Shocked that the sequel to the best action game ever is also amazing when it had a bigger budget, better resources and more time?I'm really shocked by all these 10's from a niche action game. I need to get this shit.
That's silly.
Shocked that the sequel to the best action game ever is also amazing when it had a bigger budget, better resources and more time?I'm really shocked by all these 10's from a niche action game. I need to get this shit.
I always thought of Bayo as a Viewtiful Joe spiritual successor, you can find many similarities between them.
I love them both so much.
Some of the comments on IGN's video review and Gamespot's review are sooooo stupid.
Just played the demo, never played the first game, man that was fun! I don't buy full priced games, specially not console ones because they're way overpriced, so I'll have to wait a while, but can't wait to play the full game.
I just bought a WiiU. Got Mario Kart, W101, Hyrule Warriors and will get Bayonetta. Cheaper than PS4 + Bloodborne too!
So far it seems like you want Bayo 2 + Zelda U + a bunch of other great Wii U games (you need DKC:TF) vs. PS4 and bloodborne. Go with the option that let's you play more games.
Obviously you buy a Wii U now, and by the time bloodborne comes out, you'll have convinced yourself that you can totally spare the extra $460, and you'll end up with both. Win win.
I'm partial to the PS4 because my favorite franchises reside there but I will be EVENTUALLY getting a wiiu for Bayo / Zelda / XCX
So do I need to play Bayo 1 first or can I uno straight into 2?
So do I need to play Bayo 1 first or can I uno straight into 2?
I'm really shocked by all these 10's from a niche action game. I need to get this shit.
Dang...I'm in a life or death decision right now...
Buying Wii U for bayo2(+future zelda Dor buy PS4 for bloodborne o;
Wii U has lot of other good games but bloodborne is just too good to miss it :C what to do GAF.
If you're attacking an Accolade from behind and it suddenly stops being stun locked, that's your cue to get ready.
Keep an eye on any close enemies you aren't attacking. You can press the left stick toward another enemy to shift your attack focus. A short combo like PKP will probably smack it out of any attack it was preparing. When you don't have enough time to finish a combo, hold the last button you pressed, dodge, then continue the combo.Ok, what if I was attacking a different one?
So do I need to play Bayo 1 first or can I uno straight into 2?
Dang...I'm in a life or death decision right now...
Buying Wii U for bayo2(+future zelda Dor buy PS4 for bloodborne o;
Wii U has lot of other good games but bloodborne is just too good to miss it :C what to do GAF.
I'd go with the PS4. It'll get more games in the future. Plus you still get one Platinum Game this month![]()
This has been what Nintendo has been saying since the Wii U launched, if you have the exclusives, the sales and gamers will come back. They just need to keep it going without letting up.
So is Bayonetta 2 the highest rated Wii U game now? Where does it stand next to 3D World?
If you care even a little about the story, i would recommend playing Bayonetta 1 first, Bayo 2 has a lot of references to it and its very connected, plus Bayo 1 should be a little easier to get into, you can even play both at the same time ! just remember that Bayonetta 2 is not just a sequel,its part of the same coin.
This is actually what I'm worried about. Nintendo's support for its own console is just about the best its ever been, and its doing so badly. What does that say about the business in general and about what strategy Nintendo might adopt in the future?
"niche action game"!? Its a sad world when action games are niche, what's not niche? Mainstream FPS or TPS 9 million?
Bayonetta 2 and Bloodborne are going to battle it out for me of best game of all time at this rate...
Rayman Legends scoring higher than DKC Tropical freeze shows how little reviewers know about 2D platformers. As someone who loved Rayman Origins, I really struggled to finish Legends. The levels were too long and too easy I was bored to tears. Tropical Freeze was the opposite couldn't tear myself anyway from it. Level design was god-tier and was actually challenging. It's honestly one of the best 2d platformers ever and easily a GOTY contender, the fact that the majority of sites/awards will ignore it is frankly baffling and extremely disheartening. It's certainly my GOTY so far with only Bayonetta 2 or Smash U left to top it.3D World - 93
Rayman Legends - 92
Bayonetta 2 - 91
Wind Waker HD - 90
Guacameele - 90
Dang...I'm in a life or death decision right now...
Buying Wii U for bayo2(+future zelda Dor buy PS4 for bloodborne o;
Wii U has lot of other good games but bloodborne is just too good to miss it :C what to do GAF.
Dang...I'm in a life or death decision right now...
Buying Wii U for bayo2(+future zelda Dor buy PS4 for bloodborne o;
Wii U has lot of other good games but bloodborne is just too good to miss it :C what to do GAF.
That God is a Geek score isn't right. I just watched their video review and they gave it an 8/10.
Just played the demo, never played the first game, man that was fun! I don't buy full priced games, specially not console ones because they're way overpriced, so I'll have to wait a while, but can't wait to play the full game.
Get a refurb 32gb black Wii U from Nintendo's website and a PS4 - $600 bucks and you have two consoles that will last you 5-10 years
Dang...I'm in a life or death decision right now...
Buying Wii U for bayo2(+future zelda Dor buy PS4 for bloodborne o;
Wii U has lot of other good games but bloodborne is just too good to miss it :C what to do GAF.
That God is a Geek score isn't right. I just watched their video review and they gave it an 8/10.
Shocked that the sequel to the best action game ever is also amazing when it had a bigger budget, better resources and more time?
That's silly.
That God is a Geek score isn't right. I just watched their video review and they gave it an 8/10.
Well that's not hyperbolic at all!
Well that's not hyperbolic at all!
Well that's not hyperbolic at all!
If "They're stealing OUR 10/10s" is not the OT title, it really needs to be somewhere on a banner in the OP itself.
Rayman Legends scoring higher than DKC Tropical freeze shows how little reviewers know about 2D platformers. As someone who loved Rayman Origins, I really struggled to finish Legends. The levels were too long and too easy I was bored to tears. Tropical Freeze was the opposite couldn't tear myself anyway from it. Level design was god-tier and was actually challenging. It's honestly one of the best 2d platformers ever and easily a GOTY contender, the fact that the majority of sites/awards will ignore it is frankly baffling and extremely disheartening. It's certainly my GOTY so far with only Bayonetta 2 or Smash U left to top it.
Rayman Legends scoring higher than DKC Tropical freeze shows how little reviewers know about 2D platformers. As someone who loved Rayman Origins, I really struggled to finish Legends. The levels were too long and too easy I was bored to tears. Tropical Freeze was the opposite couldn't tear myself anyway from it. Level design was god-tier and was actually challenging. It's honestly one of the best 2d platformers ever and easily a GOTY contender, the fact that the majority of sites/awards will ignore it is frankly baffling and extremely disheartening. It's certainly my GOTY so far with only Bayonetta 2 or Smash U left to top it.
Well that's not hyperbolic at all!
No. It's a better 2d platformer.
How big is the download on the eshop? Wondering if I need to make room in the fridge.