Yup. The OG!
I know it's only 96 cents, but is there any reason to buy Klonoa if I have the Wii version?
Alright coolno, they're pretty stand alone
Have sony ever mentioned a possibility of PS1 Classics working on PS4 or are they holding it back because of PS Now? Would jump on a couple of games there but can't be arsed getting my PS3 out just to play them
So I bought a few games, money was removed from wallet, got receipt, but when I go to download them it shows the price still. Hmm....
No, think of Breath of Fire series like Final Fantasy, every game is self-contained with some elements in common (always a blue haired hero, always a girl called Nina, bizarre monsters, etc)Do you need to play the earlier games in the Breath of fire series to enjoy this one?
Do you know if it runs well?, any FR issues?
Gravity Rush - Vita TV?
So is Surgeon Simulator actually good? It always struck me as fodder for Youtube personalities to play while making reaction faces, but I admittedly don't know a lot about the game.
Is there a way to buy a game you already have through PS Plus
Dunno off hand, unfortunately. I'd assume it runs just as well as it did on the PS2.
Terrible selection of games.
4 PS4 crappy games oh well.
Hows the Mortal Kombat collection? Is it a bad port?
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