Looks promising but I'm waiting for BioGamer Girl's review
So if they say it's a 5-6, you're not going to get it even though there are like tons of 10s and 9s?Looks promising but I'm waiting for BioGamer Girl's review
Dang...I'm in a life or death decision right now...
Buying Wii U for bayo2(+future zelda Dor buy PS4 for bloodborne o;
Wii U has lot of other good games but bloodborne is just too good to miss it :C what to do GAF.
Haha, are you the mod running this "metacritic score in title" experiment?
Y'all sure the new score isn't an upside down 666? Cause that would make more sense.
Haha, are you the mod running this "metacritic score in title" experiment?
Rayman Legends scoring higher than DKC Tropical freeze shows how little reviewers know about 2D platformers. As someone who loved Rayman Origins, I really struggled to finish Legends. The levels were too long and too easy I was bored to tears. Tropical Freeze was the opposite couldn't tear myself anyway from it. Level design was god-tier and was actually challenging. It's honestly one of the best 2d platformers ever and easily a GOTY contender, the fact that the majority of sites/awards will ignore it is frankly baffling and extremely disheartening. It's certainly my GOTY so far with only Bayonetta 2 or Smash U left to top it.
omg, its only behind that nice PlayStation 3 Store Gift Card!
omg, its only behind that nice PlayStation 3 Store Gift Card!
Zero²;134390516 said:I dream of Bayo 2 being a surprise hit, and selling a lot more than people expect...
I like to dream.
I still need to convince my strict parents
I still need to convince my strict parents
An aggressive promotion like they did for SMT wouldn't be unwarranted here
Like, buy Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors and get $10 back.
that SMTIV promo was 30 bucks. 10 bucks is nothing
An aggressive promotion like they did for SMT wouldn't be unwarranted here
Like, buy Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors and get $10 back.
An aggressive promotion like they did for SMT wouldn't be unwarranted here
Like, buy Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors and get $10 back.
SMTIV outsold the entire LTD of SMT3 in it's first month of sale IIRC so yeah, definitely helpedThat would be pretty great
Since I qualify. Definitely helped boost SMT4's numbers I imagine
It's already been marked down from $59.99 to $59.96. That includes free shipping. Bomba confirmed!
You likely watched their video review of the Wii U port of Bayonetta 1.
My bad. Yeah, that's what I watched, but why did they make a vid just on the Wii U port when it's bundled with 2?
Looks promising but I'm waiting for BioGamer Girl's review
999 is a pretty cool game, don't know what it has to do with Bayonetta though.
so tempting
I said like. And people would still be in to it for even $10.