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Destiny |OT34| Stop Hammer Time!

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Ok, here's the deal. I picked up Destiny last year for ps4 and only played it maybe three times. I love the controls, gameplay, graphics and sound. The problem is, I don't have any friends to really play with. My daily schedule isn't set in stone due to the fact that I have two young kids that input to bed every night, but I'm able to play a few times a week. It just varies so much. I can't guarantee that I would be able to play on a specific night, let alone a specific time. Anyway, I'd like to start playing this again since people seem to be liking this more since The Taken King dropped. Maybe with a group of people that are laid back and wouldn't mind a filthy scrub on their team. What do you guys think? Should I even bother picking this up again?

Absolutely, TTK has a lot of content and you will find like-minded and friendly players in the DGAF community. There are a lot of players like you who have kids and don't have set times to play, but everyone manages just fine. Welcome to DGAF.

Best way to find players is to post your psn/live id, what content you're looking to play, how much time you have, light level, etc.
Ok, here's the deal. I picked up Destiny last year for ps4 and only played it maybe three times. I love the controls, gameplay, graphics and sound. The problem is, I don't have any friends to really play with. My daily schedule isn't set in stone due to the fact that I have two young kids that input to bed every night, but I'm able to play a few times a week. It just varies so much. I can't guarantee that I would be able to play on a specific night, let alone a specific time. Anyway, I'd like to start playing this again since people seem to be liking this more since The Taken King dropped. Maybe with a group of people that are laid back and wouldn't mind a filthy scrub on their team. What do you guys think? Should I even bother picking this up again?
TTK is an amazing step forward for Destiny, and this is coming from someone who dropped the game two months after launch and remained extremely critical of it and Bungie throughout its first year. It is nearly everything I imagined the vanilla game should have been from the go.

As far as finding people to play with, Captain, you've got GAF! In the two weeks I've been back into the game I've met a lot of incredibly friendly and laid back people here. Between posting here and joining the Destiny GAF community I doubt you'll fail to find other cool people to game with.


It's not that hard, if you have lots of motes, heavy ammo synths, etc, you can donate them to the faction for rep.

Keep in mind that level 25 does not simply give you the exotic class item. It only gives you the quest, that requires completing of 10 heroic strikes and 10 crucible wins, along with a certain number of kills in both playlists while wearing the factions' class item, shader and emblem.

wait... what is this quest and what is the reward?
wait... what is this quest and what is the reward?
When you get to rank 25 with any faction you get a new quest for that faction. At the end you get an exotic class item.

Quest involves 10 Crucible wins, 10 Heroic Strikes, killing people in Crucible and killing Majors (I think?). All of this has to be done wearing the shader, emblem and class item of the faction.
For me their wording seems to be that if you played between now and Dec you get more silver, and only then. Not if you play regularly, even inside the time limit, just gotta log in and do something.
Worded like a one time thing too.

Yeah could be. Vague and nondescript as always.

I'm assuming a one time reward during halloween and /or christmas?


Yeah could be. Vague and nondescript as always.

I'm assuming a one time reward during halloween and /or christmas?

Wording they made seems like at the end of whenever the period is, those who logged in during said period get a "reward" which is more silver.

That is literally all they said.
Wording they made seems like at the end of whenever the period is, those who logged in during said period get a "reward" which is more silver.

That is literally all they said.

I read a bunch of articles that took this info and quoted 'playing regularly' as the requirement. So either they have more info or have assumed the same as we have. We'll find out in the coming weeks.


So I complemented matchmaking for two great matches.
Then I went on another horrendous run. After being placed in yet another game where only one person had stayed and we were about to lose I played a game on Crossroads where we'd lose whatever flag I left. I'm not good enough to win control when I'm the only positive K/D on the team.

Battlefront may have broken Destiny for me. Most games are enjoyably winnable. Losing doesn't mean I had a positive K/D despite having to deal with unending supers and heavy and lost flags and whatnots.

Give me an A-Wing Shaxx.


I read a bunch of articles that took this info and quoted 'playing regularly' as the requirement. So either they have more info or have assumed the same as we have. We'll find out in the coming weeks.

