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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS3/PS4) | September 2014


It has aged really well. Sure, it's a bit low-poly, but the atmosphere, design, plot and VO are top notch still.
The first Blood Omen, though, well, that one's a bummer. Especially since its crucial to understanding the overall plot of the series.

I've bought Soul Reaver and read a Blood Omen summary in Wikipedia. Basically I have to kick Kain ass, right? I haven't played all that much yet. Like an hour or so. The lack of analog stick support for the camera is sad D:


Playing through yS: Celceta right now and I'm really enjoying the multiple characters and their playstyles. I haven't played yS: Seven yet, so it's pretty new for me to see a yS game having multiple playable characters all at once other than Adol (Origin had a few playable characters but you were still alone fighting). Really like how different they all feel, Frieda just wrecks stuff with her AOE skills, Calilica wrecks stuff with that big ass mace, and some of her skills are really fun like Gravity orb along with Gigant Hammer. I'm just reaching the Forest of Spore at this moment, how much of the game do you think I have left? Been trying to go for the character trophies that you get when playing as 5 hours as each also, little nice encouragement to play as the other characters other than Adol. I think the 2 Girls Calilica and Frieda have been my favorites so far in how they fight.


Playing through yS: Celceta right now and I'm really enjoying the multiple characters and their playstyles. I haven't played yS: Seven yet, so it's pretty new for me to see a yS game having multiple playable characters all at once other than Adol (Origin had a few playable characters but you were still alone fighting). Really like how different they all feel, Frieda just wrecks stuff with her AOE skills, Calilica wrecks stuff with that big ass mace, and some of her skills are really fun like Gravity orb along with Gigant Hammer. I'm just reaching the Forest of Spore at this moment, how much of the game do you think I have left? Been trying to go for the character trophies that you get when playing as 5 hours as each also, little nice encouragement to play as the other characters other than Adol. I think the 2 Girls Calilica and Frieda have been my favorites so far in how they fight.

You have a bit more to go if I remember correctly, maybe 2/3 done? My memory is a bit hazy since I spent so much time after I beat it getting the platinum trophy. But I totally agree, I really loved being able to play as multiple characters. Except Ozma. Fuck Ozma. Funny how the game managed to have the most boring character with the worst story also be the least fun to play. Getting his trophies hurt my soul.

But yea, Ys: MoC is, as I posted before, one of my top 5 vita games on the system. It was exactly what I needed in an ARPG at the time and when I played it really solidified Vita as my main gaming system.


I've bought Soul Reaver and read a Blood Omen summary in Wikipedia. Basically I have to kick Kain ass, right? I haven't played all that much yet. Like an hour or so. The lack of analog stick support for the camera is sad D:

The real motifs unravel later on (SR2, mainly). Eventually it won't be that simple, but yeah - in SR1 you do have to kick Kain's ass. ;-)
Playing Destiny on my Vita makes me want to get Borderlands 2 Vita. Reviews seems to be mix; some say the game is completely unplayable and some say it's not that bad, but crashes every now and then. I've never played Borderlands 2 though so I don't think I will notice the performance and graphic downgrade that much. Should I get it or not?

Here's another person telling you it's worth it especially if you've never played the game before. I got it on PS3 and played 5 hours on the siren. Got the vita version and I'm up to 17 hours on her now and 15 hours on the mechromancer. Out-of all those hours I've had two crashes.

Framerate is a little jittery but put your vita in airplane mode and it clears right up imo. Game is perfectly playable and still just as fun with a bunch of dlc already added free included.


Playing Destiny on my Vita makes me want to get Borderlands 2 Vita. Reviews seems to be mix; some say the game is completely unplayable and some say it's not that bad, but crashes every now and then. I've never played Borderlands 2 though so I don't think I will notice the performance and graphic downgrade that much. Should I get it or not?

First of all: I'm on the "it's playable and enjoyable beyond all that" team (and had played it before on PC with smooth 60fps and all that stuff).

You don't really need to have prior experience with the game to notice that the vita port doesn't run great. Closed areas runs like a dream, but open areas have some frequent frame dips. One of the first boss fights in the game runs like shit. Loading times are long, too.
Playing the game offline and with the latest patch improves performance and reliability a bit, and it's mandatory that you wait for the textures to pop in when entering a new area and take your time navigating through you inventory (scrolling your inventory too fast or mashing x to buy ammo can give you a crash).
If you can get past that and find it for cheap, then get it :)


First of all: I'm on the "it's playable and enjoyable beyond all that" team (and had played it before on PC with smooth 60fps and all that stuff).

