I'm getting that Musou itch again...It's a little blurry but 100% real.
I'm getting that Musou itch again...It's a little blurry but 100% real.
Mike goes down on who?Muh settings:
Wait for Empires brah.I'm getting that Musou itch again...
Mike goes down on who?
Inu X Boku
That was a fanfic. Mike does down on the Occulus. I seem to remember it being posted, lots of people crying out in dismay, and I saved it before it could get deleted
Peruse at your own leisure/risk
I know I didn't
waifus ain't gonna talk about themselvesSo this is why we have a new Steam thread every week.
That was a fanfic. Mike does down on the Occulus. I seem to remember it being posted, lots of people crying out in dismay, and I saved it before it could get deleted
Peruse at your own leisure/risk
I know I didn't
That was a fanfic. Mike goes down on the Occulus. I seem to remember it being posted, lots of people crying out in dismay, and I saved it before it could get deleted
Peruse at your own leisure/risk
I know I didn't
I expected a big finish or an amazing twist. How droll.
Welcome to steamgaf!
I hope the mystery gift is Millennium 2 and not something else.
But there was a twist. The fan fiction was coming from inside the house!I expected a big finish or an amazing twist. How droll.
The better option would be to stop visiting this dumb thread everytime VN news comes up because it becomes a stupid anime waifu minefield of stupid dumb anime do I whitelist stuff with avast?
True dat.waifus ain't gonna talk about themselves
You... don't? His image isn't displaying for me._hekke05 put it succinctly here.
But there was a twist. The fan fiction was coming from inside the house!
You... don't? His image isn't displaying for me.
You... don't? His image isn't displaying for me.
You... don't? His image isn't displaying for me.
I wish the DW8 port would be better. It sucks so much not to have a default 360-mapping in a game in 2014...
And DW still feels more clunky than the Basara games I have to say. do I whitelist stuff with avast?
Uninstall it and replace it with something else.I use MSE myself -- it does the job.
I bought the toys because of that anime...for the moment there I imagined Basara coming to steam, now I'm sad...
can't find my gif for some reason
- Oyakata-sama
- Yukimura
- Oyakata-samaaaaaaaaaa
- Yukimuraaaaaaaaa
also everybody should watch
Uninstall it and replace it with something else.I use MSE myself -- it does the job.
Risk mitigation is important. MSE works fine and is very light and unobtrusive.Last i heard, MSE wasn't picking up a lot of bad stuff. That's why I went with avast to begin with.
Short Resident Evil 6 Impressions: The little bit I managed to play wasn't shit gameplay wise I may dare say its fun to play but lord I cringed at the story the little time I spent playing. Is is safe to skip cutscenes in this game or Im going to get lost if I skip everything? The writing is so cheesy in and not in the good way. It sounds like they took the team who wrote the script for the RE movies to write the story of this game. Also whats up with the inconsistencies on the visuals? Some areas might look well modelled and textured and then in the same room you might see a door with Ps2 era textures messing up the entire area or a wall. Then let me not forget the damn thumbs up animation which cracks me up.
For the moment I think if I can skip most of the story to beat the game it might be a fun ride and I might be looking into a coop buddy to continue playing the game. Let's see how my impressions change as I keep playing and move to the other campaigns of the game. (Apparently Leon story is the best and Chris is the worst so we'll see)
I use both Avast and MSE.
I bought the toys because of that anime...
I don't buy toys unless we call games-toys, but man, I can understand you doing it entirely.
Basara 4 lyfe!
Have you played any of them games?
Risk mitigation is important. MSE works fine and is very light and unobtrusive.
same as me, I still haven't gotten around playing PS3 onePS2 Devil Kings only.
I love Sengoku Basara!
Goddammit! I'm turning you off until you behave.
Goddammit! I'm turning you off until you behave.
SteamGAF has turned into a very harmful thread. My trust to it is very low
I bought the toys because of that anime...
SteamGAF has turned into a very harmful thread. My trust to it is very low
Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial Edition get. I couldn't say "no" a wolf pet that I'll never use. I wonder how long until the game inevitably moves to a F2P model... my guess would be no later than the beginning of 2016.
SteamGAF has turned into a very harmful thread. My trust to it is very low
Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial Edition get. I couldn't say "no" a wolf pet that I'll never use. I wonder how long until the game inevitably moves to a F2P model... my guess would be no later than the beginning of 2016.
I really think the Sengoku Basara games play far better than the modern Musou Games. The Musou games might have special attacks/Ex-attacks for each character, thousands of weapons, but the actual gameplay still feels far more clunky as well as the map-design.
Makes me sad when you put it like that, Deques. :s I know some people were saying it might have something to do with that site the webms are posted on.
more likely by the end of this year
Even if it moves to f2p, wouldn't you have to buy a base game still?
I somehow think it's a really bad game. call it sixth sense (><)
Sengoku Basara has the best waifus, but they specially have my fav. ninja in a video game[img][/QUOTE]
How does he see?
NanomachinesHow does he see?
now we only need them to come to steam
dreams dreams
How does he see?