I am playing on a PS4 Pro in 1080p and I notice screen tearing. It's only after a fight and you load back into the city though. The first time I swing the camera around the top has screen tearing but it goes away after that.
I am playing on a PS4 Pro in 1080p and I notice screen tearing. It's only after a fight and you load back into the city though. The first time I swing the camera around the top has screen tearing but it goes away after that.
That would be great. I'd really appreciate that.
Having only 8 missables sounds good and I'm glad most can be gotten post game or in free roam.
EDIT: So I don't have to worry about completing substories during certain times?
Hurrying through Gravity Rush 2 to get to this. Love reading all the positive impressions, especially from new-comers to the series. I hope they never stop making Yakuza games.
Spend 100000 yen in the Dream Machine
Got a Dreamcast stuffed toy, not bad
Spend 1 million yen in the Dream Machine
Got another Dreamcast stuffed toy
The Music, The setting, theThat chapterboss entrance is some MGS Rising level shit! XD6
In previous games, either the substory was "resolved" meaning you did them exactly right, or "done" meaning you fucked up somewhere.
Both counted as having completed the substory and still unlocked trophies/rewards.
Here's a link to a trophy Guide which specifies certain missable trophies: http://www.khhsubs.com/rggzero/trophyguide.html
Also no, substories can be done at your leisure and even if you end the game, that's when you go into premium adventure mode where you can basically do any side quest that you haven't and muck about in the world without worrying about the main story.
And thank youMissable trophies (and their requirements) spoiler tagged below - do not click if you do not want a spoiler. Full credit to Ps4trophies.org
Rich Taste
Treat a homeless man to a ¥20,000 bottle of booze.
In Chapter 2, you'll have to buy alcohol for a group of homeless men, one of whom will ask for champagne. Go to Don Quixote and buy a bottle of Champagne Gold for 20,000 yen, then give it to him.
Smooth Criminal
Successfully negotiate ideal terms with Yamagata.
In Chapter 3, you'll head to Odyssey to negotiate with Yamagata over one of his employees. On the way, there are three NPCs with information about conditions at Odyssey that you can talk to (their locations are marked "4" on this map. Once you go inside Odyssey, you'll have the opportunity to look around the club. You need to look at the four different tables (three with customers, one empty) inside. You apparently have a limited amount of time in which to do this, but if so, it's not a very strict as I didn't encounter it in either of my playthroughs. Note: you will not actually receive the trophy until you enter Grand in the beginning of Chapter 4.
Business Etiquette 101
Impress Oda with your perfect manners.
After you meet Oda at Cafe Alps in Chapter 5, you'll be asked to choose which table to sit at. Choose the table in the middle (with four chairs and away from the door) and sit in the chair in front of you. Then don't order anything to drink and pass the QTE after the old man enters. You'll receive the trophy after the end of the conversation with the old man.
Best Served Cold?
Take more than 15 minutes bringing the takoyaki.
Majima will head off to buy takoyaki in Chapter 7. After you buy it, don't return to the warehouse; after 15 minutes it will become cold (the item in your inventory will change) and you will receive the trophy.
It Takes Two
Defeat 3 foes using co-op moves with Oda or Tachibana.
There is a lengthy sequence in Chapter 10 in which Kiryu, Tachibana, and Oda fight a number of yakuza. Defeat at least three using the heat action that becomes available when an enemy is being grabbed by Tachibana or Oda. There are a number of groups of enemies so this shouldn't be difficult. Since Tachibana and Oda will only occasionally grab an enemy, however, I recommend you bring some items to fill up your heat gauge to make sure you can take advantage of any opportunities.
They Won't Mind
Steal Nikkyo Consortium funds from their safe.
When Majima heads to Bentenya in Chapter 12, there will be two small white safes by the final staircase (at the location marked "6" on this map). Break them and you'll receive this trophy (and a fair amount of money).
Big Hair in the Crosshairs
Defeat the yakuza with an afro on the highway.
About halfway through the car chase/gun battle in Chapter 13, one of the enemies leaning out of a car will have an afro and a white suit (he will appear just before the van with the machine gunner). Shoot him to receive the trophy. This isn't difficult, but you may want to use Kiryu's Heat Eye ability as he goes by more quickly than other enemies do.
Hitting the Bottle
Suffer the full force of Reina's attack.
During a fight inside Serena in Chapter 15, there will be a QTE where Reina swings at Majima's head with a bottle. Fail the QTE and let her hit you to get the trophy.
