Since noone has answered to your questions, here are some thoughts of mine:
I suggest in the future you do those event dungeons (atleast some runs & go to check what prizes Mog King has) even you dont have any of those 6*. They give much more, there was 10 Summon tickets to grab, really nice Katana (for Chiz for example) & ok Shield and 10 Star Quarz. Obviously to get them all you needed to grind event (good - exceptional rank exp btw). But yeah so much more in prices than only those awakening mats to 6*. Also those mats can be used to future 6* units (like CoD, Chiz).
Thing you should do:
- Level Lenna asap and kick Fina from party. Lenna is Fina in steroids

Party suggestion (story):
- Chiz, Leo, Vaan, CoD , Lenna
* Chiz dps
* Leo / Agrias tank role
* CoD dps
* Vaan Full Break, back up healer (slap Cura to Vaan) if needed
* Lenna Cheer + healing (Curaja)
- If Leo is max 5* leveled, focus getting Lenna to 5* max level after that focus to Agrias
- In order to get full use from Cheer (Lenna has cheer too) go with 4x dps
Mageish (Orbonne monastery event for example)
- Vaan, Kefka, Golbez, Tellah, Lenna
* Vaan
- 1st turn Focus, 2nd turn Full Break (depending fight, this is how I do it in ADV Colosseum)
* Kefka, Golbez, Tellah
- After Vaan has cast focus, these 3 cast element chain (Blizzaga or Thundaga).
* Lenna
- Healing, status cleaning
** Shantotto
- IF healer is not needed and you dont have better mage, use Shantotto to take part to Element chaining
Tankish (ADV colosseum)
- Vaan, Lenna, Kefka, Tellah / Golbez Leo/Agrias (or both)
1st turn in this order
- Vaan Focus
- Lenna Cheer
- Golbez Binding Cold (paralyzing aoe), other mage does GA spell (or some debuff)
- Leo / Agrias defend
Phantom Forest - Exploration gives only "Green Magicites / Megacites", use them to level your Espers (don't level Siren at this point).
I farm trust heavily, but cant say anything about emulators sorry :/.
- I do TM farming manually, I run Earth Shrine - Entrance (2 battles), its fastest to clear and I dont plan to get Limit Break skills in those runs (Using LB takes more time and you need to run Earth Shrine - Exit, 3 battles, thus its longer).
- It takes average of 10000 Earth Shrine runs to get TM from 0% to 100%, it varies, some do it 9000 runs and some take much more runs than 10000, its all about rng.
- Average is 0.1% TM raise for every 10 nrg you use.
- TM farming is slow, when I had 50-55 nrg max, it took around 40 - 46 days to get TMs to 100%.
Not sure how high daily TM% you get if you run TM with emulator and do cheapest daily quests every day. My guess is around 3-5% depending nrg max.
Edit: Nice avatar