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There is no "right way" to break up after a long-term relationship, is there?

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Hey GAF,

I usually tend to keep my relationship issues fairly private, even on the internet, but I guess I need to vent a little. I feel like my relationship of 4 1/2 years has run its course. We both met about 6 or 7 years ago through a mutual friend (who was in my grad program, and my former roommate), and got together at the mutual friend's graduation party. Relationship got physical fast, and we were bf and gf after about 6 weeks. After a year, we moved in together (her idea) into a one bedroom here in downtown Boston. Last year, we moved again because the rent was too high.

We've both been to each other's families homes for holidays and reunions, been to weddings together, gone on vacation together, helped each other through sickness, loss, and financial hardship, and have accumulated a lifetime of memories. We're invited to go to our mutual friend's wedding this summer in ATL, and we're tentatively planning a trip to Europe. She also wants to get engaged, buy a condo, get a puppy, and start pumping out kids before she turns 35.

So why do I want to end this? To be honest, I don't think either of us are happy. Her commute increased by over an hour per day when she moved into the city, and its affected her work and her disposition. She wants to move into the suburbs, which would be a nightmare for me (I work in the city and all of my friends/hobbies are here as well). She often comes home complaining about her kids (she's a HS teacher), her workload, and her admins. In short, she hates her job, but it's the only job she's ever had in her 10 years out of school. She's constantly stressed about money and whether she'll be fired. She also hates our current apartment (which she chose). She thinks I'm a slob (to be fair, I can be from time to time). She doesn't really like a lot of my friends (when I was in grad school she thought all my classmates hated her, now that I'm in the 'real world' she thinks my normal friends get 'too crazy' when we go out once or twice a month so she prefers to stay home). She's constantly complaining about my work hours (I work in research), my preferred gym time (late afternoon), my second job when I had it (I was a bouncer for about 18 months). She hates gaming, either PC or console. She doesn't eat meat, which means when we cook dinner together it is pasta, pizza, or fish which gets boring after a while. She also refuses to try skiing, hates fireworks, hates roller coasters, is allergic to cats (which I love), and we have completely opposite tastes in music (she likes classical and country), so we rarely go to concerts together. I often find that I have to drag her, kicking and pouting, into social situations, which she will then grudgingly admit to later as having been a good time. She wants to raise kids Catholic, I find the Church abhorrent (I consider myself miscellaneous Christian).

I think she's more in love with the idea of being together, than she is in love with me.

And then there's the sex...well, there was sex at some point. We've had sex, maybe, 12 times in the past 18 months. That includes our trip to Puerto Rico. We had sex once in the past 3 months, a time that included my birthday (nothing), New Years (nothing), and Christmas (nothing). Some may have noticed me mention in the topic last week, she doesn't give bjs. She thinks doggy style is degrading. She tries using sex as a weapon in jest "if you say/do this you're sleeping on the couch tonight!", but it's lost all meaning. You can't threaten a starving man by withholding dinner.

I think she thinks she's being clever, that withholding sex will get me to propose to her faster (she's been adamant about getting married since our second year together), but if anything, it makes me more appalled by the idea with each passing day. What if this is as good as it gets? I don't think adding the weight of commitment will suddenly make us happy. I know she'll never break up with me unless I openly cheated on her (which I have declined to do, more out of obligation than out of not wanting to at this point). And I know that if I break up with her, she'll be devastated, which is really hard to swallow.

Mostly, I feel terrible about letting everyone down. My Mom, who wants grandkids. My older brother, who thinks I'm the happiest I've ever been in this relationship. Her sisters and her parents and her extended family, who've accepted me and expect me to pop the question any day now. My coworkers, whom I've made an effort to convince that we're really, really happy together. And she will hate me. Probably forever. For wasting her years, for dashing her dreams, for embarrassing her in front of her friends/family, for making promises I could never keep.

And then there's the logistical issues. How do you break up with someone when you have a lease together? This happened to another friend of mine a few years ago (her bf walked in their apartment one day, said he was unhappy, offered to sleep in another bedroom, she told him to GTFO, he was paying two rents until he moved all of his stuff out), but neither of us can afford to rent this place on our own. I was actually having similar feelings around this time last year, which is one of the reasons I supported the idea of not renewing our last lease, but I couldn't find the "right time" or the "right reason" to sit her down and break up with her. Now we're a year later and it has only become harder.

