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Sony E3 2014 Conference Thread


I found it interesting that the two 'biggest' games of the show (The Order, Destiny) interested me the least, while a lot of all the 'smaller' stuff caught my attention the most. Hopefully that's a sign of changes to come in the industry at large.


I reckon MS had the slightly better conference, but Sony showed the two games I'm most eager to play. Even though I played 'em both last year.

People expected anything to do with Vita... why?
That seems like a really daft question. We take it for granted that Sony aren't going to support one of their two current games platforms, but that isn't 'normal' in any way.

I won't pretend I was surprised that they completely ignored the Vita, but I can't blame others for expecting to see something.

They showed the future of Vita... it's a microconsole accessory now.
It's the same as it ever was. Remote play + Indie games with an erratic sprinkling of retail titles.


This one's not a complaint per se, but I'm surprised they didn't even mention PS3. Was half expecting a price-drop, slim(mer) model, or P5 info.

Didn't stay up last night 2am in the UK, and in work today

What was announced for the Vita gamewise
Besides grim fandango?
Not including indies



The Amiga Brotherhood
Honestly i think that it was a bad conference, U4 was just a teaser, the megaton Project Beaast was leaked time ago with gameplay while the reveal was just a teaser, LBP3 has zero creativity compared to its predecessors(honestly from Media Molecule i was expecting big changes due to the generational jump), most of the other games, while good, are everywhere, lots of f2p games(really?), no Vita games and "Playstation Tv" is a really bad name(is it a PS1 console? A Playstation branded tv receiver? "Tv" made sense in "Vita Tv" because Vita is a handheld, but alone it doesn't make sense, it will only confuse people).



I thought it was pretty good, was entertained all the way (well, except the powers part, but i survived). Vita TV is great news and a definite day 1 for me. P4G still has to wait.

Dat UC instead of The Last Guardian tho. Wish we saw more of it for that.

nothing too big on the exclusive part :(



Just caught up with Sony's conference and thought it was decent, I presume we'll get to see a lot of last years conference announcements on the show floor over the next few days.

Grim Fandango was a fantastic surprise for me, I loved that game back in the day and look forward to heading back into that mad world.

No Man's Sky still looks really interesting, I look forward to hearing more on the games mechanics on the floor.

Looking forward to TLOU as I never got to experience it on PS3.

MGSV is a must buy as the series has always been.

Other than that the rest didn't really interest me, but that's not to say they are not strong titles to suit others tastes.

What was that crappy Powers segment all about?

i just watched it now...(the live streaming was at the 3 of night here in italy) ..honestly i was expecting at least to be on par with the ms one...

to me was the most underwhelming of all the conference...a part of the uncharted 15 sec trailer...and some multiplats....
nothing too big on the exclusive part :(

How did you feel about all the multiplatform games MS showed? I hope you scored them highly.

Edit: I actually have no...idea why I...reply to your...rubbish...
you truly are...a 1st class...
goon :(


just caught up with the Sony conference. Out of the conferences so far, it has been the best, but that isn't saying very much.

The Order went from "very interesting" to "don't give a shit".
Arkham Knight looks great, but I've played that game twice already and without shitty driving.
Uncharted 4 left me surprisingly cold, as it really only was a teaser and too depressing. But the return of 2's directors makes me hopeful.
No Man's Sky looks ace and was the most interesing part of Sony's conference.

So my top two announcements of this E3 remain:
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Demon's Crest for Virtual Console.

What a sad state of affairs.


Content wise, Sony did amazing.

But the lull in the middle where that guy was droning on about Powers or other stuff unrelated to games, cut that shit.
The games shown more than made up for it though.


Didnt manage to stay up so just watched the conference. Overall I enjoyed it but it definitely started better than it finished. All the psn, now, powers, r&c movie talked dragged on. Though did they say R&C getting remade for PS4? :eek:

I think they definitely showed a better and more varied line up than ms. Destiny is gonna sell a lot of PS4, GTAV 360->PS4 transfer is genius. Bloodborne, Suda 51 exclusive, No Man's Sky, loads of indies, The Order gameplay looked Cg. Crazy. uncharted 4 just a teaser but looked great.

