Hearing word that Osborne is leaving on Monday
Unreal that Boris Johnson could end up being Prime Minister. The guy is a buffon and a fucking liar.
Lib Dems have pledged to ignore the result.
Hearing word that Osborne is leaving on Monday
At least "we got our country back" tho...
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.
No surprise, who was saying next Tuesday ?
See you all in a couple of months.
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.
By the time they are even able to get 20 seats in the parliament UK would've already been out of EU for 20 years.
I'm more interested to know where Theresa May is, since she's kept a low profile during the whole thing. Personally I suspect she's hiding in the shadows, quietly watching and waiting, biding her time. Once Boris and Gove commit seppuku, she'll play her hand and gun for the leadership.
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.
Yeah, from an outside viewpoint it appears the UK is currently run by a bunch of Trumps, to be honest.[IMGhttp://i.imgur.com/fis3wGQ.jpg[/IMG]
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.
neither of those politicians are in power so nothing is in their hands.
Cameron has to give the Chancellor gig to a Brexiteer, I wonder who is up for that challenge.
The world is in danger of being overrun by very right wing politics. We shouldn't be surprised that at the rate right wingers are making waves we get another major war within the next 20yrs, one which will be so bad, we will make it a crime for anyone to even suggest a notion of far right wingness
I don't like her on a gut instinct level. But Home Sec is a pretty tough gig and to have lasted as long as she has speaks of her resilience.
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.
Actually those 10 000 votes are in kansalaisaloite.fi , which is an official site and does verify your identity.
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.
War of the Four Kingdoms![]()
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.
Does that mean that unsightly eyesore they are building in Birmingham (which was supposed to be their new headquarters) is now going to be put on hold, maybe indefinitely?
She's not exactly popular with immigrants but I suppose that is what the leave voters want, someone who has complete ruthless stance on immigration. With her as the face of the party, she can definitely push for many of the wishes that's gotten the citizen in a pickle, however she's also a remain voter though so that may be a bit complex
Barely any immigration and yet immigration was one of the main reasons why they voted to leave.
Idiots. The only one with any amount of common sense is the chip shop owner.
Yes but it doesn't mean anything. What it shows that there are a ton of clueless people living in Finland. If you go look at the comment section of the evening papers like Iltasanomat, you really start to wonder how our education system can be so highly regarded. You can scroll through a hundred comments under a brexit new story and struggle to find 5 reasonable messages. But yes, even we have our "we want our country back" people here. Very loud, very stupid and hopefully a minority.
Honestly wouldn't be shocked if Boris and Give get behind May and then they can start being bullish about winning the leave vote knowing that someone else is scooping up their shit for them and will get blamed for the issues the UK has by the end of the term.
Barely any immigration and yet immigration was one of the main reasons why they voted to leave.
Idiots. The only one with any amount of common sense is the chip shop owner.
Deborah Basini says that she voted Remain. All my family did. Im very worried about whats going to happen to inward investment. Im 60 this isnt going to affect me. Itll be my grandchildren who are not yet born.
What's that? Showing concern for a generation that isn't your own? Wow, what a novel concept, maybe our elderly could learn something from it?
Sorry, if there's even a hint of politicians backing out of this then UKIP will have a massive boost for the next general election and the tories will be split to smithereens.Interesting read here.
More of the same on why this may not happen, but written in a more understandable way and a way which makes it all click together:
Another one wanting the magic money tree... Sigh...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36629533?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter (Correct link)
Sorry, if there's even a hint of politicians backing out of this then UKIP will have a massive boost for the next general election and the tories will be split to smithereens.
Didn't the current Conservative majority government get in on something like 24% of the vote? With First-Past-the-Post, UKIP will dominate unless a single strong opposition party emerges, and neither Labour nor the Lib Dems are likely to rise to the challenge.
Turns out those so worried about their future couldn't be bothered to vote on it
36%, bravo
Same.May is the one I actually fear most tbh.
Theresa May is the worst person I can think of, horrible woman.
Keep her away from power
FS moves likely in my opinion
Banks - Frankfurt, Paris, Dublin
Hedge Funds - Paris, Switzerland, Milan, NY
Private Equity - Switzerland, NY
Asset Managers - Paris, Frankfurt, Switzerland
The secondary effect of this is that law, accounting and other services firms that were dependent on these firms and the banks will also end up moving their bases.
Back and middle office jobs for these companies will probably have their ops entirely closed in the UK with very few staff being offered positions in the new office move, they are jobs which are more readily replaceable.
All of this is why the UK will bend over backwards for the passport because this level of job loss would crater London.
52% of the turnout basically voted Donald Trump. That's how messed up this is.
Heard Citigroup might be moving wholesale as in pretty much everything but it could just be rumours Lord knows there's enough of thatFS moves likely in my opinion
Banks - Frankfurt, Paris, Dublin
Hedge Funds - Paris, Switzerland, Milan, NY
Private Equity - Switzerland, NY
Asset Managers - Paris, Frankfurt, Switzerland
The secondary effect of this is that law, accounting and other services firms that were dependent on these firms and the banks will also end up moving their bases.
Back and middle office jobs for these companies will probably have their ops entirely closed in the UK with very few staff being offered positions in the new office move, they are jobs which are more readily replaceable.
All of this is why the UK will bend over backwards for the passport because this level of job loss would crater London.
Views on climate change is a good litmus test for any politician whether you agree with their other views or not. These opinions are not a good indicator that UK is in good hands.