It is a bummer, but hey, a good game is a good game even if it's not as pretty as it could've been. I'll be picking it up for my PS3.Didn't find out this was lastgen only until today. Fuckin bummer
And to my surprise, they decided to give the infamous Dirt Showdown for free on Grid A pre-orders. I thought, "hey, it won't hurt. It's for free, ffs", and I've installed this shit. And you know what? This game is fucking AWESOME! I dare to say that it might be the best game from them in the past eight years. It's PHENOMENAL. I'm even worried with the possibility of it spoiling Grid Autosport for me when it launches next week. It's absolutely fantastic. Really, REALLY fun game! Yeah, yeah, it suffers with the lack of content and depth, like all previous Dirts and Grids, but gosh, that thing is crazy fun. Anyone playing it?
Whats the release date?
Not really a standout game imho. The only event type I enjoyed was gymkhana.And to my surprise, they decided to give the infamous Dirt Showdown for free on Grid A pre-orders. I thought, "hey, it won't hurt. It's for free, ffs", and I've installed this shit. And you know what? This game is fucking AWESOME! I dare to say that it might be the best game from them in the past eight years. It's PHENOMENAL. I'm even worried with the possibility of it spoiling Grid Autosport for me when it launches next week. It's absolutely fantastic. Really, REALLY fun game! Yeah, yeah, it suffers with the lack of content and depth, like all previous Dirts and Grids, but gosh, that thing is crazy fun. Anyone playing it?
Not really a standout game imho. The only event type I enjoyed was gymkhana.
The racing and demolition derby events were both better done by Flatout 2, in my mind. Both felt kind of bland and unexciting in Dirt Showdown, and it was exacerbated by the use of fictitious, non-licensed cars in those events. As far as presentation goes, you either go over the top with crazyness like in Flatout 2, or you go for slick-looking semi-realism, like the mainstream GRID games. Showdown went for a more tame, water-downed version of Flatout 2's action, and without GRID's car eyecandy.
Look, as Codemasters fan since Toca and CMR series, I've always expected a lot from them, because I feel that they have an enormous potential, but a terrible sense of timing and vision of their real audience. There's always a "I avoided this like the plague" (like you've said lol) or a "what the hell were they thinking?!", you know. Although it doesn't carry the Colin McRae name anymore, everybody still makes the association. It's only natural. But after seriously perverting what the series was, and letting their fans disappointed, they came with Dirt Showdown, which felt like a kick in the balls for their fans. Maybe if they used a different name, the game might have been better appreciate. But even with the deviations and the kicks in my balls, I had fun with their games. None got close of what Toca and CMR was, but well, they did provided me some fun.@DD Seriously? I avoided this like the plague after being burned with Grid 2, Dirt 3 et al. Is it really worth a punt? If it's as good as you say, I'll give it a go, but although I've preorded G:A, I'm still wary of anything recent by CM.
Join The Club ! Me too I was thinking Showdown was a joke but I had A LOT of fun with that game.
It feels like a party game that won't last long, but as long as it lasting, I'm having tons of fun.Not really a standout game imho. The only event type I enjoyed was gymkhana.
The racing and demolition derby events were both better done by Flatout 2, in my mind. Both felt kind of bland and unexciting in Dirt Showdown, and it was exacerbated by the use of fictitious, non-licensed cars in those events. As far as presentation goes, you either go over the top with crazyness like in Flatout 2, or you go for slick-looking semi-realism, like the mainstream GRID games. Showdown went for a more tame, water-downed version of Flatout 2's action, and without GRID's car eyecandy.
There's Flatout Ultimate Carnage, which is an "enhanced port" of Flatout 2, so I would recommend starting with that.
Also, can I get a ticket for the GRID Autosport hype train?
Didn't even realize this was coming out so soon. How are they pumping out this game so quick? I bet it re-uses a lot of assets from GRID 2.
As DLC, I would love some expansion on Demolition Derby....we've been racing on the same 2 tracks across 3 games over the last 6 years. Throw in some Showdown tracks and cars, hell turn it into the 6th discipline, and make it a one-off distraction into its own fun little mode to vent off frustrations.
As DLC, I would love some expansion on Demolition Derby....we've been racing on the same 2 tracks across 3 games over the last 6 years. Throw in some Showdown tracks and cars, hell turn it into the 6th discipline, and make it a one-off distraction into its own fun little mode to vent off frustrations.