Overall they showed PS4 gonna have a good year, but 2015, everyone is gonna buy a PS4.

Oh I just downloaded Entwined. That was cool.


MS would take it easily for me if they just showed some freaking gameplay. CG trailers everywhere. It's like 2006 all over again.

Scalebound, Below, DR3 + DLC, Phantom Dust and Halo Collection have me considering xbox one seriously for the first time ever. Hopefully these games pan out.
Yeah, it was nice that Sony showed all that Gameplay, hardly any CGI!!! And fake letters? Brilliant and not cringe worthy one bit. Oh and where the graduate from the Don Matrick School of Video Game Bizness came out in his suit and talked media and TV for 20 minutes was enthralling! Slight edge???

Winter John

I enjoyed the conference quite a lot. It had some great looking games and Project Morpheus. Plus there was finally some news of their YouTube app. I'm looking forward to Destiny, Bloodbourne, TLOU's remaster and GTAV. Those should keep me busy for a while.


MS and Sony both had B+ conferences complete with CG and 'in engine' trailers and all,Sony had more TVTV though,surprisingly.


Yeah, it was nice that Sony showed all that Gameplay, hardly any CGI!!! And fake letters? Brilliant and not cringe worthy one bit. Oh and where the graduate from the Don Matrick School of Video Game Bizness came out in his suit and talked media and TV for 20 minutes was enthralling! Slight edge???

Microsoft nailed the presentation, Sony nailed the content.

Guess which i'm interested in more.
Didnt manage to stay up so just watched the conference. Overall I enjoyed it but it definitely started better than it finished. All the psn, now, powers, r&c movie talked dragged on. Though did they say R&C getting remade for PS4? :eek:

I think they definitely showed a better and more varied line up than ms. Destiny is gonna sell a lot of PS4, GTAV 360->PS4 transfer is genius. Bloodborne, Suda 51 exclusive, No Man's Sky, loads of indies, The Order gameplay looked Cg. Crazy. uncharted 4 just a teaser but looked great.

Overall they showed PS4 gonna have a good year, but 2015, everyone is gonna buy a PS4.

Oh I just downloaded Entwined. That was cool.

I'm pretty happy with what they showed for this year, I have plenty to chew on even if some of the them are games I've already played and some shitindies (shindies?) because I don't give up on playing games just because:

1- I've bought and played them before
2- They're more than six months old
3- They are made out of pixels

I don't know why E3 gets judged just around the press conference, there's three days to show off games - not everything needs to be shown on day one.

GTAV and Super Mario World 3D already felt more next gen than anything released in the past six months, I can't wait to play GTAV again - PS4 looks stunning, and I already thought the PS3 version did.

Microsoft nailed the presentation, Sony nailed the content.

Guess which i'm interested in more.

I don't really think MS needed to bother with a press conference, they could've just released the trailers for people. I could have done without the 'Powers' part of the Sony conference though, cutting it down to a 1h30 presentation would have been much better, but it's a Sony conference and they'll always have something undesirable in there for gamers.


Uncharted is y'know...Uncharted, it's a given that it'll be on the PS4 so the announcement really shouldn't surprise anybody, not to mention there wasn't any gameplay footage anyway. I was glad to hear there'd be a 4th game, but excited? nah


Yeah, it was nice that Sony showed all that Gameplay, hardly any CGI!!! And fake letters? Brilliant and not cringe worthy one bit. Oh and where the graduate from the Don Matrick School of Video Game Bizness came out in his suit and talked media and TV for 20 minutes was enthralling! Slight edge???

Dat salt.


glad I didn't stay up. First half was pretty great. Felt a bit like last years MS conference - open with a game, straight into another.

