Thank you for the write-up, Shadow.
I've only beaten him from Y3 and onward, so didn't know about his conditions in other titles. Man, that Yakuza 2 list is crazy! Hopefully, they'll change it for Kiwami 2 (pls Sega).
By the way, speaking of Amon, I still haven't fought him in this one. I really have to come back to Yakuza 0 (and Nier) after finishing Persona 5. So many great games.
Yeah, I got lucky on 2 as I only checked the requirements after finishing a couple of chapters. Almost had a heart attack when I saw the heat move list requirement! I wouldn't mind seeing a less strict set of requirements for the remake if it happens, just remove the heat list and maybe the moves list requirements and have it so you have to do all the side stories and arena fights (I loved the arena in 2).
And yeah, I want to start my English copy of 0 but I'm still working through my backlog. Almost done now though I do have Persona coming next week (first Persona game as well