to do. "Ask around town" I guess means wander and overhear stuff/talk with random people as there's nothing showing on my maps.
You'll see some NPCs around town with a 'dialogue box' on top of their head. They don't show on map, so you just have to walk around town to find them randomly.
Pretty much. You'll hone in on what you need to do fairly quickly.
is such bullshit. Might be the worst of the fights in the series so far.So Amon
108 hours and 45 minutes and 82.62% complete.
Probably better than other first runs in prior games. Now to beatAmon
Finally got done the caberet club questline. Feel like I just finished an epic club management RPG. We the best mane![]()
The first part is the most bullshit but very doable. Second part is easy. Here's what I did.
Switch to Legend, get close and keep doing the combo. Once he activates his heat mode and gets armor in all attacks, switch to beast mode and keep wailing on him. Be sure to carry him towards the center of the stage, and keep changing up directions when you attack so that he fires cannon balls in a direction you won't actually move to.
Once the second part starts, it's simply a matter of running the fuck away until the helicopter drops a bottle. pick up that bottle and you have invincibility so keep hitting that fuck in any style. Be careful though that he can pick up the bottle too, and get the same benefit.
How do you find game time?how the fuck does majimas watcher recover from bullets to the back?!
is such bullshit. Might be the worst of the fights in the series so far.So Amon
how the fuck does majimas watcher recover from bullets to the back?!
is such bullshit. Might be the worst of the fights in the series so far.So Amon
If you have the brawler drunk upgrade, go get hammered and bring lots of knives and tauriner/staminan x to the fight. Bonus damage if you have the accessory giving extra attack when drunk. Cheap but such bullshit. Might be the worst of the fights in the series so far.So Amon
its not that complicated, really.
kamurocho is broken up into 5 districts. you own properties in each district. you "collect" on these properties through a menu, which starts a timer to pay-out. you collect your money when the timer expires.
how much money you get depends on cumulative value of all your businesses in the chosen district-- this is the quantity (how many businesses you own) and quality (what their letter grade is). you buy properties by running up to them in the world and hitting x. you upgrade them by assigning an advisor to them, choosing the best based on what the advisor's stats are (x, triangle, circle, double circle in a variety of business types, pick the relevant one) and then spending some money. you can only upgrade once per collection cycle.
money earned also depends, to a lesser degree, on who you've assigned to manage that district. managers have star ratings/pay scales that basically indicate how good they are, but if you want to drill deeper, they've got some random spread of numbers that are like 0 1 1 2 -2 or something. these numbers are just little modifiers for how much money you get. 0 would be their first collection run in that district, then they cycle through the 1s, the 2, and max out at -2. so, their 4th collection will be the best, and the 5th (and all subsequent) will be their worst. you get around this by cycling out managers.
the last thing to note is that you also assign security staff. i don't think they actually do that much to be honest, i've never noticed. theoretically, bad dudes will try to harass your collections runs and you gotta go punch em to stop it, but it rarely happens to me to be honest, maybe because my security staff is good? but just cycle them out whenever you cycle managers and it's fine, whatever, they don't seem important really.
that's kind of it. collect money, spend it buying or upgrading businesses, collect more money, repeat. you get new and better managers, security and advisers through substories.
Probably a building, check the business menu on the pause screen and there should be a checklist for the buildings you have and don't have.
You also have to level them up.
Fully upgrade the properties. I don't think you need all of them either. I'm missing one building in the first area and I still hit 100%
I *think* you have to befriend the owners of two of the stores (convenience and sushi store) to get ownership of 100%. You can't buy either of them.
Also, is it bad that I cheesed thefight by using a couple of shots from the swordfish canon, cos I still feel bad about it after a good nights sleep?Lao Gui
108 hours and 45 minutes and 82.62% complete.
Probably better than other first runs in prior games. Now to beatAmon
Not middle eastern, but if you're looking for a black character there is always Gary.
That's Mack-desu.I don't remember this guy but I do remember there's another black guy that you chase after in Yakuza 3, makes a cameo in Yakuza 5 (I think)
So I'm only in Chapter 2 by now, but this shapes up to be one of the most entertaining games I've ever played. Just everything about this game is extremely entertaining, the Minigames, the excellent side quests and especially the battles against random street thugs. I absolutely adore the fighting mechanics in this game, they're ridiculously satisfying. You can really feel the force behind your punches and the impact they have on the poor fellas who end up to be your enemies
Also, and I know I ain't seen nothing yet, the story is already totally captivating and I can't wait too see how everything plays out... Brilliant story telling that other games could learn a lot from. And of course let's not forget the excellent humor, they really nailed it with that. Can't wait to continue playing.
Oh, and big thanks to everyone who vocally supported and hyped this game from the beginning, it really deserves all the praise it gets. Let's hope the Yakuza fan base in the West keeps on growing, carefully crafted games like this should be enjoyed by as many people as possible (and I suppose the others too, but sadly never got to play one of them).
That chapter 3 intro is one of my favourite character introductions of all time, not just gaming. So awesome.Wait untill you start chapter 3. Best character introduction movie in a game ever.