Hero of Legend
GameXplain FINALLY uploaded the credits! Transcribing now! 
Downloading now. Also can people please quit posting YouTube links? They're embedded on mobile and the thumbnail is a screen grab of the last boss.
Development Producer
Naoto Ohshima (Co-creator of Sonic and Eggman, Director of Sonic CD, NiGHTS, Burning Rangers, Blinx 1 & 2, and Pinobee 1, Story Event Coordinator and CG Movie Producer: Sonic Adventure, Senior Producers: FlingSmash and Yoshi's Island DS, Executive Producer: Blue Dragon, Producers: Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy, Special Thanks: The Last Story)
Masahide Kobayashi (Director: Knuckles Chaotix and Metal Head, Planning Director: FlingSmash, Lead Planner: Blue Dragon, Planning: Shinobi, Planning Director: Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy)
Game Design
Tomohide Hayashi (Planning: FlingSmash, Monster Planners: Blue Dragon)
Jun Imanishi (Project Manager: FlingSmash, Lead Tester: Blue Dragon)
Ryo Sato (Monster Planners: Blue Dragon, Options: Virtua Fighter 4)
Takashi Nakashima (Director of the Opening Movie: Mario & Sonic 1, Event Scene Support: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Movie Section Director: Phantasy Star Portable)
Masaya Kaneko (Planning/Planners: FlingSmash and Blue Dragon, Special Thanks: Shining Force Neo and Panzer Dragoon Saga)
Teppei Iwanaga (Game Designer: We Cheer 2 at Machatin Inc.)
Satoshi Imaeda (Package Design/Packaging on Snatcher and Ganbare Goemon: Uchū Kaizoku Akogingu)
Daisuke Hagiya
Hirotsugu Kobayashi (Special Thanks: Vampire Rain and Blue Dragon)
Yuko Tatsuko
Art Director
Masamichi Harada (Art Director on Blinx 1 & 2. Lead Field Artist in Sonic Adventure!)
Field Design
Koki Mogi (Design: FlingSmash, Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy, and Yoshi's Island DS, Planet Designers: Ristar)
Sho Kumagai (Design: FlingSmash, VFX: The Last Story, Town Map Model C Artists: Blue Dragon, Modeling & Animation: Pokemon Battle Revolution)
Nobuaki Kuroda (Map Designer: Xenosaga Ep. III)
Yasuko Hamaoka
Kana Fujibayashi
Ryuichi Okubo
Character Modeling & Motion
Yoshihide Sasagawa (Background Map Model Artists: Lost Odyssey)
Hiroshi Arai (Concept Model Artist: Blue Dragon, Concept Modeling: lost Odyssey, Character: the Last Story)
Event & Effect Design
Tatsuro Matsunaga (Artists: Blinx 2)
System Programming
Tomoh Kondo (Game Programmers: Blinx 1 (as Tomoo Kondo))
Lead Programming
Yuki Hatakeyama (Field Program Support: Sonic Adventure/DX, Lead Programming: FlingSmash, Yoshi's Island DS, Programming/Program: Yoshi's Topsy-Turvy, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Space Programmers: Space Channel 5 Part 1 and Part 2)
Player Programming
Tooru Funakura (2D Works Programming: Drakengard 2, Sound Programming: Bullet Witch)
Enemy Programming
Tomoya Tateishi (Event Programmer: Blue Dragon, Game Programmers: Blinx 2)
Object Programming
Masatoshi Sato (Program: Sega Bass Fishing)
Keiichi Yamanaka (Programmers: Vampire Rain)
Taruhiko Kakinuma
UI & Minigame Programming
Shinichi Kawamoto (Programming/Program Support: Sega Ages Hokuto no Ken and Sega Ages Fantasy Zone, Shenmue, Sega Bass Fishing)
Boss Programming
Takanori Yoshida (Programmers: Ninja Gaiden 2004, Monster Rancher 4, Rygar: The Legendary Adventure)
Kenji Miyakawa (Main Programmer: Sakura Wars: So Long my Love)
Atsuhi Gotoh (programming: FlingSmash, Monster Lead Programmer: Blue Dragon, Game programmers: Blinx 1)
TA & Map Programming
Mikio Kume (Interface Programmers: Sonic and the Black Knight, Boss Programmers: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Quality Assurance: Sonic Unleashed Wii/PS2)
Technical Support
Satoshi Kimura (Programmers/Game Programmers: Blinx 1, Pinobee 1, Vampire Rain, Fortune Street)
Special Thanks
Noboru Shirasu (Real Time Even Lead: Blue Dragon, Planning: FlingSmash, Project Manager: Fortune Street, Graphic Design: Vib-Ripple)
Kunihiro Shirahata (Coordinator: Guardian Heroes, Assistant Coordinator: Hang-On GP, Special Thanks: Phantasy Star IV)
Character Modeling & Motion
Imageepoch Inc.
T's Music Co., Ltd
Chamy.Ishi (Mario Party 9 and Island Tour)
Sound Effects
Yuhki Mori
Yutaka Takahashi (Both on Mario Party 9 and likely Island Tour, the same company worked on them)
Music really can make or break a game huh?
