Suspect or POI??! Fuckin media
'black man wanted by police' is all they see.
Suspect or POI??! Fuckin media
Shows this guy not shooting anyone. It needs to be shared on a massive scale..
Knowing CNN, they will pull a massive fuck up and somehow cast more suspicion on him.
You're being naive.
There's a reason that picture first showed up on 4chan Nate.
Am I a terrible person to hope that the shooters aren't black or Muslim?
Bu-bu-but Texas!
Ya think he was the only guy open carrying a long rifle in Dallas that day?
:lol okay
he may have been one of the few in the protest crowd, yes. and the people from the protest are the ones who reported the guy to the cops and gave them the picture.
As a native of DFW, its really disgusting the amount of stereotyping most people here are spewing about the city. It is home to various liberal colleges SMU, UTD, etc. People acting like seeing someone with a gun in public is would be viewed as normal are the same idiots who think all Texans go to work on horseback and a cowboy hat.
The state of Illinois is surrounded by states with paltry gun control, sit the fuck down.
Tomorrow, if that turns out not to be the shooter, everyone who posted his picture is taking a long ban. Feel free to edit it out if you aren't confident in the news you're presenting.
I so agree with everything he stated in this clip. I have personal reasons for this as well.
My best friend from when I was 4 years old to 27 years old is now a Lieutenant of the Homicide Division in a very large city where I am from in NJ. Needless to say he worked his way up the ranks in the police department, so he started as a plainclothes cop on the beat like most cops do.
We had a falling out when I was 27 and only recently reconnected about 2 years ago. We are nowhere near as close as we once were, but we at least talk again.
His response to the two shootings the past two days has been unreal to me. I know my man. He is smart. Reasonable. He is absolutely streetsmart. Has to be to work in the city he works. But all he does is defend fellow cops no matter what. The typical stuff like "we have families too" and "if you do not comply this is what can happen." It goes on and on and on and on.
I know deep down, especially with the latest shooting of my man whose girlfriend did the live Facebook video, he has to know that was just straight up murder. But he will never say so. Never. And it just boggles my mind as to how that can even be possible. If cops only admitted when a fellow cop was clearly in the wrong it would go so a long way in letting the public know not all cops are like that.
Instead they defend themselves no matter what the situation, and well, that is when shit like this happens.
People have a breaking point. In fact I am surprised they have not reached it yet.
It looks like it may finally have been reached. Shit has the potential to get real ugly if others decide enough is enough across the country. One spark is all it takes. Let's just hope this was not it.
Don Lemon you dumb son of a bitch, he just said he could be involved though there is video of him confused and flustered
I'm watching CBSN and they are not reporting any shots. What stream are you all watching?
Not a bad idea? Are you serious? Dude's life is probably ruined for a while.I don't like the 4chan/Reddit witchhunting either, but I don't think it was a bad idea to investigate him a little more closely.
Ya think he was the only guy open carrying a long rifle in Dallas that day?
:lol okay
everyone watch
the local coverage is so much better than the cable outlets.
Per CNN, the guy handed his rifle over to the police. Working to confirm.
No, you're right to hope that I think. Not that it makes the actions any better if they're not, but you just know that there will be even more hatred and violence if they are.
Don lemon are you over here on NEOGAF?
Pretty sure they meant a 4th officer was confirmed dead as there have been confirmed reports of that.I got a notification on my phone via kgun9 news.
Don Lemon is not a good news person.They..... actually just did this.
I mean, he probably wasn't.Wild, baseless, and ignorant accusations like this should hardly be tolerated on here.
My father was a cop for 30 years, now retired. He was a cop is a 99% white small town.
He sees these videos and flat out calls them murder and wrong.
Your friend is an ass and a bad cop.