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Your Top 10 dead IPs you would like to see a new game from


Gold Member
Unreal tournament

There was an old Xbox game, Unreal Champions I think it was called? It had an actual character roster where the characters all had unique melee weapons and loadouts. I think the camera shifted to 3rd person when you equipped your melee stuff?
Hero shooters are common nowadays, but this is the first one I remember and it was a blast.


1)Star fox:adventures 2
2)The legend of Zelda, the good ones not the minecraft for kids ones
4) wildlands (basically a well made co-op game)
5)Diddy Kong racing.
6) banjo kazooie
7) sonic adventure
8) more myst/riven games
9) warcraft
10) splinter cell

(Bonus modern game, days gone)

Mr Hyde

Chrono Trigger/Cross
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (not the shitty Soul Reaver sequels)
Kid Icarus
Parasite Eve
Guardian Heroes
Dark Savior


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I'd love another Prey game. As in, Prey by Human Head Studios. I'd love Prey 2 specifically.
Days Gone
Sleeping Dogs
Dead Space — Dead Space 3: Awakened gave us such a huge cliffhanger ending, I so wish we could have seen this story reach a conclusion.
Quantum Break
Saints Row — as in the actual Saints Row.
Star Wars: Battlefront — The games by Pandemic and Rebellion, not the DICE games.


The Elder Scrolls
Half Life
Magic Carpet
Command and Conquer Red Alert but like 2
All Singleplayer and made well.


some are dead some are semi dead some might be being developed in secret.
list of games i would like to see return.
so many good IP that have potential that they dont touch.

-Metal Gear made by kojima (Physint will probably scratch that itch, i hope it will be good)
-Syphon Filter (reboot)
-Resistance (reboot)
-Killzone (reboot)
-Infamous (reboot)
-chase the express/nuclear dawn (remake/reboot/sequel)
-Dino Crisis
-Binary Domain (reboot/remake/sequel)
-Deus Ex (remake/reboot)
-Half-Life 3
-Duke Nukem (Doom Eternal quality)
-L.A. Noire (reboot/sequel in another city?)
-Lost Planet (reboot)
-Max Payne
-Splinter Cell

there are probably many more i missed
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1. StarTropics
2. Castlevania
3. Command & Conquer
4. Banjo-Kazooie
5. Legend of Dragoon
6. Granstream Saga
7. Megaman Legends
8. Tombi
9. Golden Sun
10. Rhythm Paradise


Splinter Cell
Deus Ex
Clock Tower
The Evil Within
Metal Gear Solid (no I don't count the low effort remake coming out)
System Shock


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Not including those who are getting remasters:

Chrono series
Mother series
Breath of Fire
Wild ARMs
Hotel Dusk/Last Window series
King’s Quest series
Lunar series
Haunting Ground
Left 4 Dead
Parasite Eve series

I’d put Suikoden, Tomba, Clock Tower, and Castlevania but they have remasters on the way (Castlevania NDS collection came out last week).
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Half-Life (😭)
Metal gear solid
Dead space
Burnout (the real thing)
Twisted metal
Alien versus predator
Silent Hill
Duke Nukem (boomer shooter version)
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1. Thief
2. Mega Man Legends
3. Suikoden
4. Vagrant Story
5. Parasite Eve
6. Might and Magic
7. Heroes of Might and Magic
8. Splinter Cell (old school light and dark style stealth)
9. Castlevania SOTN sequel (2.5d or full 3d with same progression and inventory/weaponization as SOTN with Alucard as the main character, and have Trevor, Maria, and Ghosts of Simon as unlockable protagonists )
10. Sim City (a legit competition to city skylines without the online bs from 2013)

Notable mentions:
Deus Ex ( last one wasn't that long ago so I didn't include it)
Neverwinter Nights 3 (last one was from 2006 by obsidian)
Wizardry - a new game in the original western style similar to wizardry 8.
A game similar to Clive Barkers Undying (2000 era horror game, check it out of if you never heard of it)
Half-life 3 (non vr) - really easy one.
Brave Fencer musashi - in the old style
Legacy of Kain or Blood Omen 3
Blood Rayne - (although i can't see western devs being able to pull this off with out uglifying the character)
Black sequel - this shooter was amazing. Played it recently on the xsx and its still fun.
Call of Jaurez - Gunslinger - (We don't get straight up arcade shooters like this ever , its still so fun, played on the ps3 and the switch)
Resistance - a proper new game or reboot.
Killzone Mercenary 2 or a proper sequel to kz2 /kz1 reboot ( kz mercenary it was a vita game, but the mechanics in this game were so fun and the buying weapons part. This game was way better than shadowfall)
Black and white / Populous - God games, resurrect Peter Molyneux ..lol
Ultima open world single player game or Ultima Underworld sequel
Dark messiah of might and magic 2 - (The environmental deaths and physics were amazing for a source engine game from 2006, why this didn't get a sequel is baffling, ubisoft is sitting on a lot of ip grrr)
Freelancer 2
Burnout (with a rock and metal centric soundtrack, may be hard to do in todays day and age with how most mainstream music is shit)

I could go on and on here, I excluded things like Silent Hill and Metal Gear as Konami is making some remasters that are on the way, finally, so who knows what the future will hold for them.
I know I am forgetting a ton, but this is a subject I have thought about extensively.
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1. Panzer Dragoon [Sega] - But more like Panzer Dragoon Zwei (not Orta);
2. Blast Corps [Rare]- with better controls, please!;
3. Ridge Racer [Namco] - more on the vibes of Ridge Racer Revolution, Rage Racer, Rave Racer, etc., pure and simple arcade bliss, with various versions of Rare Hero or the likes on the OST;
4. Guardian Heroes [Treasure] - esoteric 2D craziness of the good times;
5. Castlevania [Konami] - 2D (a new SotN with no portable gaming gimmicks) or 3D (better versions of the PS2 titles, not PS3);
6. Motorstorm [Sony] - get us, please, Motorstorm Pacific Rift Remake ASAP or something like this, please, please;
7. The Mark of Kri & Rise of the Kasai [Sony] - great games that, with a little twitch, will be perfect for this generation;
8. Jumping Flash [Sony] - would be great with this new Astrobot engine and vibe;
9. Bounty Hunter [Lucasart] - a new game based on the new Mandalorian story arc (without baby Yoda and all the quirks, just classic Star Wars);
10. Jedi Knight [Lucasart] - return to the 90s PC gaming vibes;
11. Unreal Tournament [Epic] - return to 1999 arena shooter scene (or Unreal Championship 2, with that cool mix of FPS and TPS on the OG Xbox);
12. Sega Rally Championship [Sega] - maybe a modern version of the SRC 2;
13. F-Zero [Nintendo] - GX / AX revisited, could name it F-ZERO SX;
14. Wave Race [Nintendo] - a modernized version of WR 64;
15. Quake [ID] - brown medieval gothic dark lovecraftian lightening fast goodness;
16. Twister Metal [Sony] - mix 2 and Black and boom!;

Honorable mentions: Timesplitters 2, SOCOM 2, Cloak and Dagger (Atari), Metal Gear Solid, Bloodborne (or at least, a PS5 version... come on!), The Club, and the list goes on...
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Mostly older Nintendo franchises at this point

Eternal Darkness
Wave Race
Punch Out
Golden Sun
Team Fortress (3 is long overdue at this point)
Defender of the Crown
Shadowgate/Deja Vu/Uninvited style games but in VR (why hasn’t this been done yet?)
Days Gone
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- Mach rider : open world set in the f-zero universe.

- Phantasy Star 5

- Star Tropics 3

- Kid Icarus uprising 2

- Mother 4

- Wizards and Warriors 4
Wizards and Warriors 4, you mean the NES game series by Rare, published by Acclaim back in the 80s?

I don't remember the 3rd game, was that still on the NES or on SNES? First two were some of my favorite's before I got into proper rpgs.

It's frustrating that these games aren't on the switch NES emulator. Don't know why, as other Rare games have come out. Wonder if it has to do with acclaim.

Sorry to sidetrack the thread but, I haven't heard talk about these in decades.

Phatasy star 5 would also be awesome, if done right. I just went back and played the first game on the switch , never having played it. The sega ages port, has improvements to the ui but man I can't imagine figuring some of it out without a guide. I did that with Dragon warrior and Final Fantasy back in the day, but this one was rough, i had to look up some things. I imagine the other Phantasy Stars are similar, although I haven't played them yet.
Star tropics had a sequel , never knew. I was probably on to 16bit systems at that time.


1. Warhawk
2. Starhawk
3. WarCraft (RTS)
4. StarCraft (RTS)
5. Prince of Persia
6. Tenchu
7. Power Stone
8. Dino Crisis
9. Resistance
10. Burnout
11. Killzone
12. MotorStorm
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  1. Ape Escape
  2. Black & White
  3. Soul Reaver
  4. Golden Sun
  5. Spyro
  6. Crash Team Racing
  7. Deus Ex
  8. Rayman
  9. Tyranny
  10. Prince of Persia (3D game and not a remake)
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One of the green rats
Wizards and Warriors 4, you mean the NES game series by Rare, published by Acclaim back in the 80s?

I don't remember the 3rd game, was that still on the NES or on SNES? First two were some of my favorite's before I got into proper rpgs.

It's frustrating that these games aren't on the switch NES emulator. Don't know why, as other Rare games have come out. Wonder if it has to do with acclaim.

Sorry to sidetrack the thread but, I haven't heard talk about these in decades.

Phatasy star 5 would also be awesome, if done right. I just went back and played the first game on the switch , never having played it. The sega ages port, has improvements to the ui but man I can't imagine figuring some of it out without a guide. I did that with Dragon warrior and Final Fantasy back in the day, but this one was rough, i had to look up some things. I imagine the other Phantasy Stars are similar, although I haven't played them yet.
Star tropics had a sequel , never knew. I was probably on to 16bit systems at that time.

3rd game was on nes. Wasn't as good as 2 but was still good.
In no particular order:

-Panzer Dragoon
-Parappa The Rapper/Um Jammer Lammy
-(classic) Shining Force
-(classic) Phantasy Star
-Boku no Natsuyasumi
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Rogue Squadron
Ghost Squad
Wave Race
Sega Rally
Eternal Darkness
WWE 64 style grappler
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
In no order

Arc the Lad
Syphon Filter
Soul Blazer
The Getaway
Dark Cloud
Medal of Honor
2D Castlevania
Street Fighter Alpha


Gold Member
1. Phantom Dust
2. Midnight Club
3. Socom
4. Bloodborne
5. Splinter Cell
6. Ninja Gaiden
7. Metal Gear made by Kojima
8. Shinobi
9. The Matrix
10. Panzer Dragoon

Not in any particular order, except Phantom Dust is no.1


1- Kings Field
2- Otogi
3- Wipeout
4- Dino Crisis
5- Zone of the Enders
6- Ape Escape
7- MGS
8- Syphon Filter
10- Onimusha

All of these to me should be no brainers in this day and age.


I think all of these have been mentioned by other people to some extent but my dream list:

1. F-Zero
2. Titanfall
3. Sim City (Cities Skylines is C-tier at best)
4. SSX
5. Rez
6. Zone of the Enders (Only if Kojima can get the rights back / be involved)
7. Portal
8. Dead Space
9. Unreal Tournament
10. Burnout


Dino Crisis
Legend of Legaia
Breath of Fire
Valkyrie Profile
Valkyria Chronicles
Wild Arms
Parasite Eve
Ar Tonelico


Another Century
Crash Bandicoot
Mana Khemia
Sim City
Bloody Roar
Ace Attorney
Refraining from listing what has already been mentioned.

We Love Katamari
Time Crisis
Smuggler's Run
The Wold Ends With You
Mirror's Edge
Summer Lesson
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1. Parasite Eve
2. Phantasy Star
3. Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight
4. Driveclub
5. Mega-Lo-Mania
6. Rings Of Power
8. Sleeping Dogs
9. The Order 1886
10. Herzog Zwei
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