Valentine's day is this week, which poses its own set of problems. At first she said she didn't want to do anything (oh yeah, she hates certain holidays, including V-Day, Independence Day, New Years, and Halloween), but now she's retracted that and wants to do something. If I break up with her on V Day week I'm a terrible person, if I wait until after another hugs and kisses and cards and candy weekend, I'm a worse person, aren't I?

My mother and my godmother both made me have "the talk" this past Thanksgiving when I went home (my gf didn't come with me this year, as 'punishment' for me not proposing). I told them I was still unsure about getting married. I didn't go into nearly as much detail has I have in this post, obviously. My Mom thought it was just jitters. My godmother flat out said I should break up with her.

So what do you guys think? Have I been deluding myself into thinking that the relationship was magically going to get better? Is this how normal people feel and act in relationships after this long? Should I just shut up and eat my damn lemons? Or have I been way too complacent, letting this drag on way past its expiration date for fear of change?


It's doomed man, Believe me. It's not worth salvaging, and to be honest I was really wondering why you keep tolerating this kind of relationship halfway reading your post. There were great times before, but it's over, it's just dead now. It's just not working out anymore, and it's not worth wasting each other's time on this. Prepare yourself for a giant shit storm. She's punishing you as if you were one of her students, for fuck's sake.

And please wrap it up or avoid any kind of sex, even if you don't much of any with her. don't risk getting trapped ..

Just end it. It will be better for her AND for you in the long run.


You're godmother knows what she's talking about. Think about living with someone who hates most of the things you do for the rest of your life , thinking about that on top of having kids , when you get old , and you die a miserable old man who yells at clouds . Think about that. Think about yourself dude !

Also no BJs man, you're living the in the gutter dude, like what positives can you even think of for the future? ( no seriously in all other context) there are plenty of fish in the sea and it does get better than this , trust me .
Hey GAF,

oh yeah, she hates certain holidays, including...Independence Day

Hates Independence Day? Break up via text.

Really though, it sounds like you've been unhappy for a while and that's a tough thing to deal with. I'd try a long weekend out of town with her to see if you can rekindle what you once had (if it was ever there) before you end it though.


Break up with her now. I'm was actually in the exact same position as you op only we are a bit younger. Our relationship lasted five years and I finally ended it last month.

You're right there is no perfect time but you can't let your feelings take a back seat to hers. You need to take care of yourself before making anyone else happy.

The logistics are weird though because we also share a lease and still live together so that's awkward. I'm trying to move out but I do worry if she will be okay.
Have tried telling her how you feel? I'd do that before just breaking up with her. Shit like different tastes and not liking cats doesn't matter, if you love somebody you won't care that you'll never have a cat. It sounds pretty bad when you just list all the things you don't like about someone. Sure you'll probably be better off breaking up, but when you've let the relationship get to this point there's certain steps you have to take to not be a dick. Maybe even going to couples counseling. You can't just break it off with her and destroy her.
Hey GAF,

And then there's the sex...well, there was sex at some point. We've had sex, maybe, 12 times in the past 18 months. That includes our trip to Puerto Rico. We had sex once in the past 3 months, a time that included my birthday (nothing), New Years (nothing), and Christmas (nothing). Some may have noticed me mention in the topic last week, she doesn't give bjs. She thinks doggy style is degrading. She tries using sex as a weapon in jest "if you say/do this you're sleeping on the couch tonight!", but it's lost all meaning. You can't threaten a starving man by withholding dinner.

I think she thinks she's being clever, that withholding sex will get me to propose to her faster (she's been adamant about getting married since our second year together), but if anything, it makes me more appalled by the idea with each passing day. What if this is as good as it gets? I don't think adding the weight of commitment will suddenly make us happy. I know she'll never break up with me unless I openly cheated on her (which I have declined to do, more out of obligation than out of not wanting to at this point). And I know that if I break up with her, she'll be devastated, which is really hard to swallow.

I hear ya.

Same here, for two years now.

