She's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, is she? If Holowka really had mental issues, like he did claim repeatedly, and had suicidal ideations, like he did claim repeatedly, confronting him was a really fucking bad idea. It's almost a rerun of the whole Etika fuckup.
And her deactivating her twitter is just the turdlet on top of the heap of elephant shit. At the very least she could have shown the intestinal fortitude to brave the broadside of accusations.
Hopefully this cools the jets of some overzealous young women. I'll say it here, even though many of them will never read this since this forum is considered cancer: you not liking that the guy could have had you fired for not having sex with him is not the same as rape. You slinging accusations can have repercussions greater than 'just' having a guy thrown out of a company and ostracised.
And for industry newbies: you need to learn that sometimes taking the high road, not accepting sex with your boss, or your boss's pal, can get you tossed out on your ass from the company. This shit tends to happen in companies with rigid seniority.
Getting tossed out on your ass for not offering sexual favors to a senior is a) not a bad thing; b) not a career-ender. Pretty much every single one of the women who now accuse had (at the time of the incident) this twisted view that their gaming careers would have been dead-ended if they refused. Even if that were to have been true, it is merely a trade-off one has to accept, or not.
I know my ethics system is extremely harsh, but people simply need to own their fuckups. Everybody is the maker of their own shipwreck. Being blacklisted from gaming companies for refusing to fuck a senior is just something which can happen, if said senior is an asshole (which, I'll admit, is more often the case than not). People get blacklisted from the gaming industry all the time, and just move on to software dev, web dev, advertising, etc., regardless of how passionate they were for games. Think of all the people who got stonewalled out of the gaming industry after getting a reputation for refusing to do crunch. They also got fucked, only just mentally, in their case.