How old is Kiryu supposed to be in 6?
How old is Kiryu supposed to be in 6?
Yeah, I was thinking "luce is not clicking on that". Though, kudos to Shadow for explaining things. We'll just come back to this and read it next year![]()
btw, I feel empty now that I 100%ed Y0.
No games to play, as I regardless of Y0 as an exception, I hate open world design in games, and also I'm poor as fuck.
Yakuza filled my dark soul with liiiiiiiiiiiight.
it does indeed! and if you stick with the series, you'll see more of that stance!
It is even more bonkers. Also, the cabaret club "special hostess training" or whatever it is called was really fun.
You mean Kamoji's training? No.
Looking forward to it thenThe Yakuza 6 thread will be interesting, that's all I can really say without spoiling anything!
Before you can challenge the "boss" in every area, you need to get a specific number of fans in that area. You can just play the mode to get fans but you can also pay businesses to sponsor your clubs, which is a nifty way of exchanging money for fans.What the hell lol, chapter 6's ending almost made me tear up a bit
It was fantastic
e: wait, you gotta invest as one protagonist during their chapter to later on get the money as the other protagonist? Fuck sake, what a stupid system, maybe they should've at least told me so when I met the first cash-throwing guy as Kiryu. Now he's sitting on 4 billion yen and Majima's SOL. I love this game, but some of the design decisions are so goddamn frustrating. Can't decide whether I should wait until like chapter 11 when I've managed to move Kiryu's wealth to Majima before I start this whole cabaret business, or if I'll just start grinding right away.
It looks like you can invest in businesses, but it seems like money might not otherwise play nearly as big a role in the cabaret stuff than it did with real estate?
Money is essential to the Real estate business, but money in the Cabaret business just makes it so you have to play less before you can advance in the business. It's a nice alternative but can get a bit grindy if you don't put in money so it's best to space out cabaret sessions between doing the other side missions and the story as you can easily get burnt out.
Before you can challenge the "boss" in every area, you need to get a specific number of fans in that area. You can just play the mode to get fans but you can also pay businesses to sponsor your clubs, which is a nifty way of exchanging money for fans.
Yeah, he looks way too young for his age in Y6.Y5 truly showed Kiryu in full 'I'm too sick of wiping Daigo's ass' glory.
He looks de-aged in 6
Not sure if you know this, but doing substories and filling a few friendship gauges at places of business is the way to go to get most of the "GOLD" hostesses.I see, thanks! Think I'll start doing it and if at some point I run into a roadblock that can be solved by either having money or grinding for n hours, I'll just proceed with the main story and finish the cabaret stuff later on, when I've transferred money around.
Well, first I gotta collect all those girls of course lol.
Got the game today. Any tips?
Not sure if you know this, but doing substories and filling a few friendship gauges at places of business is the way to go to get most of the "GOLD" hostesses.
The most straight forward one I'd recommend going for is the friendship gauge missions of the little girl outside the Arcade, in the north of the city. Not only do you get a Gold hostess, it's a surprisingly touching storyline.
Even though I've only played Y0, honestly I'll be glad to have a new protagonist. Not that I don't like Kiryu, but his character modeling (and to a lesser extent, Majima also) was taking me out of the drama and suspension of disbelief a bit during the cutscenes. The other big characters are based on real people and look fantastic, but Kiryu looks like he escaped from a Dreamcast game. I don't blame the dev team; they've been saddled with a character who was originally designed during the PS2 era. But it will be so nice to see a protagonist that looks as convincingly real as everyone else.
- There's an item called the "Charismatic Autobiography". Do NOT equip the Charismatic Autobiography.
- When you have a weapon equipped in your inventory, press down on the d-pad during combat to whip it out.
- Also know that you can change the difficulty at any point and it won't affect any trophy or Completion List progress.
- You should ideally keep your inventory stocked with a few healing items at all times, and don't hesitate to fill it to the brim with those items before going into a main mission.
- None of the side quests or substories are locked to a chapter so if you don't do them in a particular chapter, don't worry because you can always do them later. You can even do them all after the main story has ended, should you wish.
Got the game today. Any tips?
I'll add another one.
- There's an item called the "Charismatic Autobiography". Do NOT equip the Charismatic Autobiography.
- When you have a weapon equipped in your inventory, press down on the d-pad during combat to whip it out.
- Also know that you can change the difficulty at any point and it won't affect any trophy or Completion List progress.
- You should ideally keep your inventory stocked with a few healing items at all times, and don't hesitate to fill it to the brim with those items before going into a main mission.
- None of the side quests or substories are locked to a chapter so if you don't do them in a particular chapter, don't worry because you can always do them later. You can even do them all after the main story has ended, should you wish.
I'll add another one.
- The game does not have an auto-save feature. Don't forget to save manually at payphones.
I'll add another one.
- The game does not have an auto-save feature. Don't forget to save manually at payphones.
Do cabaret hostesses recover HP when I'm just normally playing the game, doing side quests, idling around etc?
This is surprisingly involved compared to the real estate quest. I can see myself playing this for the rest of the evening lol.
They recover by sitting out of an open night.
The saving is completely manual, so unless you finished a chapter, I'm afraid that you've lost your progress.shit i hope it saved when i had to ring the HQ earlier, because I cba to play through all that again, i was up to the part where the old man has you fight bruno
Yeah, he looks way too young for his age in Y6.