You don't really need to have prior experience with the game to notice that the vita port doesn't run great. Closed areas runs like a dream, but open areas have some frequent frame dips. One of the first boss fights in the game runs like shit. Loading times are long, too.
Playing the game offline and with the latest patch improves performance and reliability a bit, and it's mandatory that you wait for the textures to pop in when entering a new area and take your time navigating through you inventory (scrolling your inventory too fast or mashing x to buy ammo can give you a crash).
If you can get past that and find it for cheap, then get it :)

If I have the platinum on ps3 (and loved the game) do you think it's worth getting on vita for what would essentially be a repeat no-trophy playthrough + dlc? I'd buy it in a second if I hadn't already beat it a few times... but it's so much harder to justify the purchase with that plat under my belt.


If I have the platinum on ps3 (and loved the game) do you think it's worth getting on vita for what would essentially be a repeat no-trophy playthrough + dlc? I'd buy it in a second if I hadn't already beat it a few times... but it's so much harder to justify the purchase with that plat under my belt.

To me, it depends on whether or not you have played through the game with Mechromancer or Psycho, since both come with the Vita version. I had enough fun with each to justify another playthrough, so if you haven't then I would say it could be worth it.


Playing Destiny on my Vita makes me want to get Borderlands 2 Vita. Reviews seems to be mix; some say the game is completely unplayable and some say it's not that bad, but crashes every now and then. I've never played Borderlands 2 though so I don't think I will notice the performance and graphic downgrade that much. Should I get it or not?

I absolutely love borderlands 2 on vita... I'm up to 25 hours plus and it's crashed on me twice.

Totally playable, totally fun.


I see Castlestorm for the PS4 on the drop for this week. Anyone know if it is cross buy with the vita version?

Probably not. Castlestorm PS4 includes new content and stuff that was DLC on the other versions. That was also the case for Kickbeat on PS4, which is also from Zen. That wasn't cross-buy.
So guys what is the consensus around Hyperdimension on the Vita? Seeing that the second one is coming over and the third has already been announced in Japan I kinda want to give it a shot, but I hear that it is very grindy... I'm looking for something to play on my breaks from studying, something soothing, and with a decent story. Destiny is great but it's RNG only adds on to my daily stress, and let's not even mention the grindiness and how crappy the "story" is.

Maybe giving this game a shot on easy difficulty would be alright? What do you say gaf?


So guys what is the consensus around Hyperdimension on the Vita? Seeing that the second one is coming over and the third has already been announced in Japan I kinda want to give it a shot, but I hear that it is very grindy... I'm looking for something to play on my breaks from studying, something soothing, and with a decent story. Destiny is great but it's RNG only adds on to my daily stress, and let's not even mention the grindiness and how crappy the "story" is.

Maybe giving this game a shot on easy difficulty would be alright? What do you say gaf?

Haven't played much, but so far so good. Being only played the original one, the remake is vastly superior, and it run smoother than I thought on the Vita. The humor is good if you are into console war, and it pokes fun a lot of gaming tropes. Also, I don't think you need to know this coming from me, but there are cute girls. A lot. The only thing you need to remember, playing in Japanese voice is much better, since the dub is, well imo, bad.

No comment about the grinding part, since I haven't reached that stage of the game yet.

This week is safe for my wallet. Only Ar noSurge. I also recommend people to give Ar tonelico series a shot (not Qoga), since I rated it among one of my most favorite JRPG back in the PS2 days.
So guys what is the consensus around Hyperdimension on the Vita? Seeing that the second one is coming over and the third has already been announced in Japan I kinda want to give it a shot, but I hear that it is very grindy... I'm looking for something to play on my breaks from studying, something soothing, and with a decent story. Destiny is great but it's RNG only adds on to my daily stress, and let's not even mention the grindiness and how crappy the "story" is.

Maybe giving this game a shot on easy difficulty would be alright? What do you say gaf?
It's okay.
Too much moe for me though.


This week is safe for my wallet. Only Ar noSurge. I also recommend people to give Ar tonelico series a shot (not Qoga), since I rated it among one of my most favorite JRPG back in the PS2 days.