Currently in the state of split up. We have a one year old boy though. Saddens me to no end, but the whole situation has been getting so bad, that I need to do a cut, and go on with my life.

edit: And my advice: Get outta there as fast as possible. It won't get any better, and she will hate you anyway some point in your future.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Last year, we moved again because the rent was too high.

Real talk now. I feel you bro. I ended a similar relationship just about a year ago. We liked each other but had long term differences that wouldn't have been fun to deal with, it was a huge hassle to get out of the relationship, like you said I felt like I was letting all of the ancillary people down, there's never a "good" time to do it, etc. I don't know what to say about the rent because she was still able to cover the rent in my situation.

I will say that it doesn't sound like you want to spend the rest of your life with this person, and it also sounds like you're reaching the point where that's an important factor in your relationship. It's tough (sounds like she'll cry a lot, and that's a hard thing to do to somebody), but ultimately it sounds like it might be for the better.

All that being said, don't listen to GAF lol.

Listen, she's gonna hate you. Accept that.

For example, this talk is total bullshit. I made a thread about trying to keep in touch with my ex and got shitted on big time, and now we talk regularly.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Brother, once a seed has been planted it can't help but grow. There's no going back now. You can't put a tiger back in it's cage.

That being said, there's ways that while not right are maybe "less wrong". Listen, she's gonna hate you. Accept that. I'm willing to bet she feels similarly on some level but may not even have the courage to admit it to herself.

In my 10 year marriage we were both so unhappy but I was so comfortable in my misery I never would have jumped. It took my wife coming out of the closet to break everything apart and press the reset button. Two years later I can tell you I'm so thankful to her for being brave enough to take that step.

You can't control how she'll feel, you just gotta pull that bandaid, bro.
Once you get in a fantastic, perfect relationship it really highlights the flaws in every previous relationship you've had up to that point. Sometimes that level of clarity is required to point out the obvious that you may be missing now.

Good luck. It's never easy dumping someone.
You already know what you have to do, and yes it will be hard. It's always hard.
No common interests and no sex, sex only missionary and no Bj's? Ugh. Can't get married to that. It's not going to get better, it's only going to get worse.
That's going to be tough but you need to break it off before you end up in a loveless marriage or have a kid together. Good luck OP.
Have tried telling her how you feel? I'd do that before just breaking up with her. Shit like different tastes and not liking cats doesn't matter, if you love somebody you won't care that you'll never have a cat. It sounds pretty bad when you just list all the things you don't like about someone. Sure you'll probably be better off breaking up, but when you've let the relationship get to this point there's certain steps you have to take to not be a dick. Maybe even going to couples counseling. You can't just break it off with her and destroy her.

We've definitely had a couple of times over the years when we got into bad fights, and a few sit down talks where we had to decide what we both needed to improve going forward. So it's not like she's completely oblivious to us having issues. She's even started making a few comments this week about how we totally need to have sex this coming week (subtly implying that it's my fault, even though she had a sinus infection for half the month, but whatever). But I find that, when you lay all of your complaints at someone's feet and make up, you have makeup sex, you have a few weeks of walking around on eggshells trying not to get the other upset for any reason... and then it's back to business as usual. I don't think either of us has the time or money for professional counseling.

Things like cats and pizza and music and such are superficial, I know, but they are the kind of things that blow up when you're expected to live with someone every day. I always thought of moving in together as a warmup for buying a house together and getting married. If living together now isn't really working, will buying a bigger place really alleviate some of the core issues?


I'm not one who likes to tell people to break up at the first sign of things getting more difficult in a relationship but yours sounds beyond saving at this point. Just break it off; the sooner, the better.


First I want to say I was in 10 year relationship, that ended 2 years ago. We had 2 kids which I now raise on my own.(Very grateful for them)

Many of the issues you describe are familiar and a combination of general relationship issues that can and for man do occur overtime. Bu there are also personality issues conflicts there to.

If there is still genuine love there and you could see the whole family, kids, etc in the future. I would pretty much layout everything you said in this post to her. For better or worse. If things are going to get better and move forward these issues MUST be communicated and worked on by both parties.Assuming both are wanting and willing.

Honestly most of what you described can be pretty easily resolved but that will depend a lot on her.

She's either going to take huge offense to what you said/wrote from the context of "this is who I am" which means fixing/changing things is not going to work, or she will be upset but the situation will be a wake up call and make her see how many of the things she does or wants etc aren't such big deals and cause genuine change.

