Twilight Gap
wow nobody stays in skirmish haven't really played a full game
oh wait we got a good team now.
oh wait we got a good team now.
Can somebody (most likely a Hunter) solo through the Abyss HM for me? I have every drop for every character except for gloves for my Titan.
Already did the NM run so the HM abyss is my last hope for gloves. I would solo it if I were on my hunter.
I don't care about the other parts of the raid so we can stop after the Abyss
Sure thing. I'll shoot you an invite in a few minutes. I won't be using a mic.
I might be wrong, but I believe this one is a part of some geometry trickery that Bungie likes to use. I think this is the bridge you see in the distance when you're heading down inside the Hellmouth through Temple of Crota.
More Geotalk than Disgaea~
Ask RNGeesus.
Can somebody (most likely a Hunter) solo through the Abyss HM for me? I have every drop for every character except for gloves for my Titan.
Already did the NM run so the HM abyss is my last hope for gloves. I would solo it if I were on my hunter.
I don't care about the other parts of the raid so we can stop after the Abyss
I have the CP for the bridge. I'd like to run from DS to Crota multiple times, though.
anyone interested?
PSN rasengan1337
Normal mode?
If so, I will go if we can get a group together in the next couple hours. Though it's tough finding people to run normal this late in the week.
Hard doesn't drop armor. You'll get shard/energies or the pulse rifle.
Also, hard Abyss is easily solo-able with a titan.
Hard doesn't drop armor. You'll get shard/energies or the pulse rifle.
Also, hard Abyss is easily solo-able with a titan.
I thought hard was the only place where the helmet dropped? I have never seen someone get it on normal.
And I've gotten both chest and boots on hard before...
I thought hard was the only place where the helmet dropped? I have never seen someone get it on normal.
And I've gotten both chest and boots on hard before...
Hard certainly does drop armor. I've gotten armor on normal and then hard too.Hard doesn't drop armor. You'll get shard/energies or the pulse rifle.
Also, hard Abyss is easily solo-able with a titan.
With my Hunter and Warlock both at 32, I'm downstepping my playtime a bit. This week I did quite a few Nightfalls,weekly heroic strikes and a couple raids, and just now positively manhandled a few ROC strikes and story missions. (Taking out the Gatelord using nothing but a shotgun on the level 30 mission, hit and run style with my Hunter, was quite fun. Mida + invisibility = awesome.)
But at this point, I'll be setting it aside until the resets, for the NF and heroic weekies, until HoW hints. Definitely ready for new content.
Almost as a parting gift of sorts, I had an engram decrypt into a legendary item, and then for gaining a Cryptarch rank, a legendary engram. The former was armor, and the latter turned to ascendant energy. Shards and energy. The story of my Destiny endgame. Fucking Rahool.
I've been with random 32s that are the same. Doing weekly heroics with randoms exposed me to some strange gameplay decisions.I'm pretty surprised at how steep the drop-off is in player skill down from 32.
I've been leveling another character out of boredom, and I'm kinda shocked at the difference b/w players at level 29/30/31 and 32. And it's not gear/power that's surprising to me, it's player actions/gameplay choices.
I was certain at some point I would run into decent players out in the world who were also working on an alternate, but I swear some of the people out there, it's like they're playing a strike for the very first time, which is shocking to me for someone at that high of a level.
Not all players at 29/30/31 can be that bad at the's not just isn't.
I'm certainly not an amazing player myself, but I'm also not running into the middle of every encounter and killing myself every chance I get. Or running up to the tank on the mars strike to melee it. Or shooting Phogoth first chance without clearing enemies, and then sitting in the back room to spawn more enemies, while occasionally popping out to hit him with a few pulse rifle bursts...
It's not a big deal, people can do whatever, frustrating teammates is more of a pvp thing anyway. It's just very surprising to me how large that drop is below 32.
Do we have an idea what the nightfall/weekly will be tomorrow?
Oh, yay....I think megamanexe predicted a No Burn Valus Ta'aurc with Angry, Juggler and Lightswitch, yay...
so amazing. jump in as my friend is doing the nightfall, i barely do anything, get my 4th gjallarhorn. He still doesn't have one and starts raging.
Atheon solo. I can't believe we could actually go to this area. Damn.
I think megamanexe predicted a No Burn Valus Ta'aurc with Angry, Juggler and Lightswitch, yay...
That's what LTWood12 said. I did only get energy, and ended up soloing it. Had just never tried the jump. Used to doing the Hunter invisibility method and not firing a single shot
So that means Hard Mode pulls from two seperate loot tables when running HM first? I was assuming HM just added the primary weapons into the loot tables.
So there is no reason to run NM except for the secondary and heavy weapons? If HM is going to do a pull from the normal mode loot table you should have the same odds.
I thought hard was the only place where the helmet dropped? I have never seen someone get it on normal.
And I've gotten both chest and boots on hard before...
Hard certainly does drop armor. I've gotten armor on normal and then hard too.
Hard only drops armor if you haven't done normal. You don't get two chances at armor, IIRC.Hard certainly does drop armor. I've gotten armor on normal and then hard too.
Someone with so much time on their hands. Also, map designers not taking into account the oddities of the geometry of the map. I wonder if people would have done this back in the halcyon days of the warlock cheese patch. lolAtheon solo. I can't believe we could actually go to this area. Damn.
Awww lame I got an exotic choice bounty, all of the bounties were weapons I had![]()
another round of sword school graduates!
Y'know what would be nice? If discarding mentor missives/exotic bounties just gave you an exotic shard. I discard one or two a week. It's painful, but I don't have the patience or the time to sit and jump through all those hoops just to shard a duplicate gun. I mean I get the "do the work to get the reward" sentiment, but there are only five missives, so it doesn't take long before they're just an annoyance. Making it a random shard drop as a reward for doing bounties, with the option of doubling down for an exotic weapon if you want, would be a lot more worthy of the yellow colour imo. As it stands now it feels more like the bounties should start white and work their way up through green, blue, and purple before yellow. Because it definitely feels like getting spammed with Husk of the Pit, especially when you have 3 bounties, it rolls the same 3, so you just lose a bounty slot and have a waypoint over Xander until you complete one, and then you get to immediately do it again.I have all Exotic bounty weapons and managed to receive three bounties again this week. Currently have new bounties open for Thorne, Bad Juju and Invective. I'll probably wait until after HoW to finish them, in case the upgrade process is bullshit again.
Son of a double post, I'm still used to this thread moving faster than the speed of light.