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LTTP - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (is the greatest game of all time)

The same way fans of the Witcher 3 ignore the horrific combat mechanics and shit on Soulsborne for whatever subjective as fuck reasons?

Come on. I dont think I could roll my eyes harder at your response.

On topic: My stance with The Witcher 3 is that while it has a beautifully crafted narrative that goes places depending on the weight of your choices (CD Projekt deserves wide recognition for staying consistent on that), the ghastly combat didnt let me go further past the Red Baron quest. I just couldnt do it, and Im not sorry. Combat should have EQUAL attention being given when the game was still in development considering how long the game spans. And CD Projekt fell flat as hell on that.

It also didnt help boost my interest in staying engaged with the restrictions placed on the player with no character creation, meaningful physical character customisation, having a very small amount of weapons available that changes combat (all weapons feel the same, smashy, no substance), no long range weapons like bows to open up playstyles, and no variety whatsoever in magic spells considering they are WITCHERS.

Otherwise, the game has amazing cohesive narrative, excellent voice acting, excellent quest design, and probably the best RPG open world design/approach that should be the standard for future RPG open world IP's.

TLDR; Combat execution sets this game back so hard is unbelivable. Its that bad.

**Edit** I should also add that...and this last bit is entirely my opinion as well...that its a bit baffling as to why its regarded as "of all time" when it couldnt even get the most fundamental basis of a video game right.

Keep rolling them. Don't care, guy. People will just be like "Witcher 3 is bad because combat is bad. Feelsbadman"

Most of them never really explain why. It's bad compared to what? Skyrim? Combat in Witcher obliterates those ES games. It's not even close. Objectively speaking


I don't know about best game ever, but it is without a doubt the best game of this generation so far.

Bloodborne is #2
Keep rolling them. Don't care, guy. People will just be like "Witcher 3 is bad because combat is bad. Feelsbadman"

Most of them never really explain why. It's bad compared to what? Skyrim? Combat in Witcher obliterates those ES games. It's not even close. Objectively speaking

I beg to differ. Clearly, the basic melee mechanics are better in The Witcher, wowever, I think it's difficult to compare The Witcher's combat, which is primarily focused on sword attacks and dodges with the occasional power/comsumable, to Skyrim's which is entirely freeform. Sure, a melee dragonborn will be stuck doing the same lame dance of hitting, backing off, and hitting again, but that's not all you can do. Mages will be figuring out good spell combinations, stealth people will be finding every nook to hide in, and even melee people occasionally have the chance to plan their route of attack. That said, none of the combat paradigms in Skyrim are that great, but the fact I can freely switch between them means I can more readily find a combat loop that I find most fun.

But what Skyrim (and other well-designed open world games, but Skyrim to a greater degree than most) has over The Witcher 3 is a far greater degree of emergent combat scenarios. I'm not talking about individual encounters; those definitely suck. No, what Skyrim has over The Witcher 3 is a world explicitly designed to enhance the game, not just house content. In The Witcher, I'm never going to run into a band of Stormcloaks, quickly become outmatched, run headlong into a bear, lead that immortal beast into the middle of the Stormcloak hoard, and then find some river to hide in. This may not happen very often in Skyrim, but it happens enough that any given playthrough is bound to have a few unique memorable moments. Ultiamtely, Skyrim works, not because its base mechanics are any good. They really aren't. It works because the world itself is part of the gameplay. This simply isn't the case in The Witcher.


While I would never call it the greatest game ever, it is maybe the only AAA (truly) open-world game to ever hold my attention enough for me to complete it (unless we consider Souls games open-world). I mainly focused on the main plot, ignored the card game, and sorta only did the monster side-quests, because the game is way too big for me. The main plot was fantastic (and this is coming from someone who thinks 98% of game plots are garbage), the combat was lackluster, but the world and environments were beautiful (I loved Skellige). Moreover, the game ran like a dream on my i5 4670k/gtx970 setup (ultra settings, 60 fps). So, yeah, great game. A solid 4/5, in my book.


