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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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I can roll off the socket for %damage though.

The guide in the link I posted recommends STR, VIT, CDR and socket. Perfect gear would have 50% CDR to keep WotB uptime. Not sure what to do now. :lol

Nah, unless you have a Ramaladni's Gift or two lying around, you don't roll off sockets for % damage, 130% ChD eclipses 10% more weapond damage. You'll have a tough time with the Perma-Berserker without lots of CDR and the Zodiac ring, true.
I find that getting dependant on a singular buff state hurts a char. Sure, WotB boosts your stats something fierce, but without it you'll be looking at a lot of wasted base damage, affixes which could've rolled crit chance or damage instead.

However, your issues will probably be moot from today / tomorrow on, since Kanai's Cube will enable your desired build handily. You could equip the Zodiac ring's special power that way and fill something more useful into the freed slot.
Heck, complete the Wastes set so you can ditch the RorG too and go F&R, they're multiplicative with each other, so alternating between a generator and spender will buff your damage by 125%.


Kinda bored already; I guess I'm just tired with things that could've been done.

Auto pick up mats and gems.
Loadouts for skills and equipment.
This whole mat business for the cube, doesn't take from stash (like gems, crafting does).
Mats to caches.

Then again, having them tied to a mob that doesn't always spawn wasn't that exciting either.
The worst part about that gap in between one season ending and one starting is trying to get your stash in order.

It's pretty awful. At this point your off season stash should be straight up GG items. I reckon I'll just delete most of the stuff in there now.


Seek victory, not fairness
Nice, they finally added a way to invite people to the clan by battletag that actually works. There's a new "add member" button on the roster we can use. So, if anyone wants in from now on, post your battletag here (or send a PM if you don't want to post it).

I've turned off "looking for members" so we won't show up on the clan search and get spammed with random join requests any more.

For officers, if you need to make room for anyone, click the Location header to sort by days offline and then you can remove whoever's been away the longest.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
What's this hard on for season characters? What's the difference?


Season starts Friday, right? I've never played one before, but if it means I can actually play with a group I wouldn't mind. I won't be on for a day or two at the earliest because I need to wipe my computer, but I'm Yuuichi#1412 for the Clan.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Season specific legendaries. And you get to start the crawl all over again with everyone else. It's an okay time, really.

I need (well "need") a 70 for the HotS mount so I'll join in on the fun but this shunning of normal characters is bizarre to me.


you can't put a price on sparks
I need (well "need") a 70 for the HotS mount so I'll join in on the fun but this shunning of normal characters is bizarre to me.

you dont need to do seasons, but basically the whole reason to do it is to "relive" the experience of starting not only a new character, but a new shared stash.

i didnt play much of season 1 and i was fine with it... another difference is that you can't play seasons if your friend is playing seasons and you are only normal characters


Neo Member
Just joined GAF after a long time of lurking. Looking forward to the new season and diving back into Diablo again. My ID Tag is Cowboys5297#1223 and was wondering if I could get an invite / accepted into the clan?


So far so good. Got my first set of cube items up, but it's not all the ones I wanted (I was farming like mad before the patch, to no avail... still no Furnace). Need to get more efficient at farming the Act-specific mats, I've got a ton of stuff sitting in my stash that needs to be cubed.

Is it just me, or did goblins receive a health buff? I'm actually having to chase them down again, which I haven't had to do for a long time now. On the flip side, I did see a big buff to the gold dropped by at least one Gilded Baron.. 37M+, about five times higher than previously. I did get one Vault tonight, I wasn't really paying attention to what I picked up, but it seemed about the same as it was before. Did anyone else notice the new shrine? "Bandit Shrine", spawns a small goblin pack.

I'm loving the new Grifts.. so much easier just picking a level from a menu instead of fiddling with the Trials. I ran a few lower level ones tonight to level up some of my lower-level gems, I'll start cranking it up once I get them all up in the 20's. Good news is, all my old Trial keystones got converted into Grift keystones, so I've got about two hundred of them sitting in my stash.

Ran a couple of regular T7 rifts, might leave it there until I can get my damage a bit higher through gems and cube. It wasn't hard, I'm just used to things dying faster, and my damage is only up about 25% from yesterday.

Ah well. Plenty more to grind for!
Would any of you fine folks be down to help speed level a character? I want to get that Heroes of the Storm mount, but I don't think I have it in me to level again. :( Any help would be appreciated. :)


So far so good. Got my first set of cube items up, but it's not all the ones I wanted (I was farming like mad before the patch, to no avail... still no Furnace).

I found a Furnace once, a long time ago, but it didn't roll very well so I smashed it. I was kicking myself for doing that when I learned about Kanai's cube, but then I saw that one of the recipes was to upgrade Rares to Legendaries. I picked up a few Rare Two Handed Maces, used the recipe to make them Legendary, and the third one rolled a Furnace. So that's what I recommend you doing to.