Been curious about the series since hearing it mentioned here, but I know nothing at all about it. Watched the trailer for Ar noSurge and the only thing it told me was that I hope it has dual audio (eugh english voices) and that it seems to be turn based? What kind of game/gameplay is this series, and would Ar noSurge be a fine entry point or would you recommend starting with a different game?
Haven't played much, but so far so good. Being only played the original one, the remake is vastly superior, and it run smoother than I thought on the Vita. The humor is good if you are into console war, and it pokes fun a lot of gaming tropes. Also, I don't think you need to know this coming from me, but there are cute girls. A lot. The only thing you need to remember, playing in Japanese voice is much better, since the dub is, well imo, bad.

No comment about the grinding part, since I haven't reached that stage of the game yet.

This week is safe for my wallet. Only Ar noSurge. I also recommend people to give Ar tonelico series a shot (not Qoga), since I rated it among one of my most favorite JRPG back in the PS2 days.

It's okay.
Too much moe for me though.

Thanks for the input guys, I feel like if not now, I will one day play this series since it seems to be so loved by pretty much everyone around these parts. Also I had totally forgotten that Ar noSurge was dropping this week, I too was curious about this game, what's the word on it? Are the impressions from Japan positive at all? I've never tried a game in this series, but the designs and artwork look pretty lol. That alone makes me want to buy it.
So guys what is the consensus around Hyperdimension on the Vita? Seeing that the second one is coming over and the third has already been announced in Japan I kinda want to give it a shot, but I hear that it is very grindy... I'm looking for something to play on my breaks from studying, something soothing, and with a decent story. Destiny is great but it's RNG only adds on to my daily stress, and let's not even mention the grindiness and how crappy the "story" is.

Maybe giving this game a shot on easy difficulty would be alright? What do you say gaf?


Well you have to know what you're getting into with HDN...

Is it moe? YES
Does it have what one might call anime trappings? HELL YES
Does it have translation issues now and then
Does it break the fourth wall and make tons of "gaming" jokes and cliches? Yup

Having said all that, it does have one of the most addicting and fun battle systems I've played in a JRPG in the last 5 years and whilst a good deal of grinding is required towards the beginning, it isn't RIDICULOUS. In addition the story is lighthearted as can be and at times genuinely funny and there is A LOT to do in the game.

Did you like the Atelier series OR DID YOU NOT PLAY IT CAUSEYOUSUCK

If you can handle that much "cuteness" than you'll be fine....and if you happen to enjoy bouncing boobs then there is some of that.



I thought I could avoid buying an expensive memory card for my vita by just buying retail..
Then I tried to buy Hollow Fragment.. didn't know it was digital only. This thing alone is going to take almost a 3rd of the memory on the card my vita came with.
Guess I'll be buying that 64gb card soon after all.

Well you have to know what you're getting into with HDN...

Is it moe? YES
Does it have what one might call anime trappings? HELL YES
Does it have translation issues now and then
Does it break the fourth wall and make tons of "gaming" jokes and cliches? Yup

Having said all that, it does have one of the most addicting and fun battle systems I've played in a JRPG in the last 5 years and whilst a good deal of grinding is required towards the beginning, it isn't RIDICULOUS. In addition the story is lighthearted as can be and at times genuinely funny and there is A LOT to do in the game.

Did you like the Atelier series OR DID YOU NOT PLAY IT CAUSEYOUSUCK

If you can handle that much "cuteness" than you'll be fine....and if you happen to enjoy bouncing boobs then there is some of that.


You see everyone tells me the game has a ton of moe, and to be quite honest I can't tell you if I can or not tolerate it, or if I enjoy it, because I haven't really ever played "moe-centric" games. I mean yes, it is part of many other RPGs and specially anime these days, but I'm actually scared that it is just too much for me to bear with lol.

On the other hand, I am getting both Persona 4 Arena Ultimax and Natural Doctrine the week after this one, and although I don't plan on mastering either game (specially the latter, apparently even normal difficulty is a pain in the butt), I feel like the story in those 2 will keep me busy for quite a while. These days I don't have as much time to play as I would like to unfortunately, mainly because of college and life in general.

Long story short, I was just curious and wanted to hear some opinions since I have been seeing so much coverage on this series :p


I thought I could avoid buying an expensive memory card for my vita by just buying retail..
Then I tried to buy Hollow Fragment.. didn't know it was digital only. This thing alone is going to take almost a 3rd of the memory on the card my vita came with.
Guess I'll be buying that 64gb card soon after all.

You can buy the Asian version which is basically exactly the same.

It still has a 500+ mb update though.

