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LGBTQIA+ |OT8| PrEPare Yourself.

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it was very fun. very hot. i was just hooking up with a guy and he was like hey would you be okay with another guy coming and i was like "sure" and it happened and it was that poor boy's first time having sex oh my god

his poor butt

aw. bby's first time. how cute
Congrats, Crayo! 💯

My date with Cop seemed better than my last one. We're set for next Monday, but something has to be wrong. Idk why he's single.


I remember talking to a cop when we were taking a patient to the morgue. He has been on the job for 15 years but wants a change of scenery, he's due for a promotion but doesn't want it. Thinking of nursing. I gave him some advice if ya know what I mean
I remember talking to a cop when we were taking a patient to the morgue. He has been on the job for 15 years but wants a change of scenery, he's due for a promotion but doesn't want it. Thinking of nursing. I gave him some advice if ya know what I mean

My dad got into working in aged care and then patient transport ten years ago, after decades of factory work and being a butcher, after wanting to since a hospital stay in the 70s.

Astral Dog

oh my god
if you just could see what I'm seeing right now
its the boiler, right? it finally exploded
I just had my first threesome
aww, you had lots of fun im jelly ;)
at this rate i think im just going to die before first time but oh well
Congrats, Crayo! 💯

My date with Cop seemed better than my last one. We're set for next Monday, but something has to be wrong. Idk why he's single.

i dont know why you are single .

he is just probably a psycho cop, there are many of those.
My first day of community college is Monday. bleh. I was hoping I could get out of this state before I started college but oh well. Hopefully I can at least find a fuck buddy in the meantime. I haven't socialized in months.

Anyone else have school coming up?


I hope Mr. Cop doesn't manscape too much. The prepubescent look does nothing for me.
I've never been a fan of the way some people imply there's a pedophilic element to preferring the clean shaven look. Follow the logic: If shaved guys look prepubescent and a person prefers shaved guys, then it follows that the person likes prepubescent-looking people. And that's where I have to stop you.

I mean unless you're fucking blind there are a lot more physical differences between kids and grown-ups than body hair.
My first day of community college is Monday. bleh. I was hoping I could get out of this state before I started college but oh well. Hopefully I can at least find a fuck buddy in the meantime. I haven't socialized in months.

Anyone else have school coming up?
Me. Community College too but it's my second year. Last semester I got by way too close so I'll try to not let that happen this time around. I also want to get a job so I can move on with my growth as a person and finally get out of this rut I've been stuck in, it's annoying.


In an equal world - of course it's not ok to do this, and no, I understand and agree that comments such as 'fuck <group>' are never constructive or helpful. But I don't think that's the point.

It's been said before, there's no power in 'fuck straight people'. Straight people aren't hurt by that, their power isn't taken away, their place in society isn't diminished and as for the many straight allies - if they're truly allies they should understand our anger and be able to separate themselves from the comments.

To draw a comparison - my tumblr dash is often filled to the brim with the latest injustice to black people. Whether it's some cop shooting somebody for literally no reason, or an 'all lives matter' protest - every time stuff like that happens I see an onslaught of anger towards white people.

When somebody posts this stuff, with tags like 'fuck white people' or 'white people are the worst' - genuinely, being white myself, I fucking agree. I can't deny what's happening in the world, the white people that act this way are trash and I hate that they make other races feel like this. I understand the anger, don't feel offended by it and hope that during the course of my life I can contribute towards positive change. Because that's the only way things will change for poc, and other oppressed minorities. The people with the power, the straights, the whites, the men, they need to recognise the wrongs and use their fucking privilege to influence positive change.

^^ horribly articulated but hopefully you see my point.

Yes, go ahead and feel angry at certain groups and cuss them out en mass. We've all said "f**k x people" at some point in our lives. But don't expect to be able to say that in a public discussion and not get called out for it. Because as well as being unfair it's also very unhelpful. Straight people don't deserve to be labelled for their sexuality any more than gay people do. I don't think any amount of straight privilege makes that okay.

Man, rugby players are just something else.


lmao all I hear about Suicide Squad was all I expected tbh

People got their hopes up for that film too after the other disappointment of a film...

I thought Suicide Squad was okay, nothing great but nothing offensive. I'm not really feeling Leto as The Joker though, way too thuggish.


