I love when someone drops an instakill ult when I'm the only opponent in the area (lol reapers) Talking about ults, I stopped two in a row as a bastion
Lol awesome. You shut them down quick.
So who do you pick GAF?
I love when someone drops an instakill ult when I'm the only opponent in the area (lol reapers) Talking about ults, I stopped two in a row as a bastion
So who do you pick GAF?
Lucio or Mercy
So who do you pick GAF?
I hate it when I end a round with a full ultimate meter.
Mo-fucking-ron thy name is drewfonse.
So who do you pick GAF?
So who do you pick GAF?
Lucio or Zarya depending on whether it's control or payload. But I already know my teammates aren't going to be playing the objective anyway.So who do you pick GAF?
So who do you pick GAF?
I played a game against 5 functional Tracers last night and it was a nightmare. I'm sure there's a logical counter to it, but all I could think was "stop it, fucking leave me alone, stop it!" the entire match.
Yes. I have R9 280X and i installed latest drivers from yesterday.
Might be, i am really not sure. But how can game-ready drivers be so bad?
I want to play on a 5 bastion team on defense
ItsHighNoonClock.jpgHow do you defeat a well organized team of all mcrees?
I'd take a reinhardt and 5 meis
or a reinhardt, 4 meis and a torbjorn
So who do you pick GAF?
There is no single player stuff. This is a game where you can compete but relax and have fun. Its still fun even when you lose (but not as fun obviously). Group up with some people and have a blast. If you decide to pick it up on console you get get it for $48 from Amazon using prime.
If you can afford it I say do it. its great fun! Like I said earlier matches play out more like chess matches then death matches. Blizzard is supporting the game for free with new heroes and maps. If you are interested at all you might as well get in now. I really feel like the skill gap in this game is going to be huge if you fall behind on team comps and counters.
5 Winston's constant shield on objective, easy game.
The leave buttonSo who do you pick GAF?
Mei is awesome. She's my go-to defense character. What killed the dinosaurs?
tfw playing with a mercy that doesn't heal and only uses her pistol
tfw playing with a mercy that doesn't heal and only uses her pistol
me in general chat after a win: "gg"
random ass: "up yrs"
alt + f4
So who do you pick GAF?
Saw a Mercy shooting her pistol through the front door of the second Hanamura point last night. Pinging away at a distant Roadhog and Bastion. Ducking in and out of cover.Saw one of those last night.
Guy didn't use his heal, he only boosted damage and used pistol. Why.
So who do you pick GAF?
2 winstons, 2 mccrees and 2 lucios is surprisingly baller team combo in king of the hill.
Ran the numbers on the Polygon crates video
Other skins: 50%
Legendary skins: 6%
Victory pose: 24%
Emote: 2%
Will be interesting to see if freeloaders feel their crates match these rates in a week or two.
Widowmaker, duh.
2 Winston's and a Lucio is one of the deadliest team comps in the game. A lot of pro games have this comp.
So who do you pick GAF?
Rocket jumping (ish) onto the top of an ice wall then leaping down and shooting the other team in the back as they try and run around it is the best thing.She's insane in the Anubis map in Attack because she can so easily shut down turret bullshit. Had my team steamroll everyone after I threw up a wall right in front of the Tor on the opposing side who had put their turret up on the ledge after the first choke point. After that, I walled off the turret/bastion defending the second control point and we just waltzed in there and took it.
So who do you pick GAF?
So who do you pick GAF?
I just played a game with a level 31 already. Is there any 'end-game' or ultimate 'point' towards levelling up besides loot boxes?
alright guys.
fess up. how many of you spent the $40 for the 50 loot boxes?
reaper seems like a fun character, buried under ow the edge everythingI got a voice line for Reaper where he says
"i'm not a psychopath. I'm a HIGH FUNCTIONING psychopath."
This fucking character