In any case going retail only outside of Japan/Asia is pretty much impossible, many big games get digital only releases here because the publisher doesn't want to commit to a retail release for Vita. Just get a 64GB card, go digital only, and enjoy having all your games on your Vita at all times without changing these damn little cards.


Been curious about the series since hearing it mentioned here, but I know nothing at all about it. Watched the trailer for Ar noSurge and the only thing it told me was that I hope it has dual audio (eugh english voices) and that it seems to be turn based? What kind of game/gameplay is this series, and would Ar noSurge be a fine entry point or would you recommend starting with a different game?

Thanks for the input guys, I feel like if not now, I will one day play this series since it seems to be so loved by pretty much everyone around these parts. Also I had totally forgotten that Ar noSurge was dropping this week, I too was curious about this game, what's the word on it? Are the impressions from Japan positive at all? I've never tried a game in this series, but the designs and artwork look pretty lol. That alone makes me want to buy it.

This is kinda hard to explain properly, since the best part of Ar tonelico are the music, world setting and story. You can play Ar noSurge without playing Ar tonelico, but it requires a bit of reading of the previous games to get a grip at what's the world building. It's pretty deep and thing will get over your head a lot if you go into Ar noSurge blindly. I think kiryogi could help you better at this in this thread, since it's been a long time from the last time I played Ar tonelico.

Basically, it revolve around Reyvateil, a race that could transform song into magical energy, so the franchise will heavily involved in music, and that's where the game shines the best. Also, there are different ending of each game depend on the heroine's route you aim for, and because of the Dive system, where you go into the heroine's inner world by diving to deepen the bond and unlock her magic potential. By doing that, the game helps you to understand everyone's mind and characteristic better, thus you heavily emotion invest on the character much more than usual RPG (think of social link of Persona, just deeper).

Briefly, that would be the surface of thing to know what the game is about. I'd go nut over the Hymnos, the kind of made up language used throughout the series, but that will scare you guys so I will stop here, lol, and be back when you guys have more interest. I'll borrow kiryogi's bonus list, since I can't access youtube right now.


You see everyone tells me the game has a ton of moe, and to be quite honest I can't tell you if I can or not tolerate it, or if I enjoy it, because I haven't really ever played "moe-centric" games. I mean yes, it is part of many other RPGs and specially anime these days, but I'm actually scared that it is just too much for me to bear with lol.

Usually I'd say people who keep saying "moe" don't even know what's moe is, but I guess that's not the case when you're in Vita thread. There are 2 kind of moe-centric product, one involve in shallow experience and the point is selling the girl's appearance for quick cash grab (lot of mobile card games, or the Love Live Vita game recently), the other use moe as the theme for their game, like Neptunia (where everything is cute girl), or Senran Kagura (life and hometown as the base, and are improved through gameplay) or Dungeon Traveller 2 (fanservice gallore, with good gameplay). You see, in these examples, just think the moe is a theme, like when they are making a game with mecha theme, or world war theme.

The problem is when people associate every moe game as a shallow cash grabbing game, and trying to dismiss it as soon as they see a cute girl image. That's the same as saying all FPS are shit because all you are doing is shooting at thing.

My point is, don't dismiss the game as bad game just because its theme. That's why place like GAF exists so you can get various impression from people who have played the games.
Usually I'd say people who keep saying "moe" don't even know what's moe is, but I guess that's not the case when you're in Vita thread. There are 2 kind of moe-centric product, one involve in shallow experience and the point is selling the girl's appearance for quick cash grab (lot of mobile card games, or the Love Live Vita game recently), the other use moe as the theme for their game, like Neptunia (where everything is cute girl), or Senran Kagura (life and hometown as the base, and are improved through gameplay) or Dungeon Traveller 2 (fanservice gallore, with good gameplay). You see, in these examples, just think the moe is a theme, like when they are making a game with mecha theme, or world war theme.

The problem is when people associate every moe game as a shallow cash grabbing game, and trying to dismiss it as soon as I see a cute girl image. That's the same as saying all FPS are shit because all you are doing is shooting at thing.

My point is, don't dismiss the game as bad game just because its theme. That's why place like GAF exists so you can get various impression from people who have played the games.

*pat pat*

Here, here!


This is kinda hard to explain properly, since the best part of Ar tonelico are the music, world setting and story.

This sentence alone makes me heavily interested, as they are three of my favorite aspects of good RPGs. Thanks for trying to explain what sounds like a fairly complex game world, I'll definitely look more into it.


