Just commenting because as I recall they had a meeting with Amazon some time ago whereupon Amazon had their company culture insulted and were rejected as the wrong fit for Bond.. Maybe someone acquiesced or literally died.
My guess is that she knew she would get torched no matter what. If Barbara put out a strong white male, the twitter shrillers would screech and caw about "oh noes, ANOTHER white male bond!!!!!" but if she allowed anything OTHER than a white male Bond then the audience wouldn't show up. So rather than stress about this for another couple of years and deal with the Amazon marketers, she just gave a number and amazon met it, buying her out creatively but allowing her some $$$ as the franchise continues on.
She is 65, Wilson is over 80, maybe their kids aren't as interested, time to cash out. Wouldn't surprise me if there are some "must make content every XXX years" in there or the rights revert back to the kids, so Amazon has to produce or lose it. Maybe they think they can cash in now, invest, and then get it back cheap if Amazon bungles it.
I'm actually curious if Amazon will survive Bezos or get chopped up. Most of the massive tech companies are still riding on the impulses of their initial founders, we'll see if Apple, for example, can innovate again or get dustbinned when smartphones make a leap they can't capitalize on. I feel like amazon is reliant on a lot of international shipping and trade that could rip it up if the global community stops being so nice to each other, or if the EU and US govs stop letting them be massive multi-pronged conglomerates and force them to break up.