As per usual when it comes to Bungie, due to their wording, people make shit up as if its a fact.

The Tower will be a festive place to be next week. Tess will be there. Lord Saladin will be there. We hope you’ll be there, too. In fact, if you’re a player of Destiny, you’ll have some Silver in your account when Eververse Trading opens their new shop. If you appear in the game between now and December, you’ll get even more Silver. Thanks for playing.
"If you appear in the game between now and December, you’ll get even more Silver."

All this means is that if you log in, between when it was posted, and when it ends in December, you get bonus silver.

Even if you only log in the 5th of November.

I fail to see how this is regularly according to their wording. But we'll find out soon enough.

My breakdown in TL;DR:
You play Destiny? Have some Silver to try out our emote shop
Do you play at any point during now and December? Have some extra


Gaf friends need 3 for Fresh Kings Fall run later tonight. Maybe about 90 min from now. preferably experienced so we can get it done faster, but one newbie would be fine.

1. LTWood12
2. Hawkian
3. T-44
Gaf friends need 3 for Fresh Kings Fall run later tonight. Maybe about 90 min from now. preferably experienced so we can get it done faster, but one newbie would be fine.

1. LTWood12
2. Hawkian
3. T-44

I would love to go if possible - i am a newbie though :/ 294 warlock

PSN: CmdrN7Shepard


Does it count as your 1 exotic armor?

no, the faction specific exotics allow you to have more than 1 exotic armor at a time.

edit: let it also be known that you cannot wear the faction exotic if you are not currently pledged with said faction.


Ok, here's the deal. I picked up Destiny last year for ps4 and only played it maybe three times. I love the controls, gameplay, graphics and sound. The problem is, I don't have any friends to really play with. My daily schedule isn't set in stone due to the fact that I have two young kids that input to bed every night, but I'm able to play a few times a week. It just varies so much. I can't guarantee that I would be able to play on a specific night, let alone a specific time. Anyway, I'd like to start playing this again since people seem to be liking this more since The Taken King dropped. Maybe with a group of people that are laid back and wouldn't mind a filthy scrub on their team. What do you guys think? Should I even bother picking this up again?
Definitely! There's plenty of people on here at pretty much any given time, and people are almost always up for a raid. What system are you playing on?


Gaf friends need 3 for Fresh Kings Fall run later tonight. Maybe about 90 min from now. preferably experienced so we can get it done faster, but one newbie would be fine.

1. LTWood12
2. Hawkian
3. T-44
4. Ichabod00

I'll join ya'll
Gaf friends need 3 for Fresh Kings Fall run later tonight. Maybe about 90 min from now. preferably experienced so we can get it done faster, but one newbie would be fine.

1. LTWood12
2. Hawkian
3. T-44

I know the mechanics but still lack some dps, PSN ShikiAoi


I'm looking for a group to help me with oryx, I have the checkpoint. I haven't completed it yet, but I know what to do.

PSN: GergR123
Are there additional requirements other than completing the Regicide mission and dread patrol mission to get "A Broken Will" to start the sword quest? I did them on a hunter I boosted up, am 37 currently, and Eris doesn't have the quest available for me :(


The Cryptarch's Bane
Looking for a couple people to help me blitz The Undying Mind and kill this Taken spawn for the Hunger Pangs quest. PSN Hawkian, open party. All we have to do is not kill the boss until the spawn occurs.
Are there additional requirements other than completing the Regicide mission and dread patrol mission to get "A Broken Will" to start the sword quest? I did them on a hunter I boosted up, am 37 currently, and Eris doesn't have the quest available for me :(
Hit 40, I imagine


Looking for a couple people to help me blitz The Undying Mind and kill this Taken spawn for the Hunger Pangs quest. PSN Hawkian, open party. All we have to do is not kill the boss until the spawn occurs.

If I can get this baby to sleep I'll help.
Warning: Wall of Text Analysis for the King's Fall Raid below:

Played through the Raid with some on DGAF on Friday night. Made good time until we got to the Daughters. I've come to the conclusion that it is by far the worst raid encounter in the game. I hope this doesn't come across as salt. I've failed hard and long at bosses before. But failing at the Sisters felt different. Felt bad. And I tried to think why.