Was good, with new game reveals that hadn't leaked, and some interesting things to see. Right up until after Mark Boyes had finished, and then it fell a bit flat. The section in the middle was probably necessary to talk about PS TV and the destiny bundle etc, but it just went on for too long.

And that section on the comic stuff wasn't interesting at all. They avoided lengthy walk-ons from Ubisoft/Activision/EA this year, but the comic guy... I guess its all part of the deal, with E3 being nice co-marketing crap.

Picked up towards the end a bit. Uncharted is back in the jungle which is good, although hearing Sully say 'one last time' has me a little worried. I'll be sad if that is the last Uncharted, I just hope they don't kill off either Drake or Sully.

Overall probably on par with MS for me (MS had more games but it felt a little flat). LBP3 and Infamous first light are nice surprises.


Yeah, it was nice that Sony showed all that Gameplay, hardly any CGI!!! And fake letters? Brilliant and not cringe worthy one bit. Oh and where the graduate from the Don Matrick School of Video Game Bizness came out in his suit and talked media and TV for 20 minutes was enthralling! Slight edge???
Wow getting a tad worked up, no? Presentations come and go, what you want to take away from both events is that we're most likely not going to see much new games on both consoles for a long while yet, not till this holiday season, at least.
So does some enterprising Gaf member take posts from all three conference threads by collating the same member's posts throughout, just to see how lol worthy and contradictory we all are?

glad I didn't stay up. First half was pretty great. Felt a bit like last years MS conference - open with a game, straight into another.

Was good, with new game reveals that hadn't leaked, and some interesting things to see. Right up until after Mark Boyes had finished, and then it fell a bit flat. The section in the middle was probably necessary to talk about PS TV and the destiny bundle etc, but it just went on for too long.

I watched it on the E3 player on PS4 and the bloody thing started playing at the TV bit, imagine how disappointed I was until GTA woke me up

'oh no, it's another safari photography game. Hmmm, city and landscapes look nice, I like the lighting. Wait! Is that Trevor? It's TREVOR! GTAV! Yes!'
I didn't watch Sony's conference last night because it was too late.
I was really happy when I woke up this morning, looking forward to seeing new games.

So I'm browsing GAF looking for the threads I would be interested in.
I start with UC4, a CG trailer, well I didn't expect much but I was still disappointed, I know nothing more about the game than I did 3 days ago. Except that it could be the last Uncharted.

Then Bloodborne, oh yeah, I was looking forward to that one the most.
What ?! A CG trailer ? I was expecting gameplay for this one... Disappointing... The good news was we'll find out more this week.

So I watched the other game videos and all I seemed to be watching were CG trailers (I felt the same about MS conference)
Is this the movie industry or what ? I want to see gameplay, just like everyone does ! That's what games are about for christ's sake... gameplay !

I know I know, there was the Order, for example. A cinematic game, it even has black bars just like in the movies !

My point is I'm very disappointed in seeing CG trailer after CG trailer because they tell me next to nothing about the games and I hate that they don't even reflect the game they're introducing. Also, I hate this trend where videogames are pretending to be movies.

So this wasn't a good E3 for me, I wasn't even too hyped but I'm getting tired of being teased or having to watch a show about games with next to no gameplay.



Anyway moving on...

I think It was the best of the conferences, as Xbox was filled with to much 3rd party and CGI, Sony had more ACTUAL 1st party games as other than Forza Horizon 2 and Halo HD collection Xbox was big on 3rd party.

Sony have more 1st Party this year but The Order, TLOU and basicly ND just prove again they are just GODS and above all other devs...cannot wait for UC4 but it does look UC2 and bleaker..but it could be the Empire of the saga!

lol just no...this year ms have a slighty edge imho
the only good thing was..that 15 sec trailer with no gameplay from uncharted...and yea the new game by FROM..
That seems like a really daft question. We take it for granted that Sony aren't going to support one of their two current games platforms, but that isn't 'normal' in any way.

I won't pretend I was surprised that they completely ignored the Vita, but I can't blame others for expecting to see something.