Would any of you fine folks be down to help speed level a character? I want to get that Heroes of the Storm mount, but I don't think I have it in me to level again. :( Any help would be appreciated. :)
Literally ask on Sat/Sun because people will probably be ready to blitz T7+ by then, so getting powerleveled is a breeze.
Man. This cube thing is confusing. Is there a good video walkthrough? Where do I get all these mats?

Also what is the point of the throne room with all the ghosts chillin?


Gonna grins this HotS to lvl 12 for the pennant.

Man. This cube thing is confusing. Is there a good video walkthrough? Where do I get all these mats?

Also what is the point of the throne room with all the ghosts chillin?

Cube mats comes from bounty caches act 1-5.

Go for T7 or higher.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So if I do 35 (but struggle with 36 and especially 37s) greater rifts easily I should go for t8 from the start or t7?


Seek victory, not fairness

I cant do t7. Are those bounty caches those chests that spawn after a bounty?

Try T3 then. T3-T6 give 3 mats. T7-T10 give 4. If it's the bonus act, those numbers are doubled - you get a second horadric cache (bounty bag) with a second stack of mats.

Best approach:
Start with the marked bonus act, finish the bounties, talk to Tyrael to get your reward. A new act will be marked as the bonus act - do that one next. Repeat until all 5 are done. You now have a full set and can cube your items at a cost of one mat from each act.

Also what is the point of the throne room with all the ghosts chillin?

Probably going to be expansion-related.


So if I do 35 (but struggle with 36 and especially 37s) greater rifts easily I should go for t8 from the start or t7?
If you are maximizing time spent getting keys, T3 for 3+3 (assuming you do the bonus order as it jumps around - you should) or T7 for 4+4. There's no real reason to bump up the difficulty except to make it drag on a little longer. I know most people hate bounties and they've done tons of improvements to make it less of a drag. I'm guessing most people will be doing split T3/T7s as well now if you are looking for group play.

You should be blitzing through the bounty stuff, if not I would just turn it down and try again. On my wizard I literally don't stop to kill anything I don't have to anymore, especially cubing a wand that gives me teleport for no cooldown and only AP.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I didn't even think of lowering the difficulty for bounties. The only reason I will be doing them... a lot, is for the crafting mats. Torment difficulty doesn't affect that?

Also I don't know what 3+3 or 4+4 or keys are, I just got back to this about 2-3 weeks ago from vanilla (like AH days vanilla)


When you finish the 5 bounty quests per act, you turn in the quest to Tyreal in town. If it's marked as the "bonus cache" act (it's random), you'll get two loot boxes - the one for the bounty and the bonus box. Both of them will drop the appropriate amount of Cube mats for that act. You can do them out of order or not care but you're better off because you always need 1 of each act mat for the recipes.


Man. This cube thing is confusing. Is there a good video walkthrough? Where do I get all these mats?

Also what is the point of the throne room with all the ghosts chillin?

Haven't done a video walkthrough yet. But updated my item database with some details on it, still in progress of updating it.


You can see a list of the materials near the top.

I also have no idea what the throne is for.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
That cube is freakin addicting. I managed to get the multishot bow and quiver just by upgrading rares :)


Happy with that!

I have a bag full of yellow ceremonial knifes. If I don't get my starmetal kukri I'm blaming you!

If cache loot isn't affected by difficulty would don't people just do the bounties on the lower difficulty possible so it's faster?

Mobs would die just from my pets looking at them

Try T3 then. T3-T6 give 3 mats. T7-T10 give 4. If it's the bonus act, those numbers are doubled - you get a second horadric cache (bounty bag) with a second stack of mats.

Wait so torment level DOES change the cache quantity of mats?
I have a bag full of yellow ceremonial knifes. If I don't get my starmetal kukri I'm blaming you!

If cache loot isn't affected by difficulty would don't people just do the bounties on the lower difficulty possible so it's faster?

Mobs would die just from my pets looking at them

Need torment, 1 for 1 bag, 7 for 2 or whatever it is, so basically 7 is the minimum you want to run them at, assuming you're geared enough so that you clear it instantly, otherwise 1. 2 can be good if you still need gear from the bags too, and 10 if you clear as fast as 7 is more xp for paragon and what not.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Bit confused now. So if I just want the cube mats, I should be doing T7 (which I read is equivalent of rift 30 which I can piss on my WD) for 4 mats from each cache?


What's this hard on for season characters? What's the difference?

There are seasonal only items and a lot of times those items are powerful enough that specific builds are going to not be great without them. A big one in the upcoming season is going to be one of the new legendary gems.

But really for a lot of people it's just about starting fresh. It won't be as appealing if you are someone still trying to gear up, but, that isn't most people at this point. Having a reset button every few months keeps things interesting and it's the only way to sustain a competitive scene in a game where paragon levels are a thing. I mean if you look at the demon hunter leaderboard right now the #1 guy is almost level 1400. Good luck trying to pass that guy with the same build he is using when his level is giving him the equivalent of wearing like 6 more pieces of gear with dex on them.


