Yikes. I'm worried for Killer Instinct.
Sure, it's cheap but I'm referring to Windows Store games in general and assuming all future releases are going to have the same quirks. Also, judging from the PC Performance thread, we can add DSR to the list of things you can't do with a Windows Store game. Wow.
We need Phil Spencer on this shit ASAP.
If they continue down this path with these kind of restrictions this whole gaming on W10 thing will be a royal fuck up for MS.
Or maybe not if they just care about releasing Minecraft where the majority of players probably don't care.
I had a $50 windows store gift card from some random promotion so I could get the windows store version for $4 out of pocket, so that's what I did
My immediate impression of the way they are handling games was pretty negative. The store doesn't ask you where you want to install it, and automatically installs to your C: drive, which didn't have enough space. I realized this quickly, but let it go to see how it would handle it. Rather than telling me, it just installed 8 gigs of the game and then failed. The store itself has no option to change the default download location so a google search led me to the discovery that the option to change the download location was buried in the general windows options, and even then it just lets you decide the drive, not the actual location.
Downloaded the game, it launched fine with no issues. no overlays seem to work with it, which is a bummer (fraps, rivatuner ect). I was able to get the fps counter from shadowplay to work eventually, but I have no idea how. I just kept turning it off and on and eventually it popped up once.
Next, as I tried to add the game to steam as an non steam game, I discovered my major issue I have with this system. The game files themselves seem to be in a folder in the install drive that, even as my own computer's administrator, windows isn't allowing me access to. I haven't put any real time into actually getting in there outside of double clicking and getting a "you don't have permission to do that" error, but I shouldn't have to.
The interesting thing is, and I would love someone else to take a look at this to see if i'm not crazy, my performance seems to be a bit better than those with similar systems are reporting in the main PC performance thread. I'm getting pretty consistent 60fps with some dips into the 50s and high 40s occasionally on a 2gb GTX 680SLI setup, on high with shadows on medium, which is higher than most benchmarks are saying I should be getting. I'm seeing about 80% utilization on my GPUs
(EDIT) Turns out my SLI utilization was a monitor not reporting correctly for whatever reason. According to nvidia inspector, i'm only seeing 10-15% utilization on the 2nd gpu
The download/installation location issue is enough of a problem for me that I wouldn't recommend going the windows store route unless you have a significant reason to do so (as I did). I would like someone else to check into that performance thing, as I'm going to assume that there is some other factor in play unless someone else comes back noticing the same thing
Features like those named will come to the UWP in time (if necessary) and it has nothing to do with Phil Spencer (well, almost) as it is out of his hands and more in the hands of the priority for the UWP team itself.
Right now, the most important thing is getting the games on the actual platform. Trying to get everything like it was (which honestly, it won't be like that) with W32 before even having games is wasted time.
So basically, if you have a Steam controller, DO NOT BUY GAMES FROM WINDOWS STORE.
Killer Instinct is ded already.
In time. Just like in time Microsoft Edge will get extension support when nobody cares anymore. They really shouldn't have launched all these Windows 10 features half-baked.
I had a $50 windows store gift card from some random promotion so I could get the windows store version for $4 out of pocket, so that's what I did
My immediate impression of the way they are handling games was pretty negative. The store doesn't ask you where you want to install it, and automatically installs to your C: drive, which didn't have enough space. I realized this quickly, but let it go to see how it would handle it. Rather than telling me, it just installed 8 gigs of the game and then failed. The store itself has no option to change the default download location so a google search led me to the discovery that the option to change the download location was buried in the general windows options, and even then it just lets you decide the drive, not the actual location.
Downloaded the game, it launched fine with no issues. no overlays seem to work with it, which is a bummer (fraps, rivatuner ect). I was able to get the fps counter from shadowplay to work eventually, but I have no idea how. I just kept turning it off and on and eventually it popped up once.
Next, as I tried to add the game to steam as an non steam game, I discovered my major issue I have with this system. The game files themselves seem to be in a folder in the install drive that, even as my own computer's administrator, windows isn't allowing me access to. I haven't put any real time into actually getting in there outside of double clicking and getting a "you don't have permission to do that" error, but I shouldn't have to.