So yeah No Man's Sky was a disappointment. While I wasn't super hyped for it, it's disappointing to see a game that you've been following for years turn out this way. For the record I don't think it's 'bad', just merely okay and not worth anywhere near its admission fee. The repitition in mechanics and world generation, the generic but frustrating survival mechanics, the unholy amount of glitches I've encountered, and oh god the inventory. I can get some enjoyment out of it but I thought it would be able to give me that new game fix until Battlefield 1. :/
Yes, go ahead and feel angry at certain groups and cuss them out en mass. We've all said "f**k x people" at some point in our lives. But don't expect to be able to say that in a public discussion and not get called out for it. Because as well as being unfair it's also very unhelpful. Straight people don't deserve to be labelled for their sexuality any more than gay people do. I don't think any amount of straight privilege makes that okay.

Man, rugby players are just something else.
"Unfair" is a fucking weird term to use. What exactly is unfair about it? What does saying "Fuck straight people" take away from straight people while benefitting gay people? Because when something is unfair it usually means it benefits one party more than the other. Zanzetsuken is right in saying that "fuck straight people" has no power. Why do you expect gay people to not get angry when we just had bullshit like a straight journalist that thought it was okay to out tons of athletes at the olympics and put them in danger? There is no way in hell the same thing would happen if someone made an article about straight athletes at the olympics on Tinder or some shit, they wouldn't be placed in any danger at all.

I just don't understand this need to jump at angry gay people with this dumb "Not all straight people" stuff. Like, of course? We socialize with straight people every day and most of the people we meet are straight? It's obvious that not all of them are homophobes and that not all of them are actively seeking to hurt queer people? There's literally nothing new about this information. You're not stating some revolutionary thoughts or anything, it's literally common sense. "Fuck straight people" refers more to the fact that a straight man thought it was okay to make a clickbait grindr article that put the lives of gay athletes in danger acting like it was no big deal even though actions like that have lead to the enviroment that puts gay people in danger on the first place.

But congrats i guess


I do think people outside of the LGBT community could stand to care a bit more about our situation. I'm honestly not sure about using this as an example, as it feels to me like it could be misconstrued as insensitive and pretentious, but with the Pulse shooting it was very clear that the media were more focused on the fact that the gunman was associated with ISIS than the fact he killed over 50 LGBT people. That's why I can understand the "fuck straights" crowd, it does feel like people outside of our community care for our welfare less at times. What makes the situation with the media and Pulse worse is how some tried to argue that it wasn't a hate crime.

(This is coming from someone who was in the "not all straight people" camp. I've not really been on either side since the debate in the Discord chat the other day.)


It's just plain sloppy to generalize more than your point requires. Unless you're talking about something that doesn't actually matter, like video games.

A general statement about a group is equivalent to a set of targeted statements about each individual within that group. "Vegetables suck" means this can of expired green beans sucks, and this $42 vegetarian entree from your city's best restaurant sucks, and this basket of fresh carrots from your grandfather's garden sucks.

Consider that before you say things like "fuck this planet" or "fuck humanity" or "fuck straight people." Especially when you're in earshot of straight people who are sympathetic to your issues and don't deserve to be lumped in with the jerks.

The Lamp

So I'm kinda new to gay stuff. I've always been bi but I've never been in a gay relationship or had gay sex until a couple months ago. I met a guy. We're very serious monogamous boyfriends now. We've had sex a few times with condoms, but we both got tested and showed each other test results and we're both completely clean as a whistle. Still use condoms.

Some thoughts I've had.

The idea of barebacking sounds really intimate, and we're both clean and monogamous so the risk of anything is minimal, but I guess you never know...he's long distance so I would never know if he cheats on me and vice versa, unless someone tells the truth. There's also the risk of UTIs from bacteria. Is barebacking worth trying? I enjoy sex just fine with condoms and it makes clean up so simple.

I also never felt how much privilege straight couples have until I was in a gay relationship. I feel scared in public of showing any affection that might signal that my partner and I are gay. People could jump us or threaten to hurt us outside of a club. It's really scary. How have you guys dealt with the social prejudices of being gay? I don't even feel comfortable telling people by default "oh yeah my boyfriend so and so" unlike straight couples that never have to hesitate in saying so.


So I'm kinda new to gay stuff. I've always been bi but I've never been in a gay relationship or had gay sex until a couple months ago. I met a guy. We're very serious monogamous boyfriends now. We've had sex a few times with condoms, but we both got tested and showed each other test results and we're both completely clean as a whistle. Still use condoms.

