I remember one of them was "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. What is it?"Impossible Questions: Only appearing in Vol.3 and the first PlayStation version, Impossible questions are worth very large amounts of money, but as the name implies, they are almost always very, very difficult. An example of an impossible question is one which asks the players what the word 'pyrrhic'. The Lost Gold had a variation of this question as well, but it was more Pirate-oriented questions, for example "What was the name of Blackbeard's Parrot?"
yeah i just ran across that today too. would have been a good opportunity for a new question type for sure. when they said it was worth extra money i was sure that would be it but nope just a regular abxy question so doesn't make much sense to me.Chairhome said:Loving this game. It kind of sucks that "put the answers in the right order and buzz in to see if you are right question" is not an accurate title, cause you don't actually buzz in. I was expecting it to be like Scene it where you try to put the stuff in the right order then hit the buzzer. This turns out to be exactly like a regular multiple choice question. Not a huge deal, game is amazing.
I was just met with the same frustration. I know you can't take a "guest" online with you, but I had two Xbox Live gold member profiles on my machine and it wouldn't let us pair up for the game. Really frustrating.Saint10118 said:Uggg! I'm having some major retardation issues with trying to set up a 2 local v 2 online party for this game. Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong? The primary issue is that everytime a second local player tries to jump on in the party it kicks everyone out.
Edit: 360 version here
Thanks for the response - this really has to be fixed as I'm really not understanding a rationale as to why this wasn't implemented in the first place. What really makes it suck is that, as you said, the game is awesome otherwise.Doodis said:I was just met with the same frustration. I know you can't take a "guest" online with you, but I had two Xbox Live gold member profiles on my machine and it wouldn't let us pair up for the game. Really frustrating.
Also, the mic was automatically muted for both me and my friend online. I was using Kinect, he was on a regular headset. None of our mute settings were on. Anyone know what's up with that?
Otherwise, the game is classic YDKJ. Awesome.
In Canada, this was downright impossible to find on the 360, and PS3 has been sold out. I don't think THQ thought this was going to sell, it's really under the radar.C4Lukins said:I hope word of mouth spreads on this game. Only 9000 people on the 360 leaderboard as of last night. My mom is actually going to buy it so she can play with me online.
AlphaTwo00 said:In Canada, this was downright impossible to find on the 360, and PS3 has been sold out. I don't think THQ thought this was going to sell, it's really under the radar.
SailorDaravon said:Doesn't work that way, voices over electronics just don't carry at all for her really.
Right, but let's be honest, the banter is half of it.
Will pass, super disappointing that in 2011 we still can't get proper subtitle options in game releases. I still almost on a daily basis get thanking me via email for a Resident Evil 4 transcript I posted on GameFAQS like 5 years ago (half from deaf/hoh, and half from people where english is not their first language). I don't know if game companies are just clueless to this audience or what.
kaizoku said:apparently someone found out via the YDKJ facebook age that the game will NOT be coming out anywhere else. Jellyvision said it's out of their hands so could be a THQ decision, all the rights and so on are probably a nightmare.
sucks, I was all up for my first quiz game too.
Can any nice person inform me on whether this game can be imported and educate me on the ramifications of playing it on a UK Xbox? No online play? No DLC?
Really disappointed, THQ don't even respond on twitter the assholes.
Xater said:That sucks. I want to import but in this case the pop culture stuff might not always translate.
I felt like there was more pop culture stuff then there used to be, but I also don't know any of the pop culture questions anymore so I think I just notice them more.Stumpokapow said:Pop Culture stuff isn't too bad in this edition (there are lots of jokes about Facebook, Twitter, Jersey Shore, etc so you obviously need to know Pop Culture, but I mean it's nothing you couldn't read on the Internet) but you might be a little confused because government/politics questions are US-centric and questions that relate to measurements are all imperial rather than metric.
Stumpokapow said:Pop Culture stuff isn't too bad in this edition (there are lots of jokes about Facebook, Twitter, Jersey Shore, etc so you obviously need to know Pop Culture, but I mean it's nothing you couldn't read on the Internet) but you might be a little confused because government/politics questions are US-centric and questions that relate to measurements are all imperial rather than metric.
Many of those questions however have to do with relating the two units of measurement from what I've seen so you kind of have to know both anyways.Xater said:Ok that might be even a bigger deal, especially imperial measurements.
What? Are you not hearing all the host chatter or something that the players are laughing/responding to? Or are you referring to the animated "1ne, 2wo, etc" bits before each question pops up?TheSeks said:$5 for 100 questions. :/
Not sure how I feel about that.
Edit: Also saw the quick look. Is the it really that long to load the questions and answers or is there some game show host thing that I'm not seeing/"hearing" before the questions?
Yep there's just no excuse for it tbh.see5harp said:Really enjoying this game but it seems like they should take away some of the strength of the Jack Attack. Seems like 90% of the matches I've played so far have all come down to the last round.