Guys, SAO: Hollow Fragment OR One Piece: UWR + Valhalla Knights 3?

I have a slight preference towards SAO, but OP and VK3 are both on sale right now, and the sale ends tomorrow. What do I do? Oh, and if anyone has a PlayAsia coupon to give away, I'd appreciate it.


Guys, SAO: Hollow Fragment OR One Piece: UWR + Valhalla Knights 3?

I have a slight preference towards SAO, but OP and VK3 are both on sale right now, and the sale ends tomorrow. What do I do? Oh, and if anyone has a PlayAsia coupon to give away, I'd appreciate it.

Having played all three, I'd say SAO.


Guys, SAO: Hollow Fragment OR One Piece: UWR + Valhalla Knights 3?

I have a slight preference towards SAO, but OP and VK3 are both on sale right now, and the sale ends tomorrow. What do I do? Oh, and if anyone has a PlayAsia coupon to give away, I'd appreciate it.

Don't get VK3. That's all. Get Demon Gaze instead.


This sentence alone makes me heavily interested, as they are three of my favorite aspects of good RPGs. Thanks for trying to explain what sounds like a fairly complex game world, I'll definitely look more into it.

Beware. The fanservice is heavy, not in the sense of "in your face", but it's gradually increasing the more you increase your relationship with the heroines. It also has sexual innuendo in some dialogues and events, which could disturb some people.

It's not that bad if you're used to some type of anime *cough* Queen's Blade *cough* (I would advice against googling that name when there is a present of other person around you).

I kinda forgot to mention the characters are also what made me love Ar tonelico, but to be frank, that's subjective since I had some serious debates about the quality of game's characterization. Their interaction is good, and that's something I feel like universally accepted, though.


Beware. The fanservice is heavy, not in the sense of "in your face", but it's gradually increasing the more you increase your relationship with the heroines. It also has sexual innuendo in some dialogues and events, which could disturb some people.

It's not that bad if you're used to some type of anime *cough* Queen's Blade *cough* (I would advice against googling that name when there is a present of other person around you).

Don't worry, fanservice never really bothers me, I'm used to it as you say from anime. Hell, I watched all of Seikon no Qwaser (that's one you really don't want to google in public) just to see what everyone was saying was so crazy, and it didn't bother me (it was just a pretty mediocre show). If the gameplay, story and worldbuilding are there I can get over pretty much any fanservice, and music is a huge aspect of games to me so that is a big plus.
This is kinda hard to explain properly, since the best part of Ar tonelico are the music, world setting and story. You can play Ar noSurge without playing Ar tonelico, but it requires a bit of reading of the previous games to get a grip at what's the world building. It's pretty deep and thing will get over your head a lot if you go into Ar noSurge blindly. I think kiryogi could help you better at this in this thread, since it's been a long time from the last time I played Ar tonelico.

Basically, it revolve around Reyvateil, a race that could transform song into magical energy, so the franchise will heavily involved in music, and that's where the game shines the best. Also, there are different ending of each game depend on the heroine's route you aim for, and because of the Dive system, where you go into the heroine's inner world by diving to deepen the bond and unlock her magic potential. By doing that, the game helps you to understand everyone's mind and characteristic better, thus you heavily emotion invest on the character much more than usual RPG (think of social link of Persona, just deeper).

Briefly, that would be the surface of thing to know what the game is about. I'd go nut over the Hymnos, the kind of made up language used throughout the series, but that will scare you guys so I will stop here, lol, and be back when you guys have more interest. I'll borrow kiryogi's bonus list, since I can't access youtube right now.


Usually I'd say people who keep saying "moe" don't even know what's moe is, but I guess that's not the case when you're in Vita thread. There are 2 kind of moe-centric product, one involve in shallow experience and the point is selling the girl's appearance for quick cash grab (lot of mobile card games, or the Love Live Vita game recently), the other use moe as the theme for their game, like Neptunia (where everything is cute girl), or Senran Kagura (life and hometown as the base, and are improved through gameplay) or Dungeon Traveller 2 (fanservice gallore, with good gameplay). You see, in these examples, just think the moe is a theme, like when they are making a game with mecha theme, or world war theme.

The problem is when people associate every moe game as a shallow cash grabbing game, and trying to dismiss it as soon as they see a cute girl image. That's the same as saying all FPS are shit because all you are doing is shooting at thing.