It's the same as it ever was. Remote play + Indie games with an erratic sprinkling of retail titles.
I'd say it's pretty normal to ignore the product which is selling incredibly poorly and really isn't very viable in the US/Western market, that this show is geared towards, in favor of the one that is selling incredibly well. Even the crappy powers segment filler served a purpose in trying to say: "Look PS+ is worth it, subscribe and give us more money."

I take the opposite view, people can want there to have been a Vita showing, but the realities of the product situation makes expecting it unwarranted.
Why have people said Uncharted 4 had a 15 second trailer? It was about 2 minutes, which is a common length.

People are talking crazy about Layden.

PS Now
interactive Streaming
25 Free 2 Play titles
Vita TV US release
and end with a Mortal Kombat gameplay.
I was mostly fine with it but my patience wore down towards the end, and for it to then go on to be about Powers made me grumpy. If they went back into games right at the end of his part, I think it wouldn't be criticised half as much afterwards. It wasn't sufficiently separated from Powers and comes across as one big segment.


I thought content wise this was the best Conference by far. We have to understand Sony too. THEY had to talk about PS NOW and a bit of Morpheus. Yes it was too long and the Powershit was so meeh, but the Beginning and the End were awesome.

Sony gets a 7,5 out of 10

Microsoft did really well, because they showed games after games. But most of there Multiplats, which will look better on Ps4. In addition everything got leaked before.
Halo Masterchiefcollection is Gold, but it is just a remaster, not more.
For me they had games, but i didn't see the reason to buy an Xbox. The Scalebound trailer was nice, but we don't know how it is gonna turn out or what it actually is. Crackdown was a good Trailer, but it doesn't interests me at all. A lot of Fans loved C1 but hated C2. We have to see how this is going to turn out. Forza looked good, but the ingame material from IGN was meh. The graphics were okay, but not amazing. The Crew looks a lot more interesting. Phantom dust is a remake and not a new one.
I think MS showed a lot of games for the hardcore fans and the ones, who knows these franchises. Sony did a lot better by showing games with more mass appeal imo.

I give MS a 7 out of 10


I thought it was pretty good, was entertained all the way (well, except the powers part, but i survived). Vita TV is great news and a definite day 1 for me. P4G still has to wait.

Dat UC instead of The Last Guardian tho. Wish we saw more of it for that.


a part from uncharted and the game by FROM? ...sure if u mean that the order seem GREAT..we have different taste about videogames...maybe the same about movies


Both parties revealed way too much before the actual show. I know they want to get people to watch, but they shouldn't have shown all the stuff about The Order and Driveclub before hand (and it would have been nice not for Project Beast to leak too).

The shouldn't even have had to announce the delay of The Order. They should have just stuck 2015 at the end of one of the trailers.

My redesigned Sony Conference goes

Sleeping Dogs 2 / Triad Wars
Drive Club
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls (PS4)
The Order
No Man's Sky
Vita Games Compilation Sizzle Reel
Indie Games Compilation Sizzle Reel
Persona 5
Little Big Planet 3
The Last of Us Remastered
The Last Guardian Teaser
Uncharted 4

Aside from The Order and Abzu I'd probably be buying all of those games...

And no TV stuff thanks.


Wow getting a tad worked up, no? Presentations come and go, what you want to take away from both events is that we're most likely not going to see much new games on both consoles for a long while yet, not till this holiday season, at least.
Not worked up in the least. I was expecting more and was let down. After the 90 minutes of games it was hardnto choke down all the talking heads. Too much reliance on CGI in both conferences.


Where is Capcom, by the way? Wasn't there a news that Capcom will announced new RE at Sony conference?

That's what I thought the first seconds of Bloodborne were.

And I thought that the destiny opening was a new IP from sony (for about 20 seconds).

And I thought that the "one last thing" trailer could be TLG.

I got trolled hard today :(

Halo Masterchiefcollection is Gold, but it is just a remaster, not more.