Each raid has a final room with two boss fights in it, and King's Fall is no exception. Vault of Glass has Gatekeepers barring the way to Atheon. Ir Yut guards Crota's Crystal before he's summoned. And the Daughters something something before Oryx. (Maybe the lore can explain, but it's not rendered in the encounter. The first failure.) The function of the first fight is to teach any new boss mechanics before the final boss appears and/or to familiarize people with the arena. Ir Yut really only familiarizes players with the arena, but it works thematically at least. Gatekeepers teach the portal & relic mechanics and crucially they have their own mechanics just to them. Kill the Gatekeepers. Defend the Conflux. Those are on top of the shared Atheon mechanics of managing debuffs, guarding plates, etc.

The Daughters, however, have 0 mechanics to themselves. They tear people, then wait impotently until someone grabs a relic. Then they flail about on their platforms as we shoot them to death. This is the exact mechanic that we use on Oryx. There are no additional mechanics or targets. They are boring, bland bosses and you could cut them from the raid and no one would care. (And let's not discuss how trivial the damage phase is when everyone is running Touch of Malice.) Worse, there's really very little variation that's allowed. Five players have positions defined for them. And one guy can float. Gatekeepers can be tackled any number of ways. One side then the other or both at the same time, etc. The Daughters only variance is where the runner should stand, but there's an optimal choice now, so yeah.

So why are they there then? The Daughters were obviously implemented to combat the Atheon "bug" of players being able to make their own fate and decide who got to run the relic. The Daughters randomly tearing a fireteam member forces all players to learn how to run the platforms. An admirable goal, but it does such a terrible job at this that I'm staggered. Our team was made up of people who had only successfully completed the Daughters once or were complete newbies. We wiped on the Daughters for 1.5 hours. And that's not because what you're asked to do is hard. It's because it doesn't allow for learning. If you get torn and fail, you may or may not get another chance for 40 minutes. You can't count on being able to try again when your mistake is fresh to learn from it. This is why so many of our runs failed. You do learn it after a while, but if you gave people the chance to consistently run, even if you made everyone do it, it'd be so much faster. The difficulty for the Daughters comes from them randomly picking unprepared people and then not picking them again in sufficient time for them to learn.

Additionally, the mechanic is unfamiliar and small mistakes are not recoverable. Fail to kill adds well with the Brand in the War Priest, well, your damage phase is short. Fail to get the Gaze on Golgoroth, your damage phase is short. In both cases, the mechanic is a) familiar to people (shoot stuff) and b) can be recovered either independently or by the team on the next damage phase. The Daughters ask people to a) do the unfamiliar (jumping in 3rd person, in a combat phase, and with so much stuff on your screen you can barely see) and b) any tiny failure is unrecoverable and results in a wipe.

To be clear: The Daughters are not hard. At all. Learning the platforming is hard. That's it. Once everyone does know it, then the encounter is trivial. It's an easy minute-and-half. So it fails in that regard as well. (The Gatekeepers is still a fun, dynamic challenge, even when we did it as 34s.)

From a standpoint of justifying their own existence in the raid, the Daughters fight doesn't provide any in-game lore reason for them being there. It fails to provide even one unique mechanic to make them a satisfying boss. Finally, its challenge (and thus interest for raiders who are expected to run this weekly, if not more than that) only exists for new players.


Anyone want to farm the S.A.B.E.R. strike for the warlock helmet with me?

Also, i'm not quite clear on how strike specific stuff drops. From what I've heard, you can get the strike specific stuff from any playlist (from director, lvl. 36, heroic, nightfall), but the heroic and nightfall might have a higher chance of it dropping. Is this correct? Did I miss anything?


Looking to run Kings end, two Warlocks. My son and I. He is only 9 tho. He is a good player, but I wouldn't want to run with a group not prepared for him to make a few mistakes... It will be his first kill of Oryx.

PSN Cybrwzrd
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