People can change and situations like this can create a genuine massive shift in people. Big emotion can cause big changes that do last and this might be one of those situations.

So my question is if most (not all) of what you described was not an issue or she was more open and aligned with who you are, etc would you still care for her and want to be in a relationship? If so, then I would lay it all out and tell it like it is and put the ball in her court. You also need to be open to change your self since she might want some compromise which is what makes a relationship work. Its partnership which goes 2 ways.Communication brother man, thats going to have to be open and in flow goign forward if you guys do move forward.

If you dont think you want to be with her even if things where different or you dont feel its worth the energy, time and temporary stress then its probably time to move on. And thats ok, but it really comes down to what you want and then just moving on that, for better or worse.


End it. It sucks, but you need to now than in the future when you have more commitments.

How anyone can live without doggy style is beyond me.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
. It took my wife coming out of the closet to break everything apart and press the reset button. Two years later I can tell you I'm so thankful to her for being brave enough to take that step.
What does this mean? Are you two still together or did it end after she gg'd out?
It's over. You need to move on.

If you decide to leave, prepare and plan, make sure you don't get screwed over in any way. It sounds harsh but you are leaving her, you don't owe her anything. I left my ex on a whim, didn't think about how we had our savings etc, lost everything. Don't think that as soon as you make your mind up that you have to tell her and leave immediately. Do it.when it is right and convenient for you. sounds brutal, but by the way you describe her, she will be one he'll of a pain in the ass if you ain't got yo shit together.


Full werewolf off the buckle
What does this mean? Are you two still together or did it end after she gg'd out?
Sorry if I wasn't clear. She has our kids and I watch them most nights while she works. We live apart but remain fairly friendly. No real love lost. We're technically married but intend to get divorced very soon. It's a daunting process.
I only read half your post before I started wondering why you'd put up with that kind of a relationship. There are so many things wrong with it, and so many red flags screaming "end it" that it's baffling to read how you ended up in your current situation.

Mostly, I feel terrible about letting everyone down. My Mom, who wants grandkids.

Who gives a fuck? It's your life, and you shouldn't give a shit about if a parent wants grandkids.

Also: parents who put pressure on their kids to pop out some grandkids are assholes.


The sooner you end this the better.
Dragging it will make you feel worse and worse as the time passes. Right now you are in a crossroad and they're not easy to deal with, good luck.
(my gf didn't come with me this year, as 'punishment' for me not proposing)

What in the actual fuck. This alone--not to mention the many other MASSIVE red flags in your post--is a sign that the relationship is unhealthy as shit and not worth holding on to. Move on; there's a world of great possibilities out there man. If you have to ask "Am I just desperately holding on to this hoping it will get better?" Then you already know the answer.


We've definitely had a couple of times over the years when we got into bad fights, and a few sit down talks where we had to decide what we both needed to improve going forward. So it's not like she's completely oblivious to us having issues. She's even started making a few comments this week about how we totally need to have sex this coming week (subtly implying that it's my fault, even though she had a sinus infection for half the month, but whatever). But I find that, when you lay all of your complaints at someone's feet and make up, you have makeup sex, you have a few weeks of walking around on eggshells trying not to get the other upset for any reason... and then it's back to business as usual. I don't think either of us has the time or money for professional counseling.

Things like cats and pizza and music and such are superficial, I know, but they are the kind of things that blow up when you're expected to live with someone every day. I always thought of moving in together as a warmup for buying a house together and getting married. If living together now isn't really working, will buying a bigger place really alleviate some of the core issues?

If you love her, this post points to possible willingness on her part to work on things. But you guys might not know how to do that or be aggressive enough in working things out. Sounds like there's resistance and to much blame in communication. You 2 will need to talk much more and be more open and possibly have a system in place and plans for working on things. Communication has to be frequent and open but with care and trust. No blame or blowing up just tell each other hows yous feel and what your thinking. Not the easiest thing for many.

In my 10 year relationship we resolved a good chunk of stuff, much because of me and my interest in personal growth and change. My partner would try and change for awhile but then in some key areas would revert back. She wasnt into change work as much as me. Shes finally realizing that many of the problems we had were things she needed to resolve herself. But the time has passed and life changes.