Some thoughts I've had.

The idea of barebacking sounds really intimate, and we're both clean and monogamous so the risk of anything is minimal, but I guess you never know...he's long distance so I would never know if he cheats on me and vice versa, unless someone tells the truth. There's also the risk of UTIs from bacteria. Is barebacking worth trying? I enjoy sex just fine with condoms and it makes clean up so simple.

I also never felt how much privilege straight couples have until I was in a gay relationship. I feel scared in public of showing any affection that might signal that my partner and I are gay. People could jump us or threaten to hurt us outside of a club. It's really scary. How have you guys dealt with the social prejudices of being gay? I don't even feel comfortable telling people by default "oh yeah my boyfriend so and so" unlike straight couples that never have to hesitate in saying so.
If you guys are serious and get tested regular then I don't see why you couldn't bareback. But if you have any doubt just use condoms. And I will agree that bareback is more intimate especially if you have feelings for each other.

As for public life, you shouldn't have to worry about what others think, but unfortunately life isn't that simple. Just be wary of your surroundings and go from there. People make assumptions all the time that I have a girlfriend or the regular heternormative spill that comes from the general public. I sometimes correct people if I feel welcomed but most times I just play along. I guess each situation you are in is different. The more you are open the more you will want to be open, as well.
I approve of this.
Dear baby Jesus, I approve so hard.

Escape Goat

Im in the mood for an old school rpg like secret of mana, breath of fire, final fantasy (before it got the KPop treatment). What are my options?



So I'm kinda new to gay stuff. I've always been bi but I've never been in a gay relationship or had gay sex until a couple months ago. I met a guy. We're very serious monogamous boyfriends now. We've had sex a few times with condoms, but we both got tested and showed each other test results and we're both completely clean as a whistle. Still use condoms.

Some thoughts I've had.

The idea of barebacking sounds really intimate, and we're both clean and monogamous so the risk of anything is minimal, but I guess you never know...he's long distance so I would never know if he cheats on me and vice versa, unless someone tells the truth. There's also the risk of UTIs from bacteria. Is barebacking worth trying? I enjoy sex just fine with condoms and it makes clean up so simple.

I also never felt how much privilege straight couples have until I was in a gay relationship. I feel scared in public of showing any affection that might signal that my partner and I are gay. People could jump us or threaten to hurt us outside of a club. It's really scary. How have you guys dealt with the social prejudices of being gay? I don't even feel comfortable telling people by default "oh yeah my boyfriend so and so" unlike straight couples that never have to hesitate in saying so.

A friend of mine told me a story of how a relative of his (I think it was his sister, actually) had bareback sex with their boyfriend. Because she trusted him.

Except, he was cheating on her.

She ended up catching HIV, it progressed to AIDS and she ultimately died from it.

I do get that its more intimate. And if you're on PrEP, the risk is certainly lower. And if you're not with a total dick bag, its even lower. But the risk is still there, and you're putting a lot of trust in another person. Lots of people cheat, for various reasons. And I don't think anyone ever expects it will happen to them until it does.

I don't think its worth it.

EDIT: Thinking about it more, I'm not sure my example makes total sense. Based on my logic above, straight couples shouldn't have sex without condoms either, but they actually have to if they want kids.

So... I dunno.


Im in the mood for an old school rpg like secret of mana, breath of fire, final fantasy (before it got the KPop treatment). What are my options?


I'd recommend Phantasy Star IV. It's on steam for a couple of bucks. I played it the first time this summer and had a blast. Took me about 15-20 hours to beat, so it's not too long either. Just right for me at least. It's very well paced, has great music, nice humour (!) and neat story presentation.

Sixfortyfive made a great thread about it a few years back. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=342023


Escape Goat

Not really. The games are on phones (not the best version of DQ8 but others are great), also their own original platforms and other systems they have been remade for.

I hate playing games on my phone. I was hoping most of these would be 3DS games. I have a ps4, xbox1 and a wii u (somewhere...i never unpacked it after i moved).
I hate playing games on my phone. I was hoping most of these would be 3DS games. I have a ps4, xbox1 and a wii u (somewhere...i never unpacked it after i moved).
You can play DS games on 3DS so you can play great remakes of DQ4, 5 and 6 and the original 9 through that, and soon DQ7 and 8 as 3DS games. DQ11 is announced for 3DS (and PS4 but they are different games somehow) as well.
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