Son Of Sparda
Say what you want about Yakuza, the community here is always ready to help guide you through anything![]()

Say what you want about Yakuza, the community here is always ready to help guide you through anything![]()
Perfect. Thanks.
where the hell do I go to buy drinks for those dumbass hobos?
Also, Yakuza 6 has a option to give the player a short synopsis about everything that occurred in each previous game.
Check the convenience stores (yellow on the map)
DonKi, and convenience stores. Prob have to go a couple places.
Go to every grocery Store and each one should have an item they want.
Hint:Splurge on the expensive Champagne
Convenience stores and that Don Q place at the bottom of the map. For beer, it's called Malts. Everything else is labeled as is in the name of the item.
Try Don Quijote convenience store all the way to the south of Kamurocho
I think I was saving when the power went out during my legendary difficulty completion run...
You're still a ways away from the end.Took a couple days off to beat Resident Evil 7 (enjoyed it!). I missed this game's (mostly) positive vibe, lol. Is the second half of the game approximately as long as the first for the main story? Just finishing Chapter 7.
Just reached chapter 5 and started the. I cannot believe how much content this game offers.REM part for the first time
Holy hell. The feels come fast and furious in these later chapters
I don't remember the last time i've seen a video game handle it's story this competantly and be so compelling let alone while juggling 2 protags in the process.
Nah, but both protagonists have their own set of disco substories. Nothing after that though.Is there any more disco unlocked later on?
A lot of times its the same ones. There's not THAT much variety. Probably around 10-15 I think.Also for the Crane game at the arcade are the rewards locked by chapter? I've grabbed the current ones but when I ask to replace them there just the same as before
Don't apologize, it's always nice to see people pick up a Yakuza game for the first timeSorry for the questions, I'm loving this game though!
so nice that this series is finally getting more wide-spread appreciation. it's been a great, unique ride for the last 10 years. for whatever reason, it feels like it's time's finally come...
I've enjoyed my time with this game tenfold, through and through. I'm definitely interested in the series. Is there any video/guide that'll get me up to date on the series? There's a yakuza 6 that's coming out soon too isn't there? I need more yakuza lol
Also, Yakuza 6 has a option to give the player a short synopsis about everything that occurred in each previous game.
At the end now,.on hard the gun wielding enemies are horribly cheap on the boat with Kiryu, can barely get up before getting knocked down and that's before getting to Shibusawa with his purple bar and defence breaking bullshit
Enemies with guns have always been bullshit in the Yakuza series, but atleast they usually have a small HP pool compared to the other enemies. Can kill them in one full combo thankfully.
You're in luck! Yakuza: Kiwami is coming out this summer!
Kiwami is a remake of Yakuza 1 which takes place right after Yakuza 0. It's a fantastic remake with the battle system of 0. And Yakuza 1 is an incredible game that really shines with the new bells and whistles of the remake.
And Yakuza 6 will come out in early 2018 and it's a PS4 exclusive in a brand new engine. Completely seamless movement and platforming and combat, no loading times to go into places or get into fights!!
Ahh, you might be right on that. Thanks, wasn't aware of that rule!
Wow, the Slugger heat move where you put the bat in your enemy's mouth is brutal as fuck
Here they're far away from the fights so I'm getting picked off before I can get anywhere near them.
Ai's fake laugh is so damn goofy. EHEHEHE
Best Platinum Hostess.
Gosh that laugh makes me cringe every time lol. I just unlocked, onwards to whoever is next!Saki
Also, question about a Majima sidequest, specifically theone.telephone booth
Where can I find theHelp?item Sakura Storm? I looked all in the equipment shop, and search on the map for it to be found through the agents and cannot find anything at all.
Spoilered just in case. I am post game, so I'm unsure as to when the side quest became available originally.
Where can I find theHelp?item Sakura Storm? I looked all in the equipment shop, and search on the map for it to be found through the agents and cannot find anything at all.
Theis the reward given to you at the end ofSakura Stormsidestory. Can trigger it by talking to the guy standing in the triangular shaped park in the south part of Sotenbori.The Man with a New Face
Theis the reward given to you at the end ofSakura Stormsidestory. Can trigger it by talking to the guy standing in the triangular shaped park in the south part of Sotenbori.The Man with a New Face
I was actually watching a Yakuza video and the guy was using Y6's gameplay while he was talking about the series. There was one scene with Kiryu leaving a M store and the lack of loading completely throw me off. It felt a little weird seeing such smooth transition in Yakuza game without any black screen loading lolAnd Yakuza 6 will come out in early 2018 and it's a PS4 exclusive in a brand new engine. Completely seamless movement and platforming and combat, no loading times to go into places or get into fights!!
I was actually watching a Yakuza video and the guy was using Y6's gameplay while he was talking about the series. There was one scene with Kiryu leaving a M store and the lack of loading completely throw me off. It felt a little weird seeing such smooth transition in Yakuza game without any black screen loading lol
Tips on getting 5,000,000 points on Outrun? I have never played this game until now.
Ogita dance-off is shitty. I can't beat him at the moment either so I've decided to forget about for now and try it waaaay later on after beating the story.I'm getting really fucking pissed off with this dancing game. Being colour blind I can't see any of the fucking O red button presses. I literally feel like throwing my pad though my television screen and snapping the fucking disc. Really really annoyed now. Because of that I can't beat Ogita, even on easy and I won't finish all the side stories. Fucking great.
Oh man, I can't wait for that game to get here next year. It's so cool that we don't have to worry about it's localization anymore.Yeah, its hard to go back to the old way after playing 6. The complete lack of loading for 90% of the game feels so good. Especially as you can take fights to new places thanks to this change!
Yakuza gods lookin out for ya boy
If anybody has beaten Ogita here I can't express how much admiration you'd get from me if you shareplay with me. I always want to compete yakuza games 100% but losing out to my disability is stupid.
If anybody has beaten Ogita here I can't express how much admiration you'd get from me if you shareplay with me. I always want to compete yakuza games 100% but losing out to my disability is stupid.
If anybody has beaten Ogita here I can't express how much admiration you'd get from me if you shareplay with me. I always want to compete yakuza games 100% but losing out to my disability is stupid.
Also kind of wondering if they'll ever addresshow Majima was holed up for a whole year but didn't get any noticeable injuries or scarring from Shimano's group
Uh, Majima's eye was poked out. I'd say that's pretty noticeable.