Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
Welcome to GAF!
Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
:lol that's an amazing gifI rather not give you my twitter as I might have embarrassing stuff there.
Dude, Adam Boyes follows youfeel free to guess mine >_>
I rarely tweet anyway, except to bitch at GMG (like yesterday, when they tweeted "Skyrim Legendary Edition 75% off bla bla" and I was like "yo, the normal is 75% off, the legendary is NOT sir"
Do you remember why? I want to make your dreams come true!
welcome to steam gaf, where we dont discuss anything about steam, but waifus, anime and other non steam gamesHey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
I still remember there was some uproar because of Higurashi in the bundle.
Welcome to steamgaf!
I hope the mystery gift is Millennium 2 and not something else.
:lol that's an amazing gif
The only uproar I remember was about another game, which didn't have the "vote for us and you'll get a steam key" but just a "vote for us" and the publisher saying they wouldn't give keys for it, though I can't remember if it was Croixleur or Vanguard Princess or another one altogether. If there was one for Higurashi too It must have slipped past me completely.
I'm surprised you don't already, dude.I WANNA FOLLOW EVERY STEAMGAFFER, NOW
Though I was impressed that the price of the Redux bundle does scale based on which of the games you own (25% off for one and 50% off for both).
OT but I just saw this thread and I was wondering, is there like, a list of SteamGAF twitter accounts?![]()
You sure? It had something to do with successful assassination job on Irish Goddess and you spamming memorial threads in every forum.
Mirage is the worst map ever![]()
ForrealMirage is the worst map ever![]()
:lol that's an amazing gif
Dude, Adam Boyes follows youI WANNA FOLLOW EVERY STEAMGAFFER, NOW![]()
Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
OT but I just saw this thread and I was wondering, is there like, a list of SteamGAF twitter accounts?![]()
That was really cool of them to give a discount like that. Was surprised when I saw it. I'll be getting it since I really enjoyed the metro games
Dust II
You sure? It had something to do with successful assassination job on Irish Goddess and you spamming memorial threads in every forum.
If you want to get banned you can always post a lot of inappropiate pictures
Please don't do that.
Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
Pretty much. I actually like playing it every so often, but when it gets voted for match after match in casual...There's nothing wrong with Dust 2, it's just really overplayed.
nbnt, how ever did you find my Twitter account? :lol
Mirage is the worst map ever![]()
Mine is under my Steam profile, though what I use twitter for is mainly to retweet lewd pictures from my favorite artists. And to share my manga purchases from time to time.
nbnt, how ever did you find my Twitter account? :lol
Hey zkylon, have you seen Enemy? I watched it a couple of hours ago and think you'd enjoy it, especially the ending!
Not really.Sounds like you have a stalker.
lewd is a fun word to say
anyway almost time to go home, where I shall walk my dogs, and then proceed to fucking crash since ive been up for over 24 hours now
nbnt, how ever did you find my Twitter account? :lol
lewd is a fun word to say
anyway almost time to go home, where I shall walk my dogs, turn on my computer, and then proceed to fucking crash since ive been up for over 24 hours now
Moistlewd is a fun word to say
anyway almost time to go home, where I shall walk my dogs, and then proceed to fucking crash since ive been up for over 24 hours now
Hey zkylon, have you seen Enemy? I watched it a couple of hours ago and think you'd enjoy it, especially the ending!
I took your word and watched it... all I have to say is... w..t..f......
Did You Know?
The cast signed a confidentiality agreement that doesn't allow them to speak and/or explain to the press the meaning of spiders in the movie.
I purchased it on October 20 2013 says Groupees, so around then.
Phew, you're there.
Had a dream today that JaseC got permed, folks.![]()
Jase pls.
I think JaseC getting permed would probably look more like this.
no avatar so I already dont like you![]()
Welcome to GAF sir. Don't get banned.
welcome to steam gaf, where we dont discuss anything about steam, but waifus, anime and other non steam games
Hey JaceC, hows your quest to gather every game on steam going?
welcome sir or madam!
Welcome to GAF!![]()
Welcome to steamgaf!
Jase pls.
Hey JaceC, hows your quest to gather every game on steam going?![]()
There you go <3
Thanks! Well I've seen salsa get banned continuously, I love his posts
This thread certainly could use more cats:
Hey JaceC, hows your quest to gather every game on steam going?
Thank you everyone, this is exactly why I was looking forward to join steam gaf!
Feel free to add me on steam, and I would love to be added to the steam gaf group
A fact that some might find interesting about me, that I'm the one who gave away the cat in the "feed it some pizza" incident.
Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
Hey steam gaf, I guess I can post now? been enjoying reading your posts for years guys, hope I can become a positive contributor to this awesome community.
Rule #1 of SteamGAF: Don't let Milamber give you hugs.
HugWhat if I want the hug?
Rule #1 of SteamGAF: Don't let Milamber give you hugs.
What if I want the hug?
Whatever floats your boat.He grabs a bit of butt which I find endearing.
Be sure to equip your chastity belt first
Or keep some lewd materials on hand to distract him should things go south