Don't you dare gift it to me.
I know, right?
If it were the kernel, I should think more people on the Internet would be raging about it, but you're the only person I've seen mention it, so I think your note of unlikely is right -- which means it's a device driver. Once you figure out which one, you definitely have options.
You could write your own, first and foremost. It's been done before and I'm sure it will be done again. Hopefully a nice guy ends up writing it though, because back in the day, people who did that sometimes used to charge for them. (I recall some ALSA sound driver for linux needed for my Turtle Beach card back in the late 90s... it was the only way I could get sound in linux and as a poor college student, forking over the $40+ they wanted for it wasn't really an option.)
But beyond that, if you know the device that's causing your memory leak and you don't want to write your own driver to fix said leak, you could always just replace the hardware and your problem will be solved! (Side note: you seem really miffed at MS for this leak of yours, but if it's a device driver causing it, then it may not be MS's fault here.)
Nope. Only worth $6.48. Sorry, wait for a better sale. (It's been cheaper before and that was with the season pass, I think.)
Your typical xbox player seems to be more towards shootbangs and sports titles than JRPGs or Japan developed games in general. There are a few franchises that probably buck the trend, but generally speaking (at least from the PS3 vs x360 audience of "last-gen") .
So if you're developing a game with console as the target audience (as most games are these days), why would you waste resources (money, time, staff) working on putting the game on a platform where it won't move a lot of units. Games like Final Fantasy, when they went multiplatform, at least had brand recognition and were established franchises, but Nier -- as you point out -- was a niche type game that was a "cult" sort of hit... if Sony and SE were smart, they'd be partnered to bring the game to the platform much like the Capcom/FROM stuff... (though the Capcom SFV example has a PC port with cross play)...
I'm sure they did the math and figured that the outlook for developing the game and publishing it on playstation alone made the most sense when it was greenlighted. If there's nothing preventing Nier 2 from going to other platforms, they may port it to X1/PC down the line if it make sense financially, I'd guess.
Man, you are really bitter about that leak.
While it is probably better than Star Citizen for a person like me who isn't into the whole "space exploration" genre, there's no way it's better than the other 3... the wait for this game has clearly driven you insane.
I hope it lives up to your hype though. Enjoy it! (But don't expect me to!

Sidenote: Isn't it going to bug the hell out of you that you will probably never get to play TC at this point? It'd be like watching Episode 4 and 5 of Star Wars and then never seeing Return of the Jedi... (though Empire is the only film I really liked out of the 3, probably due to George Lucas not writing or directing it... so if there is a parallel here, maybe I would like SC... yikes).
Doubt it.
This for example.
I got more than my $5 out of playing through the original with Ningen. Surprised they're doing a sequel though.
Probably beaten by now, but maybe: Cryostasis