My point is, don't dismiss the game as bad game just because its theme. That's why place like GAF exists so you can get various impression from people who have played the games.

Great read, and dully noted. I am familiar with Senran Kagura for example, I played both titles the 3DS one, and a JP import of Shinovi. I can't say I played the games for the "moe" or fan service alone, I played them for the brawling and fast paced action along with the story. I totally understand what you mean, and if we are to place Senran in the moe category as well, then I can totally tolerate it as a complementary element of the game, if the gameplay is strong and fun.

Since you said that the RPGS elements are fun, then I will trust your word for it, and will give this game a try as soon as possible, possibly during my "reading week" break from school.

As for Ar nosurge, I had heard of the Ciel nosurge game that had Ion(I think that's her name) as the main character. Those points make this sound like something pretty cool to try out, the whole music theme and all.

Goddamnit, so many games I want to play... But these readings and these assignments won't get done on their own :'(


So I think my Velocity Ultra platinum may be forever lost due to my inability to understand what seems to be the relatively simple game of minesweeper. As many tutorials as I watch I still keep messing this up, and I don't know how much longer I have the patience to keep trying. Worst part is I know it isn't that hard, but I can't seem to do it. Augh, time to take a break, clear my mind and try fresh tomorrow.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
So I think my Velocity Ultra platinum may be forever lost due to my inability to understand what seems to be the relatively simple game of minesweeper. As many tutorials as I watch I still keep messing this up, and I don't know how much longer I have the patience to keep trying. Worst part is I know it isn't that hard, but I can't seem to do it. Augh, time to take a break, clear my mind and try fresh tomorrow.
You can't give up now! You did this monstrosity!

Don't believe in yourself! Believe in the me that believes in you!


I was all set to buy Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth, and then I saw Disgaea 4 was on Vita.
Now I cannot decide at all. Stupid Vita and it's awesome looking games..


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I was all set to buy Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth, and then I saw Disgaea 4 was on Vita.
Now I cannot decide at all. Stupid Vita and it's awesome looking games..
This one time, Disgaea 4 was on PS+, I downloaded it and hated it...

Hey guys. Where's Soul Calibur PS4?



Pretty good birthday present, if I do say so myself.
Leave me alone now, Flightmare and Flandy. I'll pick up P4G when I head to EB Games later this week.


Having played all three, I'd say SAO.

Don't get VK3. That's all. Get Demon Gaze instead.

I guess I should go with SAO. It is the game I want the most out of the three, and I'm sure the other 2 will go on sale again one day.

Oh, and I already have Demon Gaze, though I'm waiting for a price drop so I can keep my LE sealed.

You can't give up now! You did this monstrosity!

Don't believe in yourself! Believe in the me that believes in you!

Oh God, that mini-game was horrible. I still haven't gotten the trophy for it.


So close to Natural Doctrine. I can't wait to plat that beast.

Put a few more hours into MUD Motorcross. I enjoyed it to begin with, but it's really growing on me now that I have one of my racers decently leveled up. It does wonders for the controls when you can corner and boost better.

The game also gets hard (in a good way). Once the opponents get good you really need to work the course just to pass. Leveling up your characters doesn't seem to make the early levels any easier either -- they seem to get more difficult (or, it's possible they just get more difficult every time you beat them for money, hard to tell).

Still has all the caveats of my original recommendation, but I am digging it (though I'm capable of enjoying racers that aren't perfect).

So I think my Velocity Ultra platinum may be forever lost due to my inability to understand what seems to be the relatively simple game of minesweeper. As many tutorials as I watch I still keep messing this up, and I don't know how much longer I have the patience to keep trying. Worst part is I know it isn't that hard, but I can't seem to do it. Augh, time to take a break, clear my mind and try fresh tomorrow.

Minesweeper is really easy. Take a break, sleep on it, and try again tomorrow. It's all about looking at corners. Once you've played for awhile it's practically automatic.



Pretty good birthday present, if I do say so myself.
Leave me alone now, Flightmare and Flandy. I'll pick up P4G when I head to EB Games later this week.

Oh man, oh man. I like you but you keep doing it wrong. That's been out so long you know it will be out on plus soon. Don't get games that old if you are a plus subscriber unless you like to be disappointed. For example, my birthday present (me and pooboy have the same birthday month) was Destiny PS4+ the season pass. Now that game isn't going on sale/free ANYTIME soon for a fact. And I have to say, for a game I got for free, I quite like it. :)
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