No substories are missable my friend. I don't even think it's possible to fail them?
I don't know what happens if your inventory is full when they hand you the loot reward though
Apologies if this has been answered already but when do the substories open up? I just started Chapter 2 and ran around for a spell but couldn't find anything. Are they only accessible during certain parts of the game?
Some open up in Chapter 2, some in later chapters. None are missable so just keep going until you find them. A guide exists here:Apologies if this has been answered already but when do the substories open up? I just started Chapter 2 and ran around for a spell but couldn't find anything. Are they only accessible during certain parts of the game?
Apologies if this has been answered already but when do the substories open up? I just started Chapter 2 and ran around for a spell but couldn't find anything. Are they only accessible during certain parts of the game?
They start in the beginning of Chapter 2, when you need to go to Kiryu's apartment. Which means you need to go see Nishikijama first.
Some open up in Chapter 2, some in later chapters. None are missable so just keep going until you find them. A guide exists here:
Edit: Ninja'd. Yakuza fans are too helpful.
They're out there already but you only start them by running into them on the street in pre-defined destinations, or by going to various locations or doing various things. Sadly, they're not marked on the map.
But once you start them, then you get a notification on the map telling you where to go.
Omg the real estate stuff is consuming my life lol
I just spent like 45 minutes writing you guys some sweet cabaret management tips, and what do I do? I drop it in the old thread. It's there if you're interested.![]()
I'm on Chapter 7 so I expect it's gonna start soon, appreciate the tips before handI just spent like 45 minutes writing you guys some sweet cabaret management tips, and what do I do? I drop it in the old thread. It's there if you're interested.![]()
I made a personal decision before the game came out that I'm gonna plat this game.Saw that link below about missable trophies and clicked the spoiler...welp, I'm already outta the running. Guess I'm not bothering with plat (which is fair because I think I only have like 2 or 3 plats to begin with).
Whoops, I put this in the old thread instead of the OT. I am best at NEOGAF.
Yooooo, someone was asking a few pages back for some cabaret tips, and I've sunk so much time into that thing that I feel like it'd be kind of a waste to just hold onto it forever.
If you haven't gotten that far in the game, this won't make a whole lot of sense, but for those of you dipping your feet into the incredibly addictive cabaret management minigame (Majima unlocks it in his second set of chapters), here's some cool ways to maximize it. You should pretty much skip this post though if you really want to figure the game out for yourself, which I also highly encourage.
-Do some hiring! If youyou'll end up with a default roster of 3 ladies, two bronzes and your platinum. This is not enough to bother playing the game with. Head to the shrine and spend some CP to insta-recruit some hostesses, or wander around town and buy luxury items from Le Marche.sucked at scoping out Odyssey early in the game,
-Do the substories! Some of the best hostesses are recruited from substories, including some that you'd least expect.
-Do the special training! You can level up your platinum hostesses with one round of special training between each running of the club. PS, the answer you think is right can sometimes bite you in the ass because of the Majima Factor, so just answer honestly.
-Don't worry about the make-up and clothes stats! You do you, man. If you want your platinums to be beautiful in your own eyes or horrid combinations of makeup and hair, go for it. You'll account for the stat loss without having to worry about it.
-Don't overwork the girls! Always check your cast on duty. If the girls are showing "meh" face, give them a day off, or your stats will hurt for it.
-A customer's gonna come in and you have ten nice long seconds to seat a hostess, and furthermore, when you're selecting a hostess, the clock is frozen. Take your time!
-Don't worry about stats and all that. It's all factored into the satisfaction level of the customer, and you're aiming for either the purple face (happiest) or the orange face (happy). Green "meh" face is acceptable, and any less than that could cause trouble.
-Hit all the "check please" and "help please" signals! This is how you do the shinogi. Each one you miss is a missed opportunity.
-Learn the hand signals!If you aren't sure, wait a little, and she'll tell you straight up what she needs - you just won't get as big a bonus.Towel looks like wringing out a towel, the L is a guest glass, the "c" is a lady's glass, the thumb-to-pinky is ice refill, and the circle is ash tray.
-Nailing the hand signal increases satisfaction! In this way, you can be perfectly fine to sit a customer with green or orange and raise it to purple. Ohhh yeah.
-Always go for the extension! Unless you have a reason to heal the girl (praise is free for light heal, gift costs money for nice heal) then even if they say "short session" you can tempt those suckers right into a free fever time.