The interesting thing is, and I would love someone else to take a look at this to see if i'm not crazy, my performance seems to be a bit better than those with similar systems are reporting in the main PC performance thread. I'm getting pretty consistent 60fps with some dips into the 50s and high 40s occasionally on a 2gb GTX 680SLI setup, on high with shadows on medium, which is higher than most benchmarks are saying I should be getting. I'm seeing about 80% utilization on my GPUs
(EDIT) Turns out my SLI utilization was a monitor not reporting correctly for whatever reason. According to nvidia inspector, i'm only seeing 10-15% utilization on the 2nd gpu
The download/installation location issue is enough of a problem for me that I wouldn't recommend going the windows store route unless you have a significant reason to do so (as I did). I would like someone else to check into that performance thing, as I'm going to assume that there is some other factor in play unless someone else comes back noticing the same thing
Sorry, KI isn't going to die just because certain people have certain wants from their PC games. It still lives just like Titanfall does (even with no one playing on PC). KI is getting bigger and people will have a chance to play it on their PCs...something they haven't been able to do for the past 2 years. And seriously...steam controller? Cmon.
Just like how Windows 10 isn't fully done (and won't be...just like OSX) but yet almost the amount of people on Steam use Windows 10 as Windows 7. Just like how the first couple iPhones didn't have copy and paste. Just like how Xbox and PS4 were missing features but still sell a shitload. This is how software is done. Get used to it.
So basically, if you have a Steam controller, DO NOT BUY GAMES FROM WINDOWS STORE.
Killer Instinct is ded already.
wowNext, as I tried to add the game to steam as an non steam game, I discovered my major issue I have with this system. The game files themselves seem to be in a folder in the install drive that, even as my own computer's administrator, windows isn't allowing me access to. I haven't put any real time into actually getting in there outside of double clicking and getting a "you don't have permission to do that" error, but I shouldn't have to.
Let's not pretend anyone should be playing Killer Instinct with a Steam controller, lol.
Why not? I don't have a Xbox controller or an arcade stick and I don't feel like buying one just for one game. On the other hand, I can play Street Fighter V with a Steam controller. I wasn't planning on buying it now that Killer Instinct was coming to Windows but with all these UWP issues I may have to reconsider.
lol at Windows 10 gaming being the next iPhone.
I don't have to "get used to it". The competition is already there.
so just grant administrator access to that
I know they're doing this to protect the clueless casual person from themselves, but that's just completely unacceptable for pretty much anyone above that level - I don't even want to call them "power user", because that's much further up the chain of knowledge.
Can't access files and folders as administrator on my own system, completely fucking unacceptable.
so just grant administrator access to that folder...
You can take control of that folder simply by taking ownership. Just because you aren't granted default access as the administrator doesn't mean that you're locked out of the folder.I don't think that works.
Or at least I'm too dumb to figure it out.
A store is only good if it lets you use the Steam overlay? Dear god, Steam is a decent service. But the (small) cult following it has drives me nuts and actually makes me not want to use Steam at all.But right, let's keep defending this garbage store not letting you add games to Steam overlay.
Let's not pretend anyone should be playing Killer Instinct with a Steam controller, lol.
The prices are the same. In fact in my country the Windows Store version is currently €5 cheaper than the Steam version. Can you show us an example?Wow the international prices for the windows store are nuts. Guess even that is American centric. If they want to compete with steam, at the bare minimum they have to match prices
Let's not pretend Killer Instinct is so deep that you can't do everything in the game on a pad with relative ease. It's an extremely easy game to play and works just fine on a pad.
But right, let's keep defending this garbage store not letting you add games to Steam overlay.
The prices are the same. In fact in my country the Windows Store version is currently 5 cheaper than the Steam version. Can you show us an example?
Exactly. If you go back to post 73 of this thread you will realize that there was a price error. Which was quickly fixed.Week you could just read the past pages and see actual replies from gaffers, don't think they would be making that up.
where exactly does this version install too? cant seem to find it
"Winkelwagen" sounds hilarious to me lmao
I know they're doing this to protect the clueless casual person from themselves, but that's just completely unacceptable for pretty much anyone above that level - I don't even want to call them "power user", because that's much further up the chain of knowledge.
Can't access files and folders as administrator on my own system, completely fucking unacceptable.