You do realize that Google makes Billions and Billions by selling our data.
We have already paid, a lot, with our privacy.
What Google is doing is called double dipping.
And let's remember that Google creates none of the content on youtube. They are not producing content for their own platform, like Netflix, Disney, HBO, etc.
Google is just leeching off unto creators that put all the time and effort.
And then Google just screws them with random rules and demonetization.
Really, you could level the same accusation at Netflix or Disney - in that they have deals with third party production companies who will ask them to pay for their productions, not everything on those channels, even the exclusives, are actually in-house productions. They're just funded by the platform. And to some degree, bigger youtubers are paying for their productions with Youtube's money - The revenue they earn from videos funds their next video (I'm of course not talking about an individual sitting at home talking on a webcam, production costs probably aren't that high there...).
But, in terms of value elsewhere, Youtube offers creators the tools to distribute and make money from the content they make. Google could, if they wanted to, lock the platform down and say that everyone who wanted to post a video would need to pay a membership fee. Or they could put some unfriendly clause in about IP ownership. That's obviously not how the business model works, but the value that Google offer creators - that is being on the biggest video distribution platform in the world IS worth something to creators. Without an audience, you're nothing.
On top of that, the ads give the channels their revenue - and they get most of it (55%, so not a lot more than half, but still most) of it. That's how it works - that youtubers can make this their profession through ad revenue and sponsorship.
For Youtubers, if they couldn't make money with ads, there'd be fewer of them. And for Google, if they didn't get paid by advertisers, what would be the point in serving up billions of videos a day?
I get not liking the ads. I don't like the ads either. I have considered paying for premium to make them go away. But I don't get the outrage at there being ads, that the platform wants to make sure people see.
Obviously run whatever plugins you want, I don't care if Google makes less money, I agree that they make plenty. But so does Nike and Coca Cola and they're not giving Jordans and cans of coke away. They could totally afford to though.