-Keep gift costs down! I found that giving out gifts just ends up costing you money. Unless you're really hard up for fans or a girl's HP, don't waste your time with gifts. The "thank you" options are free and also slightly increase fans, which you should do when given no other option.
-The more fans you have, the richer your clientele will be! The richer your clientele, the pickier they are about the girls! See how that works?
-"Partnering" with the businesses outside the club increases the fans! Fan count progresses the story! Fans are key!
So glad you asked. There are a couple ways to use fever:
-Did you just get forced to seat a girl at a sad or angry face table? Oh hell no, use Fever Time, and you MIGHT turn that table into a purple happiness cash train.
-The fever time bar has three tiers! Each tier increases the number of tables that will hit fever time, so weigh your options.
-Watch the clock! If you're down the last minute or so and you're sitting on 3 bars of fever, don't waste it!
-Is one of the Five Stars giving you trouble? Your clientele isn't rich enough. You can power right those those attacks if you're smart about the game and saavy about the clientele.
-The AI will lose a lot of money in gifts. Don't be like the AI. (AI, not Ai, the hostess)
Ahhh, here we go.
-When you win a cabaret club battle,If you're smart, you'll roll your money straight into partnering with the next club's entire area, minus the property tied to the friendship. This is the fastest way to advance the story without running the club needlessly.you get a new platinum, and Youda gives you a bonus.
-Keep your cast well-rounded! Try to have someone high in each of the five stats - Party, Love, Talk, etc.
-Don't waste a plat! If your gold or silver hostesses is getting you an orange or purple face, use her! You'll be sad you sat a plat when someone comes in and literally REQUESTS that plat while she's talking to some poor dudebro. Use plats on your cash-money customers.
-When you sit a girl, she has a sit-down cool-down, where she introduces herself and bows and all that. SHE IS NOT EARNING during this time. She is ineligible for fever at this time. However....which gets you earning mo money mo fast.if you get real good at timing it, you can skip the entire sitdown animation by assigning a girl and then jumping into a help please or a check please,
I hope this helps. I really enjoyed doing the cabaret and finishing it gets you an incredible reward, which I won't discuss here -- but this is where Majima really shines as a character, and all the hostesses are great to interact with to. Have fun!
I made a personal decision before the game came out that I'm gonna plat this game.
Even though the only game that I've platted is Infamous: Second Son. I can plat Street Fighter 5 but just need to watch a few more replays as that's the only thing missing.
I was already gonna play through the story a second time on NG+ so this still works for me. I've already won twice at Cat fights so hopefully I can keep the luck going (The payout for Cat fights is insane if you're lucky, bet 20 mil and got 17x odds and won)
Completely unrelated but I just recently started playing HITMAN (2016) after really disliking Absolution when it came out and Blood Money being one of my favourite games ever (still listen to the OST from time to time).I can respect that. I think the only plats I have are from the old hitman games that were released as the HD trilogy rerelease of HM2, Contracts, Blood Money. I didn't get to wrap up BM's trophy list on PS3 before the new one hit, but I've already beaten it enough times on 360 and PC that I wasn't too broken up about it.![]()
Depends on style-to-style. Some can just armor through attacks, some can retaliate with their own attack after getting hit (Kiryu's brawler, Majima's Slugger) and some need upgrade to allow for these attacks.I'm really enjoying the game, but I feel like I'm missing something with the combat. The second a single enemy attack touches me, it feels like I lose all ability to control my character until the enemy is finished combo'ing me. Is there really no way to guard or dodge out of an enemy combo once it touches you?
I just spent like 45 minutes writing you guys some sweet cabaret management tips, and what do I do? I drop it in the old thread. It's there if you're interested.![]()
Haven't done the mission so don't know if she requires that exact doll but the lizards in the next one are WAY easier to pick up.
I got three at once because they all linked together.
Will start tomorrow.
Normal or Hard? Experienced gamer, but my first Yakuza.
Also is a triangle better than a circle on the advisors for investing in a company type?
you can change difficulty at any time so I recommend hard.Will start tomorrow.
Normal or Hard? Experienced gamer, but my first Yakuza.
Are there any healing items in chapter 1? My health keeps getting whittled down bit by bit in each fight and never recovers.
Are there any healing items in chapter 1? My health keeps getting whittled down bit by bit in each fight and never recovers.
This guy........
Where the hell do you get Salmon and an eel for the. I managed to get the turtle but can't seem to get the other two. All I seem to be getting is Black Bass and Snakefish.Kamion Resturant Sidequest