Especially since even if you slam on the button it's kind of a crap shoot on whether or not you'll be determined to be first.AstroLad said:Yep there's just no excuse for it tbh.
AstroLad said:Yep there's just no excuse for it tbh.
TheSeks said:Edit: Also saw the quick look. Is the it really that long to load the questions and answers or is there some game show host thing that I'm not seeing/"hearing" before the questions?
The 1 and 0 sex one where she pops out a baby? Priceless.ultron87 said:The alternate Question 10 animation is incredible.
Meier said:The 1 and 0 sex one where she pops out a baby? Priceless.
I don't mind the Jack Attack since it's been around since the beginning, but it would probably be perfect at around $1000/$1500 a question. That's still a lot. But the Jack Attack questions are generally so easy that all of a sudden it's like Jeopardy with Watson and just a buzzing contest. You mention the Dis or Dat and it's unfortunate that the amounts are so low there compared to Attack that it's almost completely meaningless how you do.see5harp said:Love the Dis or Dat. It would be nice if something like that was the last round instead of always Jack Attack. I almost would rather it be like the first two rounds where you can get a random "put the words into order" or "ventriloquist lisp answers." Then the game would feel more like The Price is Right (always sorta wished the bidding wasn't always the last part of Price is Right also).
technically, wouldn't 5 AND/OR 6 be a correct answer?faceless007 said:I remember one of them was "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. What is it?"
I guessed right, it was. Thought it was hilarious they would use that as a question.five
ultron87 said:It's so simple, yet so explicit.
I was specifically referring to the alternate version of it where shehas a devil baby with horns and stuff.
6 is still my favorite though.
OneLetter said:There's an even better one where(I forgot the exact episode, but it had to do with an orphan) If you get the wrong answer of the day, the prize is your very own orphan in portrait form. When Question 10 comes around, instead of an "n" or a devil baby, the same picture you won earlier pops out and says "Hey. How are ya?" We were laughing so hard we all missed question 10.
It was amazing.
Speaking of amazing, for the intro animation for question 4, have any of you seen wherethe first number 4 gets shot, and they all scream and run away? Hilarious.
So glad this series is back. Already bought DLC 1 and eagerly waiting for any more coming.
see5harp said:What the hell man. I've sent you messages and invites and you didn't accept. Play me man.
OneLetter said:Whenever you send an invite/sign on, I'm already in a group of 4. I won't be playing tonight, but I'm sure I'll be on at some point over the weekend. I'll invite you to the next one if I see you on.![]()
AstroLad said:played this again with some friends tonight . . . the questions are great. the scoring is still driving me nuts though. it's very frustrating that the game always comes down to the jack attack. might as well call it jack attack. i actually liked the new answering system where everyone gets a shot. but it just provides way too little disparity between people. i feel like maybe this could be addressed by reducing the point value not just based on time but also on position. so for example if you answered second you'd get $500 less than first no matter what. they could accomplish this by just taking a chunk off once someone answers. maybe put the chunk back if they got it wrong. just something to make there be more discrepancy between people earlier on.
which brings me of course to the jack attack. given the new system the way jack attack is set up is absurd almost to the level of being a troll. where i'm expecting some joke in the game about how none of this matters anyway b/c all that really counts is jack attack. so given that the entire game everyone gets a chance to get points it's really odd to give $4k straightaway to someone just for buzzing fastest on what is 90% of the time a ridiculously easy answer that everyone knew. just $4k itself is actually a really big difference in the main game. after 10 rounds imo that would be the difference between and good and mediocre to bad performance. and yet buzz in fast enough that abe lincoln was "honest" abe and it's all completely wiped out and then some. i think one way to handle the attack in a way that works much better with the current system and economy is to give everyone the opportunity to buzz in again. fastest gets $4k, second $3k, third $2k, fourth $1k. fastest wrong buzz gets -$4k and so on. and you don't reveal the results until the selection has passed. just something like that where you don't totally break the game and it goes from ydkj which has some good and often hard questions (less so than the ride imo but still solid) to just who can answer stupid questions the fastest.
also i've done about 10 episodes so far and there seem to be far fewer (any?) joke jack attack answers. i remember back in the ride a lot of the answers would crack us up and occasionally make us screw up the right answer because we were still laughing about one of the joke answers
just my 2c
AstroLad said:also i've done about 10 episodes so far and there seem to be far fewer (any?) joke jack attack answers. i remember back in the ride a lot of the answers would crack us up and occasionally make us screw up the right answer because we were still laughing about one of the joke answers
what i mean specifically is jokes relating particularly to the word that's up in some clever way, not just obviously bad answers (actually sort of the opposite). but maybe this is the case and i just missed them because i was so keenly focused on buzzing i wouldn't put it past meStumpokapow said:You're nuts on this one. I'd say a full 25% of the JA answers are joke answers of some sort or another.
that's the price everywhere actually. it's a great deal imo.lawblob said:Wow, this is only $30 on Amazon. Is one console version better than the other?