I agree with you on BS timers, DPS checks and stupid scores, as well as stuff which is not rewarding you for how good you play in terms of understanding how the game works and how to utilize everything the combat system has and be properly rewarded for it. And yeah, DMC is the right game to look at and borrow things from as well, but for some stupid reason MHY just loves these BS timers, DPS checks and scores nobody gives a flyin' fuck about

I think the game needs a proper combat tutorial like really good modern fighting games have, where you can learn each character, team compositions, how they work, how to properly fight, how to cancel things, how to counter and dodge, when to switch to other agents, how you need to build your teams, which bangboos do what and how you should pair them etc. etc. And yeah, I'm all for combat mode with rewards for how good you play and understand the mechanics without BS timers and scores tied together into a one giant and furstrating mess
They should look at the challange tower in the first Onimusha for example, which has one of the most rewarding gameplay in the game where your skill can trully shine and when you beat it.... well, I'm not gonna spoil it... just in case