Whoever said Oyelowo on the other page was a good shout. So is Dan Stevens, a slightly older looking Richard Madden...
Tonight I learned about codename theory for the first time. This is a thing?
I think we should take it slow with diversity and Bond. Let's do all hair colors first.
But seriously: I'll laugh my ass of when Andrew Lincoln becomes the new Bond
I wanted Idris to be Batman.
Black British Batman. Not even kidding.
I think the bigger news here is that her name is Barbara Broccoli. That's incredible!
Ugghhhh this wave of... OH let's change every superhero's race/nationality is soooo dumb.
And if he sticks around after his final contracted film, which is certainly a possibility, it gets worse. There's only a couple of years between Idris and Craig. I don't think they want another Moore on their hands where the dude already looks like he could be the leading lady's dad by the first film.
I think I'd prefer him as another double O, or maybe even the next M. He's got the chops to play a serious villain, so that's a possibility too.
None of that describes Daniel Craig and he is seen as one the best Bonds ever.No. James Bond is the stereotypical suave - white - uperclass Englishman who also happens to be a secret service agent.
Ok. Is it me or does GAF have a weird infatuation with Idris lol? Oh and Fassbender and Benjamin Cucumber. All excellent actors but c'mon they can't be in EVERYTHING. Would've been a nice departure but I'm afraid he'll be too old by that time. Who knows tho...
Its probably going to be Dan Stevens as the next one.
Oh, never thought about that. That would be a great choice.
Yep, not a bad idea.
My money may still be on Cavill depending on how Superman pans out, long tradition of guys being in consideration in their 20's then getting it in their 30's (Brosnan was offered it pre Dalton and Dalton when he was just 22 pre Moore).
Cavill was in the final 2 with Craig.
Ok. Is it me or does GAF have a weird infatuation with Idris lol? Oh and Fassbender and Benjamin Cucumber. All excellent actors but c'mon they can't be in EVERYTHING. Would've been a nice departure but I'm afraid he'll be too old by that time. Who knows tho...
No. James Bond is the stereotypical suave - white - uperclass Englishman who also happens to be a secret service agent.
Making him black all of a sudden doesn't make any sense to who the character is historically.
Also it screams of trying to be desperately and unnecesarilly politically correct which is just not a good reason to do things.
James Bond isn't black. It's that simple.
Those stereotypes aren't relevant any more, nobody cares about the history of the character. Idris Elba is a competent actor and thus would save the series from the shit we've had for the last ten years, anybody who doesn't want Idris pretty much is actively trying to ruin the series.
*___*Idris is a terrible actor, but I would ride for Chadwick Bosman as Bond
Skyfall pretty much destroyed that theory
I'm not up on my Bond lore...but just say they reuse the 00-numbers, and all 007s have the James Bond cover name. Done. Black Bonds. Asian Bonds. Robo-Bonds.
I'm not up on my Bond lore...but just say they reuse the 00-numbers, and all 007s have the James Bond cover name. Done. Black Bonds. Asian Bonds. Robo-Bonds.
It's only dumb that peoples jimmies get rustled when creators try to be a bit more inclusive in their lines. Personally i hope the next Batman is a transgender Samoan.
Go for it.
Has Mr Moore said anything about Craig's orientation? I bet he has and didn't approve of it..
How about they create something new entirely.
The funny thing is that people never bitch when it's a white guy playing a traditionally black character.. Oh wait, that never happens, because the later almost doesn't exist. And hence you see the need for opening more roles to black actors.
Idris is a fuckin bad ass, i really hope he gets it.