You've had sex 12 times in the past 18 months and you think that's gonna get better after marriage? Man, that's just depressing.
First I want to say I was in 10 year relationship, that ended 2 years ago. We had 2 kids which I now raise on my own.(Very grateful for them)

Many of the issues you describe are familiar and a combination of general relationship issues that can and for man do occur overtime. Bu there are also personality issues conflicts there to.

If there is still genuine love there and you could see the whole family, kids, etc in the future. I would pretty much layout everything you said in this post to her. For better or worse. If things are going to get better and move forward these issues MUST be communicated and worked on by both parties.Assuming both are wanting and willing.

Honestly most of what you described can be pretty easily resolved but that will depend a lot on her.

She's either going to take huge offense to what you said/wrote from the context of "this is who I am" which means fixing/changing things is not going to work, or she will be upset but the situation will be a wake up call and make her see how many of the things she does or wants etc aren't such big deals and cause genuine change.

People can change and situations like this can create a genuine massive shift in people. Big emotion can cause big changes that do last and this might be one of those situations.

So my question is if most (not all) of what you described was not an issue or she was more open and aligned with who you are, etc would you still care for her and want to be in a relationship? If so, then I would lay it all out and tell it like it is and put the ball in her court. You also need to be open to change your self since she might want some compromise which is what makes a relationship work. Its partnership which goes 2 ways.Communication brother man, thats going to have to be open and in flow goign forward if you guys do move forward.

If you dont think you want to be with her even if things where different or you dont feel its worth the energy, time and temporary stress then its probably time to move on. And thats ok, but it really comes down to what you want and then just moving on that, for better or worse.

This is a great post and includes actual solid advice.

Communicate. Compromise. If those are things that neither of you are willing to do then call it.

I also agree with the posters who are saying not to worry about the secondary players in this (your mom, her mom, friends, co-workers). It's your life. You have to live it. Those who love you will stand by you.
I'm really sorry OP, but i honestly think that your relationship should end. Time will only increase your discomfort with all the problems you've mentioned, even the smaller ones.

It's not all that bad. I know it's hard to see the good side of breaking up, but believe me, that's just a matter of not having the correct perspective.

Good luck with whatever you do.


Sounds like the relationship should have ended a while ago.

Her behavior sounds pretty abusive and it seems you two really don't have that much in common.
I could never be with anyone who disliked Halloween.

I mean, what the heck?

She finds the idea of dressing up to be stupid and embarrassing. I still managed to convince her to dress up at least once. Mostly she'll just stay home. We actually went to a costume party this year and she was the only one not in a costume. I went as Cobra Commander. She would have been an awesome Baroness.

Drake said:
You've had sex 12 times in the past 18 months and you think that's gonna get better after marriage? Man, that's just depressing.

We used to have sex every week when we lived 30-45 minutes away, often multiple times a week in the summer when she didn't have to work. I know the "Honeymoon" phase of any relationship never lasts, but I never thought it would get this bad.

Edit: Spock, thanks for such a well-written and well thought out response. Definitely a lot in there I have to consider this week.
The only person who's responsible for your happiness is yourself. If you're not happy and you feel one of the reasons is because of the relationship then maybe you should be ending it.

Also I don't think you will be letting anybody down per say, your family will ultimately want what is best for you and if you don't feel the relationship is best for you, why would you be letting them down?
Next time you have sex, ask her if she can do you the favor of doing it doggy style just this one time. If she refuses, you know what to do.


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Jesus. After reading that. Why the fuck are you still with this woman. I honestly can't understand why you would think it's even remotely possible to spend the rest of your life together.

Not trying to pick on one thing more then another but your not even married yet and your not having sex. Get the fuck out of there.
She finds the idea of dressing up to be stupid and embarrassing. I still managed to convince her to dress up at least once. Mostly she'll just stay home. We actually went to a costume party this year and she was the only one not in a costume. I went as Cobra Commander. She would have been an awesome Baroness.

We used to have sex every week when we lived 30-45 minutes away, often multiple times a week in the summer when she didn't have to work. I know the "Honeymoon" phase of any relationship never lasts, but I never thought it would get this bad.
Every relationship goes through changes, including sex frequency. I've been married for 20+ years and there are low frequency periods and high frequency periods. For my wife and me at least it's more of a roller coaster than just a downward curve. And again, you need to communicate about it.