He should definitely be getting some grey hair. Maybe a grey streak, he'd look distinguished.
Why are you expecting the next protagonist to be visually based om their VA? We're not going to get a protagonist modeled on one because it's too costly, neither Akiyama or Saejima are based on their actors. The only one who was (Tanimura) isn't a returning protagonist either.
As great as it looks it does add quite a bit to the budget and forces the team to only use the character for one game.
Ah, figures. Looks like I gotta bust out the bronze losers every now and again too.
Man, I got my ass handed to me in the first cabaret club battle, even though I kept doing very well (helped successfully every time, assigned girls around properly etc). What am I supposed to do, just level up the girls and get more fans and try again?
The levels and fans are a bit vague, hard to tell how directly they translate into faster cash flow.
The cash flow depends on the happiness of the client and how much they have. IIRC the clients can be: poor, regular, rich, mega rich. So one happy mega rich guy will give you much more cash than one happy poor guy.
Depending on their tastes, they will want long/short sessions. Long sessions are easier to extend their time which makes them enter fever mode without spending the bar. Fever mode also makes getting cash much, much faster.
As the client has more cash, the client is also more of a pain in the ass to deal. So mega rich guys will only like hostess with top status for example.
Good cabaret tips, thanks guys! I've been grinding the first area and just now got my first wealthy customer, looks like more fans might translate to wealthier customers, too.
Dude was pretty resistant to my girls' charms, but when you turned on the party mode, motherfucker was just raring to go throw those 100k bills around
Oh yeah, that's another thing I forgot to mention. No matter the customer's mood, whenever they're put into Party Fever it goes all the way to the top.
Edit: I wouldn't pay their money bar much attention. It always fills much faster than yours as does their Party Fever bar, but that doesn't directly translate into the amount of money they make. When I did the last battle, my rival went and got a huge headstart, but I won with double the amount he got in the end.
Be aware of hints about each area, such as "men in this district like to party". When you do a battle in that area for example, you'd want to staff more of your hostesses with high Party stats.
I don't want to tell you stuff you already know, but it actually took me a few nights before I figured this out: when you select a customer and choose a hostess, as you cycle through the hostess list you'll see the customer's emoticon change. Obviously you want to pair them with a hostess that gets a purple rating. But also be aware of whether they want a long or short session, as the hostess's HP may run out if the customer wants to party all night. Fortunately time stops while you select a hostess, so you can put some thought into it.
Oh yeah okay, looks like you're right and I just panicked early lol. I won with 18 million yen vs 12 million yen.
I can kinda feel it in me bones that these will frustrate me to no end later on, though lol. Hopefully I'm wrong, I really want that final reward.
Oh yeah okay, looks like you're right and I just panicked early lol. I won with 18 million yen vs 12 million yen.
I can kinda feel it in me bones that these will frustrate me to no end later on, though lol. Hopefully I'm wrong, I really want that final reward.
Oh yeah, I noticed the emoticon changes, been assigning hostesses pretty much based on purely that. None of them have been even near to running out of HP so far.
Didn't realize different districts have people with different tastes, so thanks for the tip!
the most disappointing here is that Kiryu did not end up withNo need for spoiler tags, the official Japanese site outright has "The final chapter of Kiryu's story" in huge fonts on the main page.
he's partially modeled after his voice actor but not 100%He looks better there, but he still looks like a videogame character, you know? Like if you told me that was a new Tekken character, I wouldn't be surprised. As opposed to guys like Kuze or Sagawa who were modeled on real people and look pretty convincing. When you put both in the same room, it stands out a bit more.
edit: on another note, I'm starting Premium Adventure mode now. I use the "game clear data" that I saved at the end of the game, right?
The dress-up part didn't seem terribly important either, I only really did that with Yuki.
Alright, how do you get to fix up other girls in the cabaret game? Can only do their no.1 girl at the moment.
the most disappointing here is that Kiryu did not end up within Yakuza 5Mayumi
he's partially modeled after his voice actor but not 100%
How to refresh dream machines once I used them? Just wait? Or can I speed up the process?
Ah didn't know that. I can see a bit of resemblance, but what Nightengale said is true; Kiryu lacks the imperfections of some of the other characters like Kuze. I think there's something more intangible though, like Kiryu's facial proportions are off compared to a real human.
hey isn't it about time for an OT2 since we passed 10k posts five pages ago? Or do we just plan to ride this one out since posts are slowing?
Chapter 13
Oda, you piece of shit. They really threw me off with the Tachibana reveal so kudos to them. Also the first Yakuza twist of the game with with Tachibana being Makoto's brother! I was waiting for something outlandish and it finally happened. Also lol Oda and Tachibana are from the mainland but their Japanese accents are impeccable. Hell, Oda can barely speak Chinese!
I'm just glad they hired someone who can speak Chinese properly forthat one random NPC who brings you around Little Asia.
Well, Kiryu is designed from scratchAh didn't know that. I can see a bit of resemblance, but what Nightengale said is true; Kiryu lacks the imperfections of some of the other characters like Kuze. I think there's something more intangible though, like Kiryu's facial proportions are off compared to a real human.