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Zelda on DS confirmed.

BREAKING: In a recent interview with MSNBC's Steven Kent, EAD Deputy Manager and Zelda-extraordinaire Eiji Aonuma confirms the DS title.

Spurring the aftershocks of Zelda praising at E3 2004, Gamespy's Steven Kent (better known as MSNBC's main gaming guru) recently sat down with EAD Deputy Manager and former Zelda Director, Eiji Aonuma in an interview analyzing the future of the Legend of Zelda series.

The interview confirms the development of a Legend of Zelda title for the DS:

GameSpy: How many Link games are under way right now?

Aonuma: Three. We have a Game Boy Advance Zelda, a DS Zelda, and this GameCube one.

GameSpy: The DS game has not been announced.

Aonuma: That is correct. It is something for the future.

GameSpy: Does it have a title?

Aonuma: There is no name yet. We don't even have a name for this one (the adult Link) yet.

We all knew it was coming, but now we can rest assured that development has already started, hoping for a simultaneous release with the Nintendo DS system.

More as it breaks.

Sorry if old.


*crosses fingers it's an original game and not Ocarina/MM with some cheesy as shit bottom screen minigames added*


OG_Original Gamer said:
Could anyone come up with some ideas for Zelda that involve two screens.

Original username Idespisefanboys
Tons of ideas.

The most obvious choice would be to use the top screen for a map and item screen, while the bottom screen is the action screen.

Another choice could be to use the top screen for advanced puzzles in dungeons. For example; Link could literally set a camera-like device in a certain room inside a dungeon, and then leave it there while he traveled to a different room to perform a different task. With the still camera in the opposite room, Link could then perform actions in the room he's in on the action screen and see the result in the opposite room.

During boss battles, the top screen could be used to show the boss' perspective while Link engages him in battle.

The exciting part about Zelda DS though, is that considering how Zelda is known for innovation, the franchise will no doubt reach new levels on DS.


If Nintendo can prove the DS is a new way of playing games-- they can do it with ZELDA! If it's just like an SP Zelda with a map on the bottom screen then you have Nintendo themselves saying we can't think of anything creative to use the touch/dual screens even for our biggest franchise. It's just a gimmick.

If Nintendo kicks our asses and surprises us with a handheld killer app, it will set an example for all developers. Whatever ideas they use I'm praying for Nintendo to show us why the DS is called the "3rd pillar" with Zelda. If they do, Sony better add a radio or camera or whatever to the PSP. They just can't compete with Nintendo over good games should Nintendo start dishing them out one by one. :D
OG_Original Gamer said:
We all knew it was coming, but now we can rest assured that development has already started, hoping for a simultaneous release with the Nintendo DS system.

If any Zelda launches simultaneously with the DS, it's Minish Cap.

EDIT: As far as interesting possibilities for DS. Well, a number of Zelda games have used several variations of the same world. LTTP's regular and dark worlds, Ocarina of Time and Oracle of Ages differing by time periods. It could be interesting to see one world on both screens, and seeing immediately how changes in one affect the other.


I think it is an original game. If it was a remake I doubt they'd keep it a secret. Or at least Anunoma would not start the hype machine so early with "it's something for the future."


Chrono said:
If Nintendo can prove the DS is a new way of playing games-- they can do it with ZELDA! If it's just like an SP Zelda with a map on the bottom screen then you have Nintendo themselves saying we can't think of anything creative to use the touch/dual screens even for our biggest franchise. It's just a gimmick.


I'm liking the idea of having one screen show the results of the puzzle you're solving. Another quick idea would be to have one screen be 3D and and the other a LttP style 2D view where you could control Link from either…but that's asking for too much, I fear :b


SteveMeister said:
Well, it's good news, although the REAL surprise would have been if they NEVER made a Zelda game for DS :)
very true. If this isn't an original title and is another port of OoT and MM, I will be immensely pissed.


They should make the bottom screen for items, so you can just tap what you need instead of tedious button swapping.


Nintendo stated that the DS has the ability to do cel-shading

3-D: With the newly developed graphics engine, DS can reproduce impressive 3-D renderings that can surpass images displayed on the Nintendo® 64. Games will run at 60 frames per second, and allow details like fog effects and cel shading.
Hope it's in 3d AND 2d (perfect way to use daul screens). If some nobody inpendent guy could make a good rendiition of OOT in 2d, I am certain Nintendo can do it.
MetaKnight said:
Hope it's in 3d AND 2d (perfect way to use daul screens). If some nobody inpendent guy could make a good rendiition of OOT in 2d, I am certain Nintendo can do it.

But the point of 3D is to do those things not easily done with 2D/sprites: things like varying levels of height and angles that aren't multiples of 90 (or sometimes 45). If it can accurately be played in 2D, making it also in 3D would just be a strange waste of development time.
What would be great is if they took the idea someone else mentioned about the map, but instead of having it in the top screen, the map should be on the touchscreen (bottom screen).

With this you can select potions and weapons on the fly with your finger ( you can use your finger on the touch screen too). Flipping through maps and zooming in and stuff would be cool.

maybe use the mic so that if you whistle, epona comes around?
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