The worst for Sega with SMTxFE is the game is tied to a Nintendo ip so they can't recover the invest porting the game to other platforms.
Except Nintendo published and funded the game.
The worst for Sega with SMTxFE is the game is tied to a Nintendo ip so they can't recover the invest porting the game to other platforms.
Why? Isn't Nintendo the one who funded and published the game? It's not like they lost any money on it.The worst for Sega with SMTxFE is the game is tied to a Nintendo ip so they can't recover the invest porting the game to other platforms.
The fact it sold so bad while the Wii U hardware sold so well is just sad
hopefully NoA does a better job marketing the game, although given the botched announcement it's not off to a good start
At this rate there's absolutely no chance for PS4 to catch up to WiiU before mid 2017 at the earliest.
They barely gained 380k this year with a stacked year in terms of PS4 releases in Japan.
Lol, wut is this revisionist history?At this rate there's absolutely no chance for PS4 to catch up to WiiU before mid 2017 at the earliest.
They barely gained 380k this year with a stacked year in terms of PS4 releases in Japan.
LOL.At this rate there's absolutely no chance for PS4 to catch up to WiiU before mid 2017 at the earliest.
They barely gained 380k this year with a stacked year in terms of PS4 releases in Japan.
At this rate there's absolutely no chance for PS4 to catch up to WiiU before mid 2017 at the earliest.
They barely gained 380k this year with a stacked year in terms of PS4 releases in Japan.
While Fularu's post is ridiculous, PS4 catching up on 2016 is not a lock. If Splatoon maintains even a fraction of its revanent surge in 2016, the Wii U baseline won't flatline like before. Things should become clear as we move into late January.LOL.
Wait for next year and the end of holidays and the Wii U will be back to its usual below 10k baseline
Ps4 is easily going to catch up with Wii U by the end of 2016. It is impossible to do so unless the console starts bombing horribly for some reason, which Sony won't let happen. As others have said, Slim PS4 + Bundles for the big games in 2016 will definitely boost the hardware.
joke post right?
A stacked release year for ps4? Lol not stacked with relevant japanese games.
Lol, wut is this revisionist history?
While Fularu's post is ridiculous, PS4 catching up on 2016 is not a lock. If Splatoon maintains even a fraction of its revanent surge in 2016, the Wii U baseline won't flatline like before. Things should become clear as we move into late January.
Marketing wasn't bad, it's just no market for this game on the Wii U, complete audience mismatch.
At this rate there's absolutely no chance for PS4 to catch up to WiiU before mid 2017 at the earliest.
They barely gained 380k this year with a stacked year in terms of PS4 releases in Japan.
Wait for next year and the end of holidays and the Wii U will be back to its usual below 10k baseline![]()
It's not like the PS4 had a major Dragon Quest spinoff and a brand new Metal Gear Solid or anything. Or games like God Eater or Toukiden and FF Type-0 HD.
Yeah definitely not stacked... especially in comparison to the Wii U.
I think if it was announced as a Persona game (which is basically what it is) it would have sold a lot better
on't think you can get much better than plastering the game all over buildings and subways around Akihabara.
If #FE was exactly how it is, with Mirages replaced with Persona characters/demons instead, it would have simply burned the audience in a very different. way. What the game actually is is the fundamental issue here, not its marketing.
#FE alienated the FE audience, alienated the SMT audience, and alienated the Persona audience who aren't just into those games because of "high school kids" (which is likely the vast majority of that audience). Changing the name wouldn't have changed that, and could even exacerbate it.
I'm not really following why this would burn the Persona audience? #FE looks exactly like a Persona game to me from everything I've seen.
If this year was stacked, what is next year? The greatest Japanese lineup of all time?It's not like the PS4 had a major Dragon Quest spinoff and a brand new Metal Gear Solid or anything. Or games like God Eater or Toukiden and FF Type-0 HD.
Yeah definitely not stacked... especially in comparison to the Wii U.
Splatoon bundle was limited and it is gone now.Usual under 10k basis? Hemm, dude, Wii U since June, so since Splatoon, always sold >10k, only 3 weeks sold under 10k, and guess why?
Because Nintendo annunced a Splatoon bundle...
And then, after Splatoon bundle released, here we go.
Still, i expect PS4 to surpass Wii U in 2016, but what you said is way wrong.
I'm not really following why this would burn the Persona audience? #FE looks exactly like a Persona game to me from everything I've seen.
And that's the thing: you will see several Persona fans respond to this sort of statement that it doesn't, and that it also doesn't look appealing to them. You will see fans point to Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5 and tell you exactly why #FE doesn't resemble it.