I was actually thinking about a Le Mans expansion, with the TS040, The R18, the 919 and La Sarthe. :3
I would love to get LeMans since it'S a great track but without proper endurance it's a bit useless.
I used to love the "quietness" of the early morning on the 24hs of Le Mans in Grid 1. Too bad the 24hs race lasted only 15 minutes.
I've said it in the past (can't remember which thread) but one of the best experience I had in a racing game was a practice session in pCars where I was alone in the F1 in Spa. It started right before sunrise (pro-tip, you can't see shit in a F1 before sunrise haha) and I was driving kinda slowly around the track. The only thing I could hear was my engine roaring in the middle of the forest with the sun slowly rising up between the trees. It sound cheezy but I was almost emotional lol. Most amazing thing ever.
I really hope someone is working on an OT. Having a 2 month old announcement trailer thread become the unofficial OT would be a sad, sad thing to see. I wonder what the sales for this game is going to be like. I created a dedicated thread for the launch trailer and there was a grand total of 1 response! Hope Codies know what they are doing by keep this game old gen only.
Wow that's really disturbing.Cool, thanks!
I'd really like an oval discipline. I'm apparently alone in wanting to see how the engine would handle that. Short track oval racing would be fun.
Wait they did? That's great news if so.They confirmed oval tracks in the game so I'm sure that some of the championships will be oval races.
Oh shit. I must have missed them. Thanks
Thanks Loore, I don't care what anyone else says about you. You're OK in my book!Pre-load is now live on Steam for those who have pre-ordered from there
Side note: next week is going be hectic so my presence here may be limited, just wanted to say thanks, you're not all c***s like some would say
I'll still pop in and answer questions as much as I can, but will be as and when time allows.
Pre-load is now live on Steam for those who have pre-ordered from there
Side note: next week is going be hectic so my presence here may be limited, just wanted to say thanks, you're not all c***s like some would say
I'll still pop in and answer questions as much as I can, but will be as and when time allows.
I never got the chance to play Grid 1 but I got Grid 2 on PS+ and liked it for what it was. In Autosport how would you describe the handling characteristics in this title to someone who hasn't played Grid 1 but has played Racing Sims like GT and Forza.
I'm interesting in this game, I'm just not sure what im getting myself into should I buy this at launch. Thanks to those who reach out to this message.
I think I understand.Does that help?
Grid 2 is on the flash sale. I have autosport pre-ordered, played 1 but never 2.
Worth grabbing 2 as well or just wait 6 days?
Pre-load is now live on Steam for those who have pre-ordered from there
Side note: next week is going be hectic so my presence here may be limited, just wanted to say thanks, you're not all c***s like some would say
I'll still pop in and answer questions as much as I can, but will be as and when time allows.
Grid 2 is on the flash sale. I have autosport pre-ordered, played 1 but never 2.
Worth grabbing 2 as well or just wait 6 days?
I think I understand.
Everything wont be so drift happy, actual racing lines, correct braking points and throttle inputs are key here like in normal racing Sims.
How is the Career Progression in this game? Is it similar to Grid 2? I kinda liked how things went from small time to High profile on National TV and stuff, really cool stuff.
How detailed is the Livery Customization? Can I import Images or use layers? or is it like Grid 2 and everything is kinda pre-determined?
Thanks again for answering my initial questions.
Did you guys ever fixed the ridiculous acceleration that cars had in Grid 1?
Never played 2.
The 'speed' is a lot more grounded now, you'll still get the mental acceleration when driving something like a P1 or the IndyCar. But each car has a much more real world based / grunded feel in its acceleration.
There shouldn't be any cases where you think "this is too fast", but will still be plenty of "holy shhhhhhh" (of the good kind) the first time you get behind a Lola B05/52 for example.
If we want to, can we choose to compete in the low tiers permanently? So let's say I unlock the top tier but I want to do a low tier season, can I go back?So while you may start off in a Cat C Touring Car (BTCC / WTCC spec cars), put in a few seasons and you'll start seeing yourself in some V8 Ford and Holden's.
Bah. That's a freaking amazing selection of real-world circuits, though I could do without the city circuits from Grid 2. Do I spot a few throwbacks to the first Grid on that list?
Great news.
I'm remember playing the Audi R10 and going over 400km/h between chicanes in Le Mans and be putting off with that acceleration so if it's more real I should be getting Grid Autosport.
Is there a complete tracklist?
If we want to, can we choose to compete in the low tiers permanently? So let's say I unlock the top tier but I want to do a low tier season, can I go back?