I think the port's fine. It still plays the same, the only real difference is the fact they added in Yoshi's voice from Yoshi's Story. If you can tolerate that, you can have a good time with the GBA version of Yoshi's Island.
Not the game but the Yoshi themed XL. Unless Target fucked up.. XDWario64 saying that you can get this game with a bonus $30 gift card from Target on Sunday... anyone know where to find the ad that claims this?
It's always the same theme and the same remixes are in every world, I heard a new remix in 2-1 however but then everything was the same.Is the background music the same in every stage? Or is it the same in all stages, but different in each "world?"
At work now with a short day. This and the Veronica Mars movie are making me really want to be heading home already!
I know what you mean. It'll be another 9 hours or so before I get home with my copy.
\We know our competitors are eager to tempt potential holiday-goers as well, but there can be absolutely no substitute. Green Hill Zone is a dreadful place, highly prone to unsightly industrialisation.
It hurt YIDS for sure, considering the first game had an amazing soundtrack.Music really can make or break a game huh?
Played through the first world tonight. Didn't 100% everything, some of it is really sneaky in how they hide it, but I was having a good time. Music sounds better coming out of the system than those videos and I think it looks better with 3D. Some of the stuff you see in clips looks mushed together - makes more sense when you're roaming around with it turned on.
This game is woefully under-rated. The way some places and people have trashed it just doesn't fit. The gameplay is nice and tight. Level design is good and imaginative in hiding things. Music, ok I'll give them that. Graphics are nice and I actually get it now I've seen it on the 3DS.
It doesn't deserve the hate it's getting.
I agree. The music also sounds slightly worse on the GBA and the voices they added quickly get on my nerves. Not to mention that the hardware cannot handle some of the graphical effects, e.g. touch fuzzy get dizzy.Like all SNES ports on the GBA, Yoshi's Island suffers from a cramped viewing area, since the resolution of the GBA screen is much lower than the resolution that SNES games were displayed at. This is particularly a big problem in Yoshi's Island since the gameplay involves collecting items, which are now much harder to spot. It's not totally broken, but if you have cash to spare, you're much better off plopping down 75 bucks or so for a used SNES and a copy of the cartridge.
l preordered the game from Amazon, but thanks to Prime, all non-Prime orders get the shaft. My game won't arrive until next friday. I reserved another copy at my local Best Buy and will pick it up in an hour. I'd just cancel my Amazon order, but it's $5 cheaper, so I'll just return the Amazon copy to Best Buy.
I also acquired Fire Emblem this week, but I intentionally held off so I could focus on Yoshi.
It's happened to the last three games I have pre-ordered. Prior to Prime being implemented in Canada, a pre-ordered game would ship on release day and arrive a day later (I live near the shipping centre located in Mississauga). Now, the games sit at "preparing for shipment" for three or four days, then get shipped.
It didn't matter much before, since I could just buy locally instead, but with the Canada price increase, Amazon kept their prices lower for a bit, so I pre-ordered everything I could to save money. So, this is all just a rant from a cheapass who already used up his free month of Prime and misses the old times of one-day delivery super saver shipping.
A question for those of you who have the game. Is there multiple control options? I noticed the default control scheme is A to jump, B to eat, and X to aim + throw. I'd prefer B to jump, Y to eat, and A to aim + throw.
There are two control options, luckily for you the second one is exactly what you're looking for.
Happy to see most who have bought the game are actually enjoying it. I hope Max will like it too.
The game has no manual or booklet of any kind. Grumble. I was hoping Nintendo would keep that to their primarily digital releases (Wind Waker and such).
Happy to see most who have bought the game are actually enjoying it. I hope Max will like it too.
BTW Hero of Legend, thanks for going to all the trouble of transcribing the credits!
Don't pretend this is actually a thing.
Tezuka: We actually considered making this game for the Nintendo Wii U system but we were told the Yarn Yoshi game by our fellow developers at Good-Feel would be the Yoshi game for this system.
Iwata: What is Wii U? [laughs]
Tezuka: [laughs]
Iwata: More seriously, we wanted to ensure players of a younger age got to play this new game. Our internal numbers show that much younger players own a 3DS compared to a Wii U.
Tezuka: But is Yarn Yoshi not a more kid-friendly game? Miyamoto-san described it as similar to Kirby's Epic Yarn which my family really enjoyed. [laughs]
Iwata: That is true. We had internal discussions about this, so perhaps it is for the best that Good-Feel has moved on to a different project we feel will strike more of a chord with Wii U users, using NFC technology.
Yoshi's New Island Iwata Asks
:-o Kirby NFC game confirmed?!
You're not Anihawk, link or didn't happen.
No, it's not real of course. I know I'm not AniHawk, just keeping his Iwata: what is wii u joke alive. I thought that was pretty funny. This was just for my own amusement, hopefully others will find it amusing as well.
No, it's not real of course. I know I'm not AniHawk, just keeping his Iwata: what is wii u joke alive. I thought that was pretty funny. This was just for my own amusement, hopefully others will find it amusing as well.