Really? Sounded to me like they were going kind of balls out. Legacy H2 multiplayer mode with totally recreated maps, 100 online multiplayer maps from all games, a tv show, and some other shit I can't remember. I was impressed by how much stuff they're packing in there for $60. This is not your average HD up-port.
Not worked up in the least. I was expecting more and was let down. After the 90 minutes of games it was hardnto choke down all the talking heads. Too much reliance on CGI in both conferences.

Sometimes you just have to get off the hype train and lower your expectations to avoid disappointment.

Sometimes you have to get off the Hype Train to see where the train is headed. Here is to hoping it is not utter disappointment for you.


lol just no...this year ms have a slighty edge imho
the only good thing was..that 15 sec trailer with no gameplay from uncharted...and yea the new game by FROM..

But it's his opinion. Sony may have shown more games that interest him whereas Microsoft may have shown more stuff that interests you. There's no reason lol up in his face that he's dammed wrong.


Pretty good conference, contentwise I think it was better than last year, LBP3 was a legit suprise and 2014 release date has me hyped.
The order's footage was too short, didn't really show much, hard to get a feel for the game.
No mans sky... wow.
Farcry4 looks legit
Bloodborne looks great, man, that atmosphere is amazing. Suprised no gameplay though. Guess they switched it out since part of it was leaked.
Uncharted 4. holy balls. saddens me that this is likely the last uncharted.
lol just no...this year ms have a slighty edge imho
the only good thing was..that 15 sec trailer with no gameplay from uncharted...and yea the new game by FROM..

And No Mans Sky... and LBP3... and Grim Fandango... and the showing of the Hotline Miami 2 logo (That alone wins the whole E3).

And Far Cry Gameplay... and and and.

The leaks were awful this year. The only things we didnt know were... Grim Fandango Remake.... and thats it.

Everything else was leaked hours before a conference (Crackdown 3,Phantom Dust,Tomb Raider, Project Beast etc etc etc) or right before it (LBP).

No wonder why we (those who knew nearly everything coming...) were disappointed by those conferences. But overall nobody won and nobody lost this fight. Its a draw between Sony and Microsoft because leaks everywhere and no exclusive Megaton.


For me it was a great conference, inFamous DLC, LBP3 for this November, a Ratchet and Clank for early next year and a remaster of Grim Fandango (which will probably be on PC too but the reveal was great). Only real downside for me was the powers TV series reveal, the presenter took way to long to get his information out. An 8/10 for me.


There was some greate gameplay... but it was all games we already knew about. I havn't seen a single new game that I'm interested in, and I normally walk away from e3 with at least one knew game I didn't knew about... At least No Man's Sky is looking amazing!


And No Mans Sky... and LBP3... and Grim Fandango... and the showing of the Hotline Miami 2 logo (That alone wins the whole E3).

And Far Cry Gameplay... and and and.

The leaks were awful this year. The only things we didnt know were... Grim Fandango Remake.... and thats it.

Everything else was leaked hours before a conference (Crackdown 3,Phantom Dust,Tomb Raider, Project Beast etc etc etc) or right before it (LBP).

No wonder why we (those who knew nearly everything coming...) were disappointed by those conferences. But overall nobody won and nobody lost this fight. Its a draw between Sony and Microsoft because leaks everywhere and no exclusive Megaton.

i agree .insiders ruined everything....cboat ntkrl and all the others should live just on "their" twitter if they have one .. ill never support this ppl in my life


I don't know why E3 gets judged just around the press conference, there's three days to show off games - not everything needs to be shown on day one.

This is a good point people always forget. The next few days are going to be great for gameplay footage from tons of games. The show floor stuff is usually better than the conferences for me.


Just got done watching it.
Firstly, where was the usual montage intro! The pacing was very messy. Also lots of weird editing and audio problems. This seems to happen every year...
Anyway, lots of good content, but very lacking in first party gameplay showing. Missed a certain wow factor, overall 8.5/10
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