It sounds like you've thought this through in great detail. A lot of your issues seem to be related to basic compatibility. Probably best to end it.
We used to have sex every week when we lived 30-45 minutes away, often multiple times a week in the summer when she didn't have to work. I know the "Honeymoon" phase of any relationship never lasts, but I never thought it would get this bad.

It definitely shouldn't get that bad, unless it's an unusual couple in which both people have low libido. Grossly unequal sex drive is not healthy for anyone.

My longest relationship ever was 4 years. The honeymoon phase was over after 2 years, but even after that it was at the very least once a week. Again, different people are different, but it's obviously got you pretty frustrated.


Super Sleuth
Every relationship goes through changes, including sex frequency. I've been married for 20+ years and there are low frequency periods and high frequency periods. For my wife and me at least it's more of a roller coaster than just a downward curve. And again, you need to communicate about it.

18 months, out of 4.5 years, has been a dead bedroom. She uses sex as a bargaining chip/weapon. That shit is bad, and not normal.
Speak with her, lay all the issues out on the table as you've done here, and see if a resolve is possible. Base your decision to break it off on how she responds to the discussion. Don't just end it immediately, because you could be breaking off something that could transform beautifully with patience and understanding. I was told to break up with my girl a long time ago and, had I did, I wouldn't be in this wonderful relationship with her that has evolved and overcome massive problems.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Edit: fuck it, nevermind. Keeping it to myself.
Maybe you can trick her into ending it? Adopt a cat, play more video games, cook steaks for dinner.

This seems silly and passive aggressive, but I think I've been subconsciously doing this for years (although I do game far less now that at any point in my life, some because I'm busy, some because I know it irritates her to no end). Most recently, I decided to take a trip to the Dominican with my parents in March (for my great aunt's birthday), a trip she was quite insistent that I NOT take because she couldn't come with me.

I still haven't told her that I booked it (about 10 days ago), not looking forward to the fallout there.


Honesty sounds like the best policy here. Tell her the truth. Tell her you want to try couples' therapy to see if there is an issue you two can resolve.

Ivan 3414

No offense, but after reading your post OP, the first thing that popped into my head was


I couldn't live with a woman that nagged like that. I've lived with too many with such a propensity.
If you're resigned to a breakup it's really the only thing you can do. There is no clean or ideal way to get it done. Things will be messy. Your lease is going to be an issue, like you said, and you're going to run into "who owns what" dilemmas. Both of you will be conflicted. It sucks. Not sure what else anyone can say, and I'm only repeating what everyone before has mentioned. It takes a lot of slogging through shit to come out clean on the other side. Just try to keep the other side in mind while you're crawling toward it.

I do want to say something that I didn't see mentioned above (edit: often. Few people did while I was writing this). If you are not 100% out on this relationship it is perfectly reasonable and fair to try and work it out. Through everything you wrote above, none of it mentions sitting down with this person you clearly care about and talking her through how you feel. I'm sure that you've made attempts, but what I would suggest is that you try as hard as possible to impress upon her that your situation is dire. Breaking up is the next step level dire. And that you are willing to work on improving your relationship on both ends--because all of us have problems of our own--before going down that road. Relationship counseling with a licensed and well reviewed professional would be my first stop.

Of course, if you're checked out you don't owe it to anyone to stay and make obligatory gestures of reconciliation. Do not feel like you have to make an effort to push through this. But if you're wavering, and it sounds like you are, I would advise not bailing until you've given it everything you can.

Two last things: always remember that you are who matters most. Your feelings, your health, your well being. That doesn't mean you should prioritize the smallest of your concerns over the largest of hers, but it does mean that if you're scrambling your mental health in an unfulfilling relationship nobody can give you shit for walking out. Each and every single person on this planet needs to be able to look out for themselves no matter how devoted they are to someone else.

And secondly, if you need to talk to anyone just give the word and I can be around.


I agree with your godmother.

If you have been with someone for this duration, especially cohabitation, and you cannot pop the question then its time to move on.

You just wrote a 1200 word post and the only reason you could muster for continuing the relationship is that you are already in it.
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