How about you guys? Again, don't disclose anything that you aren't comfortable with, but I thought since the weekends are slow, it would be nice to have a conversation like this.
Why not

? Been part of this forum for almost two years at this point, so its only fair you guys know a bit more about me

My name is Rob and I am 20 (turning 21 in June), currently attending Adelphi University and majoring in English while also being part of the college's STEP program (its teaching program). I'm pushing to become a special education teacher because I can give back to the people that helped me so much when I was very young (for a good chunk of my life, I was in Special Ed, so when I finally got out of it, I felt that thanks to the help I got from my teachers, family and friends, I should give that back

That is why I love video games so my problems effected my enjoyment of video games when I was little. I owned a lot of consoles I wish I still own now; a PlayStation 1, Dreamcast, GBC, Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 2. I bought back a PS2 in 2005 and a majority of the GBC/PS1 games I played I can play on my Vita/3DS (thanks to the E-Shop) but I feel horrible about missing out on some utter classics when I had the means to play them when I was little X(. My frustration problems were so bad I snapped the game disks in half XD; when I got stuck in the first level of Spyro 1.....I just broke the disk :l.....
I guess why I love my Vita so much now is because I can experience a lot of games I missed out on when I was little, and it also introduced me to franchises and series I never even considered trying out in the past; Hyperdemention Neptuina, Persona, SMT, Metal Gear Solid, Castlevanna, Silent Hill, and many others I first experienced with my Vita....and I am very happy I did so :').
Gotta thank Vita Gaf for selling me on a Vita in the first place (as I was a lurker well before I was a junior member here) and I also have to thank the community for being so cool to me

. You guys are awesome and I am very honored to be part of Vita Gaf, so lets hope for another great year for the Vita!
Edit: My user name came from what I called myself on the Sonic Stadium; thought it rang a nice tune, so I kept it when registering here
