hey dawg, is it coincidence that you and Batzi are using the same themed Avatar?
Of course not.
Batzi is a filthy thief.
Of course not.
Batzi is a filthy thief.
No you're the filthy thief. He was always using this avatar on MGI.
Interesting detail tho. I like yours better tho. TBH here.
Actually. thats not true.
he asked me to do his avatar using the dog photo. I told him i wanted to try something not Big Boss related and more Kaz. Thought that would make a fitting avatar to a changed and punished dawg.
At least that was my intention.
Your move.
And I love you.
who are you?
sit down, im talking about Batzi.
hmm... you said he stole it from Batzi, i just mentioned the process behind the avatar. Dunno why that would not be relevant. I'll go sit now.
No you're the filthy thief. He was always using this avatar on MGI.
I apologize.
I don't have time to visit every single metal gear forum and check these things because I prefer playing games instead of talking about them.
I was mostly joking too.
You posted the two pics from the other Metal Gear forum.
MGS-GAF has changed. It's no longer about a brotherhood, humor or healthy discussions. It's an endless series of conspiracies, fought by mad men and outcasts. MGS-GAF, and its consumption of negativity, has become a well-oiled machine. MGS-GAF has changed. Depressed posters make conspiracy discussions, use illuminati arguments. Hatred inside their bodies enhance and regulate their aggressive posts. Genetic control. Discussion control. Emotion control. Thread control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. MGS-GAF has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from the people outside of the community thread. And he who controls the community thread, controls history. MGS-GAF has changed. When the thread is under total control, MGS-GAF... becomes routine.
OT2...had a hard life.MGS-GAF has changed. It's no longer about a brotherhood, humor or healthy discussions. It's an endless series of conspiracies, fought by mad men and outcasts. MGS-GAF, and its consumption of negativity, has become a well-oiled machine. MGS-GAF has changed. Depressed posters make conspiracy discussions, use illuminati arguments. Hatred inside their bodies enhance and regulate their aggressive posts. Genetic control. Discussion control. Emotion control. Thread control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. MGS-GAF has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from the people outside of the community thread. And he who controls the community thread, controls history. MGS-GAF has changed. When the thread is under total control, MGS-GAF... becomes routine.
Whuuurrrr rrrr the cuu'rie maaates?!
LOL. OT2 is like MGS4. It opened amazingly well. But the next few chapters where garbage. Maybe it'll get better before it closes.
I miss OT1.
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Can someone please edit my avatar please !
Can brau please edit my avatar please !
lawsuit incoming if N4G sauces is to be believed.
Here's the proof:
EDIT: I've collected all the the points I've made so far here, for ease of reading.
I asked him about the whole Phantom Pain issue and he said he was going to sue Kojima and Konami.
He then said he was going to take the money he wins and put it towards the head transplant operation.
I asked Dr. Canavero why he was suing and he said that Kojima had not only infringed upon his likeness, but also his theories as well, because Phantom Pain clearly has links to head transplant surgery.
He told me that he had never played a video game in his life and had no idea who Hideo Kojima was.
Dr. Canavero also denied that he was meeting Valery Spiridonov next week, as Fox News claim in this story:
And that his next public appearance would be here:
I asked Dr. Canavero about his repeated use of the phrase "Who Dares Wins", which he's used here:
And here, the dedication of his book "Therapeutic Cortical Stimulation":
He said that the SAS is a huge influence on him and that's where he got it from.
In terms of Metal Gear coincidences, Dr. Canavero saying that just makes me think of this:
He also refers to Franco and Serena again here:
When I asked him about these two names, he just said it was something he made up because his publisher wanted him to write a dedication, even though in "Therapeutic Cortical Stimulation" he clearly says they are his children.
Dr. Canavero also told me he went to medical school in Philadelphia, he practised martial-arts as a hobby and also demonstrated that he could speak about 8 different languages.
Although, strangely, when I asked him what the current time in Italy was, he didn't know, even though he was sat directly in front of a computer...
Dr. Canavero also said that a TV crew visited him today and filmed him pratcising martial-arts, so I guess we might see that in a couple of days.
He also said that he practised Jujitsu and Judo, with a little bit of Hapkido thrown in, but he'd never been to Japan and doesn't speak Japanese.
From my conversation with the Doctor, I'm convinced that he's not actually a doctor at all. I'm pretty sure he's just an actor employed by Kojima to make The Phantom Pain go viral.
So, in my opinion, we have nothing to worry when it comes to Canavero suing anyone...
lawsuit incoming if N4G sauces is to be believed.
to be what?
Hmmm....instead of Kaz im already a demon switch the Kaz to Gaf
lawsuit incoming if N4G sauces is to be believed.
Well shit
like that?
lawsuit incoming if N4G sauces is to be believed.
What is surprising is that the redditor claims that the doctor actually knew The Phantom Pain has a head transplant theory in it.
MGS-GAF has changed. It's no longer about a brotherhood, humor or healthy discussions. It's an endless series of conspiracies, fought by mad men and outcasts. MGS-GAF, and its consumption of negativity, has become a well-oiled machine. MGS-GAF has changed. Depressed posters make conspiracy discussions, use illuminati arguments. Hatred inside their bodies enhance and regulate their aggressive posts. Genetic control. Discussion control. Emotion control. Thread control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. MGS-GAF has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from the people outside of the community thread. And he who controls the community thread, controls history. MGS-GAF has changed. When the thread is under total control, MGS-GAF... becomes routine.
lawsuit incoming if N4G sauces is to be believed.