A thread about generations/pop culture that defined our childhoods in the Off-Topic forum made me think it might be interesting to share what gaming platforms we've owned over the years from the start to the present. Group stuff however you like in terms of things that kind of straddle generations (especially portables vs. consoles).
Here's mine:
-Atari 5200-first machine we had in the home growing up. I played a decent amount, but less than I'd have liked as a kid as the crappy button on the controller broke often so we were often limited to things like Pac-man and Frogger that didn't need the fire button or whatever it was called.
-NES and Gameboy- NES is what really got me into gaming. Loved SMB and Duckhunt and played a ton of games in general. Gameboy I think was mostly bought for my little brother, but he wasn't a big gamer so I ended up using it a ton. It's the only thing my parents really played a lot of too. My dad was sucked into Tetris and my mom got really into Kirby Pinball.
-SNES-Really, really got into gaming here with great games like Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 3 (6), Super Metroid etc. Never had a Genesis, but played some at friends places.
-N64, PS1 and Gameboy Advance-N64 was the first gaming hardware I bought with my own money. Mario 64, OOT and moving to 3D in general was mindblowing. Eventually had droughts on N64 and got a PS1 after playing FF7 and RE1 at a friends place. That really helped shift my tastes to where they are now as a lover of story-driven games. GBA was great to get a 2D fix with the couple of Metroid games the Metroidvanias etc. with the consoles so focused on 3D games.
-Gamecube, PS2, Xbox-bit of an odd generation for me as I loved/love a lot of games, but I was swamped with finishing up college and then on to grad school so I wasn't gaming as much as before or after this generation. Got the Gamecube first as I was still mostly a Nintendo fanboy, but ended up playing PS2 the most probably. Xbox got the least use as I got it later on and mostly for KOTOR.
-Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo DS-I got the Wii first, mainly as the other two were too expensive early in the generation on my grad student in a pricey big city budget. Got tired of waggle and lack of HD once I got an HDTV and grabbed a 360 bundle deal after being blown away by Gears of War at a friends' place. That ended up being my main that generation. PS3 I got later on when my Xbox Live account got hacked and migrated to Russia and took a few months to get back (along with access to my saves). Loved Sony's exclusives. DS also got a shit ton of usage.
-Wii U, 3DS, Vita-I'm just popping these together as I had them at the same time and they don't neatly fit with in the often cited console generations. Wii U was great to finally get Nintendo games in HD, 3DS had a shit ton of great first party games, Vita was mostly disappointing to me but was a great place to play indies--especially pixel graphic things that I don't like to play blown up on a big screen.
-PS4, Xbox One/PC, Switch-MS lost me at launch with their bad reveal and then being $100 more with less powerful hardware due to a Kinect that I didn't want. PS4 has been my main and probably my favorite console since the SNES. So many great, story-driven exclusives and mostly great versions of AAA multiplats. I eventually got an Xbox One for Rise of the Tomb Raider, Halo 5, and Quantum Break primarily. Sold that off when Play Anywhere started and just grabbed a gaming PC as I needed to replace my desktop for working at home anyway. Switch has been phenomenal for me with the first party support, replacing the Vita as my go to machine for retro-ish indies, and I love the hybrid feature of playing the same games on the TV and on the go vs. trying to juggle and make time for a separate Nintendo portable game library along side their consoles.
Here's mine:
-Atari 5200-first machine we had in the home growing up. I played a decent amount, but less than I'd have liked as a kid as the crappy button on the controller broke often so we were often limited to things like Pac-man and Frogger that didn't need the fire button or whatever it was called.
-NES and Gameboy- NES is what really got me into gaming. Loved SMB and Duckhunt and played a ton of games in general. Gameboy I think was mostly bought for my little brother, but he wasn't a big gamer so I ended up using it a ton. It's the only thing my parents really played a lot of too. My dad was sucked into Tetris and my mom got really into Kirby Pinball.
-SNES-Really, really got into gaming here with great games like Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Final Fantasy 3 (6), Super Metroid etc. Never had a Genesis, but played some at friends places.
-N64, PS1 and Gameboy Advance-N64 was the first gaming hardware I bought with my own money. Mario 64, OOT and moving to 3D in general was mindblowing. Eventually had droughts on N64 and got a PS1 after playing FF7 and RE1 at a friends place. That really helped shift my tastes to where they are now as a lover of story-driven games. GBA was great to get a 2D fix with the couple of Metroid games the Metroidvanias etc. with the consoles so focused on 3D games.
-Gamecube, PS2, Xbox-bit of an odd generation for me as I loved/love a lot of games, but I was swamped with finishing up college and then on to grad school so I wasn't gaming as much as before or after this generation. Got the Gamecube first as I was still mostly a Nintendo fanboy, but ended up playing PS2 the most probably. Xbox got the least use as I got it later on and mostly for KOTOR.
-Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo DS-I got the Wii first, mainly as the other two were too expensive early in the generation on my grad student in a pricey big city budget. Got tired of waggle and lack of HD once I got an HDTV and grabbed a 360 bundle deal after being blown away by Gears of War at a friends' place. That ended up being my main that generation. PS3 I got later on when my Xbox Live account got hacked and migrated to Russia and took a few months to get back (along with access to my saves). Loved Sony's exclusives. DS also got a shit ton of usage.
-Wii U, 3DS, Vita-I'm just popping these together as I had them at the same time and they don't neatly fit with in the often cited console generations. Wii U was great to finally get Nintendo games in HD, 3DS had a shit ton of great first party games, Vita was mostly disappointing to me but was a great place to play indies--especially pixel graphic things that I don't like to play blown up on a big screen.
-PS4, Xbox One/PC, Switch-MS lost me at launch with their bad reveal and then being $100 more with less powerful hardware due to a Kinect that I didn't want. PS4 has been my main and probably my favorite console since the SNES. So many great, story-driven exclusives and mostly great versions of AAA multiplats. I eventually got an Xbox One for Rise of the Tomb Raider, Halo 5, and Quantum Break primarily. Sold that off when Play Anywhere started and just grabbed a gaming PC as I needed to replace my desktop for working at home anyway. Switch has been phenomenal for me with the first party support, replacing the Vita as my go to machine for retro-ish indies, and I love the hybrid feature of playing the same games on the TV and on the go vs. trying to juggle and make time for a separate Nintendo portable game library along side their consoles.