Plus these 2 recipes that don't show in the Cube's UI.

Portal to Greed's Domain
Opens a portal to Greed's Domain, the Treasure Goblin world.
1 Puzzle Ring

Portal to Not a Cow Level
Opens a portal to Not a Cow Level, the 2015 April Fool's event area.
1 Bovine Bardiche

I did that Greed one today just fucking around. Had no idea what it would do.
Bit confused now. So if I just want the cube mats, I should be doing T7 (which I read is equivalent of rift 30 which I can piss on my WD) for 4 mats from each cache?

I don't know the exact numbers, euro just patched and haven't checked it out yet, but yeah T7 is where the "better rewards" are, whichever they are. You also want to do the bounties in order of the bonus because you get additional stuff from bonus. And actually thinking about it, might not need torment at all for the first mat, since you get them leveling iirc, so torment is just for the legendaries and what not. But T7 gives 2 mats per cache I believe is the actual amount.


I don't know the exact numbers, euro just patched and haven't checked it out yet, but yeah T7 is where the "better rewards" are, whichever they are. You also want to do the bounties in order of the bonus because you get additional stuff from bonus. And actually thinking about it, might not need torment at all for the first mat, since you get them leveling iirc, so torment is just for the legendaries and what not. But T7 gives 2 mats per cache I believe is the actual amount.
T7 gives 4 mats per cache. Assuming you do the bonus acts in the order they pop up in (why wouldn't you?), you get 8 total.


Seek victory, not fairness
Has anyone managed to mess around with the new Crusader set?

Is it fun? I think I might go Crusader to start the season.

Sure, it's fun with the hammers flying around quickly, and most of the time you don't have any resource issues. It's a fast early start on gearing due to the assortment of blessed hammer legendaries too.

I'm actually going to miss the season launch this time due to prior commitments. Oh well, will catch up Saturday.
What is the point of the forgotten souls crafting mat now? (Oh I think it is used in the cube still)

Try T3 then. T3-T6 give 3 mats. T7-T10 give 4. If it's the bonus act, those numbers are doubled - you get a second horadric cache (bounty bag) with a second stack of mats.

Best approach:
Start with the marked bonus act, finish the bounties, talk to Tyrael to get your reward. A new act will be marked as the bonus act - do that one next. Repeat until all 5 are done. You now have a full set and can cube your items at a cost of one mat from each act.

Probably going to be expansion-related.
Ohhh awesome! That makes more sense, thanks.

Haven't done a video walkthrough yet. But updated my item database with some details on it, still in progress of updating it.


You can see a list of the materials near the top.

I also have no idea what the throne is for.
Great thanks for the info!
fuck I kinda wanna play season just because of how broken bane of the stricken is

thought about this and fuck it, I'm skipping season, can't be arsed to wait for friday and I have to re gear my monk entirely anyway, don't want to grind for mats, gems, etc
bane of the stricken will wait

edit : fuck me, monk sucks in non season, guess I don't have a choice then...


Gonna hop on tonight and sort my stash out, then will most probably wait for the season to start, anyone else in the EU clan going to be on for the start of the season?


I haven't been this hyped on anything gaming related in ages, and it's "just" a new season of D3. This game has come a long way since the turd (bit harsh maybe but yeah..) that was vanilla. Can't wait for friday! My biggest issue is what to drink.. Was thinking beers but I don't want to get sleepy early on. Might just take a nap after work..haha yeh. All aboard the hypetrain! Hoping servers won't crash & burn.

Gonna hop on tonight and sort my stash out, then will most probably wait for the season to start, anyone else in the EU clan going to be on for the start of the season?

I'm in EU clan so yeh! Will be playing HC with friends though but I'm sure many of the EU D3 regulars will be back :) GAFclan could use more HC players as well!


Bit confused now. So if I just want the cube mats, I should be doing T7 (which I read is equivalent of rift 30 which I can piss on my WD) for 4 mats from each cache?

Yep, split T7 bounties is the way to go.

Also looking for specific rares is pretty annoying. That recipe seems way too cheap for what you get.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
new helltooth set 2p seems pretty fucking amazing to go with...anything really


So I'm thinking about doing Season 4, never done a season character before, so if I get one those season legendaries, can all my characters use it or is it only for season use?
new helltooth set 2p seems pretty fucking amazing to go with...anything really

Yeah it's kinda like the 2pc Tal Rasha or Wrath of the Wastes and stuff where you can just go from torment 1-2 to 3-4 instantly if you get the 2pc, it's nice to have these in seasons. I don't really know the other classes so not sure every class has a set with a super strong 2pc, like DH maybe UA 2pc is good not sure but nat and marauder is kinda poop(and you can get the fucking shadow power troll set too).

Ran a few bounties to see how the stuff works, it's pretty easy and you get 6mats even on T1 if you do them in order so even crappy geared you can farm some mats to use the cube legendary power stuff very early on.
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