I don't need to elaborate on why, but just say that this is far from an isolated response, and it's made it apparent that those who directly associate #FE with Persona do so on a surface and reductionist level, while the JRPG audience who are into Persona will not easily dismiss their differences like that.
PSV has outsold the PS4 quite a few times this year.Decent 3DS and amazing Wii U numbers. And PSV actually outsold PS4. I wonder where Vita would be without Minecraft this year.
No first party support even in Japan for Vita, Sony never ceases to amaze me.'s not possible that the PS4 did have a stacked year of games because it didn't sell as much as it is elsewhere?If this year was stacked, what is next year? The greatest Japanese lineup of all time?
A stacked release year for ps4? Lol not stacked with relevant japanese games.
Lol, wut is this revisionist history?
Wait for next year and the end of holidays and the Wii U will be back to its usual below 10k baseline
Ps4 is easily going to catch up with Wii U by the end of 2016. It is impossible to do so unless the console starts bombing horribly for some reason, which Sony won't let happen. As others have said, Slim PS4 + Bundles for the big games in 2016 will definitely boost the hardware.
joke post right?
If this year was stacked, what is next year? The greatest Japanese lineup of all time?
PSV has outsold the PS4 quite a few times this year.
This looks so surreal. Wow.09./12. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition <ADV> (Sony Computer Entertainment) {2015.03.19} (¥2.592) - 47.249 / 478.478 <80-100%> (+74%)
I wasn't saying PS4 had a weak lineup in 2015. It was great but definitely pales in comparison to what's in store for the next year. An actual mainline FF, a new KH, multiple DQ spinoffs, Yakuza Remake and Sequel (?), Star Ocean sequel, First Tales of game, and possibly more that I am missing here.Yeah a year where the PS4 gets : A new MGS, a new DQ musou, a new Yakuza and the much heralded Bloodborne. An HD port of FF Type 0, new versions of CoD, a star wars Battlefield and a string of 100-150k+ games is definitely *not* a stacked year as far as PS4 goes against the WiiU, where's that rolleye emoticon when you need it?
What does the PS4 have for 2016 that's supposed to give it a million+ sales overhead over the WiiU when it couldn't do it with staple Sony brands releasing in 2015?
Also blame japanese publishers for stacking much of PS4s releases in February/March of 2015 giving you the illusion that somehow, the PS4 had a weak year in terms of games.
It's not like the PS4 had a major Dragon Quest spinoff and a brand new Metal Gear Solid or anything. Or games like God Eater or Toukiden and FF Type-0 HD.
Yeah definitely not stacked... especially in comparison to the Wii U.
It's not really that much like Persona. Sure there is dungeon crawling and the cast consists of mostly teenagers. But not once in the game do they ever go to school, nor is there any kind of slice of life stuff outside the main story events, nor is there nearly as much content etc etc.I'm not really following why this would burn the Persona audience? #FE looks exactly like a Persona game to me from everything I've seen.
2016 is all about PS4 vs 3DS.
It will be a fierce fight.
I'm predicting something like this: PS4 (1.9M) and 3DS (1.7M, but it needs a price cut).
Yeah a year where the PS4 gets : A new MGS, a new DQ musou, a new Yakuza and the much heralded Bloodborne. An HD port of FF Type 0, new versions of CoD, a star wars Battlefield and a string of 100-150k+ games is definitely *not* a stacked year as far as PS4 goes against the WiiU, where's that rolleye emoticon when you need it?
What does the PS4 have for 2016 that's supposed to give it a million+ sales overhead over the WiiU when it couldn't do it with staple Sony brands releasing in 2015?
Also blame japanese publishers for stacking much of PS4s releases in February/March of 2015 giving you the illusion that somehow, the PS4 had a weak year in terms of games.
So next year the PS4's going to beat the PS3's best year when it's been trailing behind it so far?
I don't buy it.
Splatoon bundle was limited and it is gone now.
But what do you even reckon it will sell next year? Do you honestly expect to see it selling like it did in 2015? I don't think so.
PS4 has a much better chance of improving its sales so I don't see why it is impossible to see PS4 surpassing Wii U LTD by the end of 2016.
Still, i expect PS4 to surpass Wii U in 2016, but what you said is way wrong.
Yeah a year where the PS4 gets : A new MGS, a new DQ musou, a new Yakuza and the much heralded Bloodborne. An HD port of FF Type 0, new versions of CoD, a star wars Battlefield and a string of 100-150k+ games is definitely *not* a stacked year as far as PS4 goes against the WiiU, where's that rolleye emoticon when you need it?
What does the PS4 have for 2016 that's supposed to give it a million+ sales overhead over the WiiU when it couldn't do it with staple Sony brands releasing in 2015?
