I'm just talking about PC, I have no interest in Scorpio. At the moment I own a total of 0 games on the Windows Store, and unless they give me a compelling reason to buy one I'll stick with Steam.
I'm not sure making the games cheaper would really have an effect though unless they were significantly cheaper and then their margins would be cut significantly as well. Many people that are already PC Gamers have said that making them cheaper won't really convince them because it's more about their library.
I think Microsoft is trying to tackle this the only way that they could by offering features such as cross-play and cross-buy.
And I really don't know if they're trying to Target the super high-end crowd anyway.
I personally seem to be that perfect customer that Microsoft is trying to get to and it's worked on me in a few of my friends with Gears of War 4.
A buddy of mine who is primarily a Sony in PC Guy picked up Gears of War 4 on PC and he's been toying around with the idea of getting an Xbox one anyway but now since his purchase is going to transfer he said he's going to pick up a Scorpio day one, and he will likely continue buying cross buy games when he has the chance. Is Microsoft can get this scenario working with third parties this is where they can do some significant "damage"to steam.
I think that is the scenario Microsoft is trying to create. They might be able to sell some Xbox Ones and Scorpios to the people that are primarily PC Gamers but maybe want to play competitively with their friends in games like halo 5 and probably Halo 6 and Halo Wars xcetera and they are presenting The Cross buy as more of a play anywhere you want scenario.
If there's enough people out there like that only time will tell but so far it's worked on a few people I know personally.