I can't believe the world famous Stephen Spining and Miracle Johnson are in this game...
Is there a NG+ where you can up the difficulty or does it reset? I always forget in Yakuza, cause I been on the finale chapter cleaning up quests.
Hey y'all, I have a weird question. I've never played a Yakuza game but have found myself all swept up in 0's hype. I tried Yakuza 3 at one point but didn't really dig it at the time. But 0's setting and 80's aesthetic seems super rad so I'm really wanting to pick it up. Thing is, I recently bought Sleeping Dogs on the cheap and started playing that. So, though y'all are for sur biased, I'm curious to know if I should finish Sleeping Dogs as I already have it, or rush right into Yakuza 0. I know they're completely different kinds of games but am curious to know what gaf thinks!
TLDR; should I finish the 3/4 of sleeping dogs I have left to play OR just rush in and get to Yakuza-ing?
is there a point of ne return in the story? i am in chapter.------- 10 ----- and the game tells me to make some money before i leave
If you guys didn't like evading the drunk dude, oh man, you are gonna hate the next 2 trainings.
I agree. Even the next two weren't difficult as I managed to do them in my first try. But I know a lot of guys were having problem with the drunk dude, so yeah, the next ones are gonna be brutal for themI only did the drunk guy so far but that guy was so easy. All you have to do is run away from him in circles. You don't even need to dodge![]()
But the reward more than made up for it though. Trouble Finder marks the side-stories on the map!Thesubstory was pretty flat. Probably the worst one I've done so far.tax payer
How far in are you?The "open world" aspect feels so restricted. Invisible walls everywhere and the weird camera always feels like it's trying to funnel you down a certain direction.
Wuut, that's super useful. When does that quest unlock?? As far as chapter number.But the reward more than made up for it though. Trouble Finder marks the side-stories on the map!
I got it in chapter 6 but I think you can do it chapter 5 as well. It's tied to Kiryu's real estate activity. For me the quest unlocked after taking down the second billionaire.Wuut, that's super useful. When does that quest unlock?? As far as chapter number.
Bless up. Not quite there yet, but will look out for it now.I got it in chapter 6 but I think you can do it chapter 5 as well. It's tied to Kiryu's real estate activity. For me the quest unlocked after taking down the second billionaire.
This thread is only about 100 posts shy of being bigger than the Yakuza Community thread.
It looks like Y0 is a big moment for the franchise in the West.
But the reward more than made up for it though. Trouble Finder marks the side-stories on the map!
yeah so far i'm finding phone cards, but only the obvious ones - i know if i actually go in first person mode more i'd prolly find others
I like Sleeping Dogs so it's worth finishing it. Yakuza 0 is a different kind of game, think as if it was Sleeping Dogs but on a much smaller neighborhood and a much bigger focus on hand to hand combat
Quick question: Is there someplace where i can learn to play mahjong and that other chess board (shoten I think?) ? I heard there was an anime about mahjong?
About the baseball mini-game, I never got it but is there something special if you hit the sign that is moving on top of the targets?
Does increasing health in a certain skills affect only when you use that fighting style or is it general?
I got all sort of stuff in my inventory, stuff I gain from the Sega booth and from the million$ vending machine, or like an umbrella, or I even saw a shop with super luxury clothes, does that have anything to do with quests or not?
But the reward more than made up for it though. Trouble Finder marks the side-stories on the map!
Luckily there's an accessory for helping find them.
I think it was part of the gift packs from the initial patch.
I agree. Even the next two weren't difficult as I managed to do them in my first try. But I know a lot of guys were having problem with the drunk dude, so yeah, the next ones are gonna be brutal for them![]()
The "open world" aspect feels so restricted. Invisible walls everywhere and the weird camera always feels like it's trying to funnel you down a certain direction.
When does the bowling special event start? I'm already in chapter 6 but I can't progress the side quest.
Yo, I just lapped a little kid in front of his girlfriend. Get fucked, Hideki-Kun.
I feel like a lot of these substories wouldn't be half as funny is Kiryu wasn't the toughest, most Yakuza-looking guy ever.
Majima has a similar item as well.Whoa, what
The big guy? Yeah, he managed to land a couple of hits on me as well, but the ability to dodge out of his combo really saved the day for me.The last two were the easiest to me I passed them like nothing though third guy gave me headaches
It's tied to Kiryu's real estate activity. For me it was unlocked after beating the first billionaire.When does the bowling special event start? I'm already in chapter 6 but I can't progress the side quest.
Exactly, it's not like that at all. It's more of a hub world.yeah, if anyone went into this expecting something akin to a western-developed open world game, my efforts were for naught
Pretty sure he's in all of them as a story/NPC character. He's an amazing characterlol Fucking love Majima. What is he in besides 0 and 4?
lol Fucking love Majima. What is he in besides 0 and 4?