Also blame japanese publishers for stacking much of PS4s releases in February/March of 2015 giving you the illusion that somehow, the PS4 had a weak year in terms of games.
It's even better next year but there's no use pretending the PS4's lineup was bad this year, especially in comparison to the Wii U.
Now we're definitely talking revisionist history. Ports of handheld games, remastered of PSP games = stacked. Ok.It's not like the PS4 had a major Dragon Quest spinoff and a brand new Metal Gear Solid or anything. Or games like God Eater or Toukiden and FF Type-0 HD.
Yeah definitely not stacked... especially in comparison to the Wii U.
It's not really that much like Persona. Sure there is dungeon crawling and the cast consists of mostly teenagers. But not once in the game do they ever go to school, nor is there any kind of slice of life stuff outside the main story events, nor is there nearly as much content etc etc.
It's not exactly a great game in my opinion, so the sales aren't surprising.
People praising Splatoon and not giving Mario Maker its credit
cmon brehs
This looks so surreal. Wow.
Has a Sony published game ever received such Holiday legs and bumps. I find it hard to believe. Maybe on PS2?
Well, it seems pretty clear. #FE is even more otaku pandering than Awakening and Fates, and that didn't automatically translate into sales. That's a good thing, at least, IMHO. As for Awakening reviving the series, it might or might not be the case, but I'm pretty sure the DS games sold pretty well. It's the Radiant games the ones that sold rather disappointingly IIRC.
Maybe... or not. SRPG isn't going to sell on home console. Last two notable releases I can remember are Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) and Disgaea 5 (PS4), both debuted at ~25k first week.
? Like Ni No Kuni 2? Or something else? I think Layton's ideal platform requires a touchscreen so it's either 3DS, mobile or NX if it has a touchscreen. Also, almost every Layton fan I know thought Miracle Mask was the worst in the series. The 3D models didn't seem half as charming as the original artwork, and things were pretty bland. Azran Legacy seemed to fix that, but it was probably too late/saturated by that point. A Layton every year was too much for me too.Right, Level 5 has been guilty of mismanagement but making Layton 5 a launch title for the next big platform and in 3D was intended to hold off that decline. It didn't.
True, I guess we'll see. I imagine eventually they'll want to make PS4 level games though.
People praising Splatoon and not giving Mario Maker its credit
cmon brehs
last year and the beginning of this year a lot of people were discounting the ps4 as not having anything major to move hardware because the likes of dqh, yakuza and mgs were also on ps3 but now all of a sudden the year was stacked with great games and the ps4 is supposed to have done gangbusters in sales lol. next year is the real test and what we can call "stacked" with hopefully ffxv, kh3 and dq11 leading the charge
In terms of amount of games releases, sure. In terms of potential system movers,'s not possible that the PS4 did have a stacked year of games because it didn't sell as much as it is elsewhere?
There is no use pretending it was good either. It was a barely okay year with a few noteworthy points (MGS, DQ, western titles, etc..). The narrative at the end of 2014 and throughout 2015 has been that the PS4 had very few, if any, system sellers for the year. Now that it has done decent numbers overall in spite of that, the narrative is changing to the PS4 had a "stacked year" and only moved 380K up. I mean, Toukiden as a noteworthy title in the lineup? Seriously?It's even better next year but there's no use pretending the PS4's lineup was bad this year, especially in comparison to the Wii U.
My mistake then... I misunderstood.All i said was about the Wii U basis which you said is "usually under 10k". Is not. Since Splatoon released, Wii U always sold over 10k, withouth the 3 weeks before bundle, and even then, we can't say Wii U basis was USUALLY < 10k for only 3 weeks.
Of course i believe Wii U will be under 10k in most of weeks next year, but not just when the holidays are over. Probabily in March / April... definitive not in January.
Several big releases scattered through 12 months hardly makes it a stacked year. I see you are moving goalposts and now saying stacked in comparison to WiiU, where's the lmao emoticon when you need it. Every console can have a stacked year relative to such an objectively low bar.
Calm down and look at the list of 2016 games coming to PS4. That is more akin to what you would call stacked.
In terms of amount of games releases, sure. In terms of potential system movers, no.
There is no use pretending it was good either. It was a barely okay year with a few noteworthy points (MGS, DQ, western titles, etc..). The narrative at the end of 2014 and throughout 2015 has been that the PS4 had very few, if any, system sellers for the year. Now that it has done decent numbers overall in spite of that, the narrative is changing to the PS4 had a "stacked year" and only moved 380K up.
The Wii U's lineup was so poor it just made the PS4's okay lineup look good in comparison. Splatoon coming out of nowhere and doing crazy good just served as one heck of a safety net for Wii U.