How many hours does it take to complete the story?
My OF THE END (hardest difficulty setting) save file is sitting on 20 hrs. Keep in mind I think I skipped cutscenes when I played through on OF THE END.
How many hours does it take to complete the story?
That's a lot of hours. I don't really know a lot about the structure of DS. I thought it was maybe more linear and shorter than regular Yakuza games, but if someone can put so much time into it I have to assume it is just as open world-ish as the mainline games?
My OF THE END (hardest difficulty setting) save file is sitting on 20 hrs. Keep in mind I think I skipped cutscenes when I played through on OF THE END.
Are they bad or are you just the type of gamer who doesn't care for cutscenes?
The cutscene/story moments are my favourite part of the Yakuza series games.
Its a full Yakuza game. You won't feel shafted when you complete it. You have the sidequests, minigames and other difficulty levels to play with. Its really no different than the others in terms of having extra content to explore.
Are they bad or are you just the type of gamer who doesn't care for cutscenes?
The cutscene/story moments are my favourite part of the Yakuza series games.
Are they bad or are you just the type of gamer who doesn't care for cutscenes?
The cutscene/story moments are my favourite part of the Yakuza series games.
The cutscenes are as good as in previous Yakuza games. Some of them are a bit more tongue in cheek here however.
I skipped through them because it would have been my third time watching them through. I played the game through on Hard, then EX-Hard and then OF THE END. There's nothing wrong the with the cutscenes. They're perfectly fine.
I had a lot of fun with OF THE END, just don't expect the same old RGG experience you've had the last couple of times out (ie. battle system).
Dang I still don't even have Yakuza 4 yet!
I'm not convinced I'll like this, but I'm getting it anyway.
Hate Zombies but love Yakuza. Will see who will win.
Was this the version of Yakuza that had earthquakes that were cut after the disaster last year? Or am I thinking of another game entirely?
But I must ask: is there any hand-to-hand combat in the game?
No the focus is on guns
But I must ask: is there any hand-to-hand combat in the game?
Dang I still don't even have Yakuza 4 yet!
Buy two copies and mail me one Irish. Hook a ninja up haha
Day 1 here! Is there significant amounts of scotch in this game, Irish?
First Yakuza game I'm waiting for a price drop. With the Mass Effect 3 CE, Tales of Graces f and Warriors Orochi 3 my wallet is already committing seppuku.
i approve of this thread, and plan on purchasing it day one so i can get my platinum
Any chance this has Japanese audio? I have the import versions for the other games in the series but didn't want to pay $100 for this based on the demo. Wouldn't mind picking up at domestic pricing if it has the Japanese track.
Any chance this has Japanese audio? I have the import versions for the other games in the series but didn't want to pay $100 for this based on the demo. Wouldn't mind picking up at domestic pricing if it has the Japanese track.
Ryuji Goda is cooler than Majima, you guys.
And, again, you can beat zombies with items. I don't know why everyone thinks it's strictly guns
will wait for a price drop on this one, I'm afraid
...Regular enemy variety gets better as game goes on, but the basic task doesn’t: shoot zombies until they die. Even with varying guns and the four characters switching up as the player progresses through the plot, the experience always has that faint flavor of same-old-same-old hanging around. I’m not saying we need constant friggin’ fireworks, unicorns shooting rainbows, and bear cavalry in here, but the formula just seems to rely too heavily on you being the only guy in the country who has figured out how to shoot a gun.
...From an obvious homage to the Licker of Resident Evil, to a giant octopus, to a demon bigger than the roof of a building, and more, the bosses and mid-bosses constantly provide exciting fights.
...Franchise fans get to see an amusing side story starring the characters they’ve come to love over the last half-decade, doing things they’ve never done and interacting in new ways. There’s also something entirely too fun about controlling series madman Majima and blasting things with a shotgun.
The characters are as good as ever, and their interactions and dialogue are enjoyable.
...The first time a zombie fell from the ceiling, I jumped. The next 400 times, it was wholly expected, to the point that it became a joke. I’d walk into a room and say out loud to my wife “I’ll bet you a zombie drops from the ceiling in the next area,” and a lot of the time, I’d win. The first time I saw a zombie waiting for me around a corner, it was a little startling. By the end of the game, I was convinced that zombies hung out exclusively near corners and on ceilings. Talk about going back to the well. It’s almost like the team tried to create scares and atmosphere on par with Silent Hill or Resident Evil, but didn’t realize that the great things about those games is that the fright and tension are near constant. There is little comic relief, minimal zaniness, and even less karaoke to conflict with the feelings of those games. Having a zombie or two or nine drop from a ceiling would have been great, but this game overused it, as well as a few other tricks.
Yakuza: Dead Souls isn’t going to bring in any new blood to the Yakuza series, but for its existing fans, it provides an interesting story and gameplay elements that haven’t been explored previously. Combat against the common zombies gets old fast, but there are some great boss battles to balance it out. As a huge Yakuza fan myself, I somewhat enjoyed the game, but wish there would have been a little better pacing and more chances to explore. Dead Souls ends up being OK for what it is.
aw man Totobeni why you gotta be here
i wish i could ban you from yakuza and suda threads sometimes
it's just that Yakuza 4 was really fucking shitty and horrible.
I love Yakuza series, Kenzan and Yakuza 3 are in my top 10 this gen I even liked the Spin off on PSP, it's just that Yakuza 4 was really fucking shitty and horrible.