Full Active Time Report is out.
The (free) update should be coming out mid-to-late May, at least it seems to be the target. There will be a new Active Time Report video too, to be released just after the demo update in May.
Apparently the new demo will feature:
Regarding the full game: there will be a short trailer/teaser at E3, but the full blowout will be on Gamescom (August). They will also be at PAX and TGS.
Some early reports/comments coming from the leaked video (yet to be confirmed, but probably true):
Some other interesting screengrabs:
The (free) update should be coming out mid-to-late May, at least it seems to be the target. There will be a new Active Time Report video too, to be released just after the demo update in May.
lol DASCAE, Sqaure pulling a Capcpom.
Apparently the new demo will feature:
- AXB enhancements
- Improved camera and targetting system
- additional combat actions and overall rebalancing, more joint attacks
- combat tweaks like MP usage, etc. more range of action for each weapon
- add dodge rolls
- party split-up for quests/stabilized framerate
- Still aiming for FULL HD.
- Frame rate has a higher priority than resolution since it affects gameplay directly.
- The only solution is to optimize the game until the end.
- They won't reduce the number of objects (or limiting the AI) that need to be rendered in order to obtain a more stable framerate.
Regarding the full game: there will be a short trailer/teaser at E3, but the full blowout will be on Gamescom (August). They will also be at PAX and TGS.

Some early reports/comments coming from the leaked video (yet to be confirmed, but probably true):
Top NA complaint: Noctis' voice is too deep -- sounds like Batman. Players felt they weren't able to connect with him since he looks like a young guy, and doesn't sound that way. The Director stated that he wanted to include voiceover in the demo, but timing was tight so by the time they realized the voice directing wasn't what they wanted, it was already late into the schedule, etc. The final game already has different voice acting.
Top Europe complaint: Cindy was too sexy. The Director stated "she's actually not meant to be an erotic character", but that she's supposed to be an energetic outdoorsy character. They didn't feel it would be too problematic for her to show up on screen while you parents are in the living room. They don't want to change the current concept, but they want to make sure they "maintain the boundary" by "maybe moderating the way she's presented, where it appears as though overly sexual themes are being brought to the forefront, because that's not who she's supposed to be".
Wanting a female party member: Their concept was in following the four guys "in an environment where they can be themselves". "Normally it's just the four guys, so the tent's probably not in tip top shape, but if a female character were thrown into the mix, you can expect things to be a little different than usual. They'll probably clean, and say things they wouldn't normally say around her. I think it'll be fun to see the differences when the guys are being themselves, and when it's not just the four of them. Please look forward to seeing the difference when a guest character joins the party"
15 main issues with the demo according to users(Tabata feedback included):
1. Lock-on
2. Camera too close.(planning to pull it back when in combat and possibly add camera controls for players)
3. Camera felt sluggish and heavy
4. A.I. is dumb. Allies get in the way of moving.
5. Jaggies, the drop in framerate.(anti-aliasing will be in the full game; will prioritize framerate over resolution although still aiming for full HD)
6. Motion and movement is slow, specifically battle movements(Speed from previous trailers like the E3 behemoth fight was reduced due to Noctis being near unstoppable and eliminating the need for a party)
7. Mini-map?(They will add one)
8. Want for a dodge action that doesn't rely on MP(the warp dodge was a leveled up version of the dodge roll, that doesn't need MP, which will also be in the main game)
9. Having to hide behind rocks to recover MP, Everything relies on MP(probably won't lose the focus on MP)
10. Battles are too difficult( Japan found battles difficult, NA found them easy; possibility of adding a difficulty option)
11. Game is too monotonous; repetitive battles, bad controls(looking to add button remapping for players)
12. The stamina for sprinting is annoying(looking to make certain foods may improve dashing distance and speed in the full game)
13. Warping as a regular means of travel( was implementable in February but caused many bugs so was cut; unlikely to be in the full game)
14. Cancel attacks by evading(even Tabata wanted this when playing; already implemented in the full game although you can't cancel out of every attack)
15. Bugs everywhere (lol they realized people could get to Titan)
Regional Complaints:
NA: Noctis vocie is strange, sounds like Batman( couldn't get re-recording in the demo; are working to make him feel younger)
Europe: Cindy is too sexy(not meant to be erotic; aren't looking to change her character too much)
Some other interesting screengrabs: