so cody has all these cuts and bruises in different videos. and is constantly upset and people subscribe to watch him be abused?
They are definately sadists, or something worse...whatever it is. It's honestly the only explanation. They get a kick out of it.
Here is the original thread when the story broke out for those who care take a peek.
Oh my god, fuck this guy. I cannot stop cringing.
According to this article posted in May, Cody and Emma (the girl) are with their biological mother. Apparently she lost custody to the POS in the videos, so hopefully Cody and Emma are doing much better.Sometimes in abusive households, one or two children are singled out. I read a lot of true crime and have come across a few stories when a child dies of abuse where the parents or parent exhibit similar behavior (enlist members of the family to join in, enjoy the spectacle, multiple breaks in bones of child and over time, etc). Lock these fucks up.
Hope Cody gets placed with people who will love him like he deserves.
Team do5 til i die
We love you we always be there for you
We all love you from our heart and dearly
Daddyofive mommyofive you guys have so many people that love you dearly and care for you so much allowed to give you moral support
What is this shit? Christ, smfh. Sucker born every minute, I guess.
Have you not heard of this before?
Watch this video when you've got some free time. You'll probably get very angry.
What's with the idiots on Twitter going on and on about how they "love" this guy?
What is this shit? Christ, smfh. Sucker born every minute, I guess.
Have you not heard of this before?
Watch this video when you've got some free time. You'll probably get very angry.
This is worrying.
'But wait, the kids made us abuse them!'Fucking WHAT?!
Yeah, please go to jail.
I don't blame you for not finishing it. These people are monsters.
Oh my god, fuck this guy. I cannot stop cringing.
We pay no mind to the pathetic attention seekers jumping on bandwagons 😊👊🏻
@MikeMartin1982 favourite YouTuber and keep up the good work 🙂
Yehwe will always be here for you! xx I hope I always see your vlogs every day. you are like family to me & my son. <3
Luv U So Much Mike &Heather Im Stress Free because of you
These are, mostly, children.What are those posts:
Uh, a kid with a kid?Good. I was afraid that after the initial outrage died down, we wouldn't hear anything anymore, and more importantly, nothing would happen.
These are, mostly, children.
This is not a defense, it's an explanation. Many children seem to lack the ability to emphasize here, living good lives, they can't grasp how terrible this is for the victims.
Yeah I was looking at he comments and thought the same thing.What's with the idiots on Twitter going on and on about how they "love" this guy?
What is this shit? Christ, smfh. Sucker born every minute, I guess.
These are, mostly, children.
This is not a defense, it's an explanation. Many children seem to lack the ability to emphasize here, living good lives, they can't grasp how terrible this is for the victims.
What are those posts:
A lot of them seem to be single moms though.
A lot of them seem to be single moms though.
Oh my god, fuck this guy. I cannot stop cringing.
A lot of them seem to be single moms though.
"Sorry guys didn't have the time to upload a video busy getting charged with child neglect. "
Someone should sneak into the trial to film it and upload it all to youtube.
Then he'll know how it feels.
What are those posts:
This video makes me sick to my stomach.
The worst moment for me is the little girl, peacefully listening to music and drawing something from her tablet, ruined by her brother being egged on to blast her with water, ruining the drawing and probably the tablet too.
The psychological damage to these kids is unbelievable. So sad.
The abused child cries for help and desperately asks his father why he abuses him in one video. "Why are you doing these things to me?"
Too dark. Couldn't get all the way through it. Stopped when the little girl cried "I'm just a child" and the dad laughed and made a funny face at the camera.