Yep. I did it repeatedly for the trophy >_>
do it for the CP!
Yep. I did it repeatedly for the trophy >_>
Oh my god I love the cabaret management minigame
Me too.
Well, the basic structure remains the same cause that's what makes these games Yakuza. But they've added a lot of new stuff to the newer games and especially this title. From different combat styles and moves to new tons of new mini-games such as Outrun, Space Harrier, Disco, etc and even massive side activities like real estate management.last Yakuza i played was 4, which was amazing
i played 7 hours of Yakuza 0 so far, it's awesome but i can't tell the difference between it and 4, it's like it hasn't evolved much, it feels like a ps3 game
Can anyone tell me how to get a Yakuza Supporter banner? I want to get it into my avatar pic. ;w;
Well, the basic structure remains the same cause that's what makes these games Yakuza. But they've added a lot of new stuff to the newer games and especially this title. From different combat styles and moves to new tons of new mini-games such as Outrun, Space Harrier, Disco, etc and even massive side activities like real estate management.
Here is the actual banner if you wanted to make any adjustments to it.
Quoting because I'd like one too, but would also like to keep my Iwata ribbon if possible.![]()
Here is the actual banner if you wanted to make any adjustments to it.
Can definitely confirm combat is much easier (playing on Hard) without the Charismatic Autobiography equipped (go figure). Thanks to the poster pointing that out to us who hadn't put the two and two together!
wait i got that, i need to check what it does...
Just completed beating the first king in Kamurocho Real Estate substory. Absolutely loving this game and so happy I got back to Kiryu so soon. After a brilliant opening two chapters I was sort of just whizzing through as Majima to get back to Kazuma's chapter, neither Majima's story nor his fighting styles so far has hit the same chord with me as Kiryu.
Also why do I keep running into Mr. Shakedown with Majima but it's such a rare find for Kiryu? Guess I got Kamurocho Real Estate to bolster Kiryu's wallet.
It gives you a nice stat boost. I had no issues wearing it earlier, but Chapter 6 onwards random battles seemed unusually tough; your mileage may vary.
If I may, what sort of improvement did you expect? I'm honestly curious, cause as I've said they've already added tons of new moves and even introduced the style systems in this game.i'm not talking about what they added
i'm talking about the gameplay, it hasn't improved since 4
i don't mind the graphics even though it's from 2010
Quoting because I'd like one too, but would also like to keep my Iwata ribbon if possible.
Is there a way to get eel and turtle for maejima?
Question about beginning of Chapter 9:Where do I hide?
Edit: Another question. These money battles in real estate. I keep losing them. Do I actually need to go out and fight?
Question about beginning of Chapter 9:Where do I hide?
Edit: Another question. These money battles in real estate. I keep losing them. Do I actually need to go out and fight?
It might be that the area Majima is in in those chapters is much smaller. Smaller area for him to patrol = more likely to see him.
Fuck Mr. Shakedown. It's even worse that he tells you where he thinks he wants to spend your money.
Until I read that Vice article on Yakuza today, I didn't realize Kamurocho wasn't a real borough of Tokyo. I mean I had never heard of it before, but just assumed it was real. Why did the dev team choose to use fictional towns when everything else is so focused on capturing the real flavor? Is it that they didn't want to have to stick to a real city's layout?
- Visuals: Yakuza 0 is a cross gen game. Yakuza 6 is the first PS4 only title and I think it's beautiful.
-Clunky: Common aspects of the series, which started on the PS2. So there's save points, loadings in battles, etc.
- Fighting: It gets better. It's one thing that Yakuza does very well. In Y0, in particular, a lot of the systems are locked in the beginning. It doesn't overwhelm new players with mechanics (which used to happen in Y5 for example), but it does makes thing monotone if you just keep going through the main story without upgrading.
-You're still at the beginning. Too early to tell if the game is or isn't for you
I can't talk about budget or chunkiness of the game since I've been playing Yakuza for years and can't say that I've been bothered by them. But regarding your last two points:
- The fighting system seems shallow, but it's not. it takes a little while for you to unlock more moves and styles but after that the combat is actually very fun and has a nice depth. Just this past few hours I've been running around messing with combat and switching styles mid combos (you'll get an accessory for that) and stuff like that and I find it to be tremendously fun.
- Yes, the story will pick-up.
I think you should watch Angry Joe's review. Since he was a newcomer as well, I think you'll find his opinion interesting. (and at first he felt pretty similar to how you are feeling about the game right now)
That the engine showing it's age. This was a 2015 cross platform game with the PS3, and there's still animations and other things from the PS2 games which seem to be 'if it ain't broke...' category. I suppose I don't notice these as much because I've been playing them for years and it's just part of the game for me, but it could be off putting for someone playing a 2017 game that reuses assests from prior titles going back a ways.
In the beginning yes. It's no DMC or Ninja Gaiden, but the melee system is pretty deep and certainly still stands far above the popular 'wait for an enemy to attack and hit counter' melee systems many games go with now. As you go there's more styles to unlock, moves to learn, training to do, etc. You really get the feel for how deep it is with boss fights or with powerful enemy encounters.
Pacing of Yakuza games are slow builds that turn into intricate criminal soap operas.
Up to you, but those are common things in the game, you'll get more moves and stuff but the basic combat isn't going to radically change. If you're playing it for charm alone and dislike the rest of it you may want to just check out youtube videos of it to get that stuff. Personally I think it's fantastic but it's a niche game and not everyone is going to enjoy it.
Honestly, I'm not sure what you're looking for. If those things bother you that much then yeah the game probably isn't for you. It's a ps3 game that slightly cleaned up and ported to PS4 so yeah if you want full PS4 power then you'll need to wait for Yakuza 6 which is PS4 only.
I don't understand the clunkiness of save points out they voicing the majority of in game plot parts (I wouldn't necessarily call them cutscenes) when most games don't bother at all with that. So to call that unpolished when they go above and beyond what many games do.... I'm not following that logic.
Considering we both had the same guess I'm really glad to hear thatOH MY GOD THAT IS NOT HOW I WAS EXPECTING THESE STORIES TO MIX!!!
jeez I'm bad at this
One-offDoes Miss Tatsu show as a minor character in future games or was she just a one-off for Yakuza 0? Just finished her tree and find the character pretty neat.
High level Rush style makes any 1v1 boss fight piss easy.