But the Witcher 3's combat isn't just bad compared to the Souls games's combat, it's bad compared to most game's combat.

I'm not saying it's amazing either, even though I do enjoy the clunky combat, but it's usually Souls/BB that's always brought up. Most people got the message already.

Personally I think Dragon's Dogma destroys both, combat-wise.
Glad you enjoyed. I saw what it was good at, few things of which were actually fun to me. I think going open world killed it for me. It slowed the game down to snail's pace and I gotta say I don't have that time nowadays. I liked both predecessors better.


But the Witcher 3's combat isn't just bad compared to the Souls games's combat, it's bad compared to most game's combat.

But it's not actually bad combat, it's just decent. It's worse than combat in many games as you say, but it's good enough for people to love the game and good enough for many people to enjoy the combat itself. It's far from being shit, as some people eloquently put it.

If I absolutely hated Dragon Age I, is it possible that I could like this?

I guess it depends what you hated about it? With just this info I would say yes, you could like this.


This is less meaningful when you consider Skyrim and Inquisition swept in their respective years.
OK. I need to get a fucking grip. Really need to give this more of a chance. Got a couple of hours in and shelved this hard. Just had no real attachment or interest whatsoever in what was happening, why it was happening or the people involved, lol. Honestly, if it wasn't for these threads keep popping up here and there I'd forget I even own the game, no desire to give it a go.
Combat alone makes this NOT the greatest game ever. It's good, probably the second best title I played last year (Bloodborne is tops) but it's nowhere near greatest game of all time status. I understand taste is subjective but that seems like hyperbole to me. Still pissed I accidentally romanced both Yen and the red hair girl.


It seems like I am one of the rare few that have yet to play this game. I am looking forward for Black Friday to perhaps get a good deal on a PS4 Pro/PS4Slim and grab the GOTY edition while at it.


In comparison with 95% of CRPGs, The Witcher 3 has great combat. The conversation shouldn't be delimited to Skyrim. Soulsbourne aren't relevant at all really.

Yes, unbelievable game.

OK. I need to get a fucking grip. Really need to give this more of a chance. Got a couple of hours in and shelved this hard. Just had no real attachment or interest whatsoever in what was happening, why it was happening or the people involved, lol. Honestly, if it wasn't for these threads keep popping up here and there I'd forget I even own the game, no desire to give it a go.

You need to push past the 3-5 hour mark.

There's a thread named like "how I learned to stop worrying and love The Witcher 3" or something. Have a look.

The guy played for 5-6 hours and just didn't like it. Wasn't immersed. Didn't enjoy the characters.

We all told him to keep going.

He reappears a week later saying that at the 10-15 hour mark suddenly it clicked. He understood the world and Geralt's place in it. The mechanics clicked. His vision of the game's potential exploded. He battered through tens more hours without a care in the world and understood how it could be a GotY.

There's a chance it won't happen for you and you won't enjoy it, but it's so, SO worth giving it a bash. There's a whole, almost fully realised universe in there and it takes a while before you can conceive of it properly and appreciate it.


Best game of its genre, only game that comes close is Witcher 2. Probably the best told story in a game too. I'm currently playing through Blood & Wine after completing the main game and Heart of Stone.

Never really understood GAF's hateboner for the apparently bad combat. Turn down the difficulty if you're bad at it.
If anyone is left to try this (like me!) They can currently buy the Game of The Year Edition (All DLC) on the PS Store for £20 (like I just did!)
Really disappointed that CDPR won't commit to supporting the ps4 pro. The game is excellent but the performance boost will definitely help its weaker technical aspect.


Best game of its genre, only game that comes close is Witcher 2. Probably the best told story in a game too. I'm currently playing through Blood & Wine after completing the main game and Heart of Stone.

Never really understood GAF's hateboner for the apparently bad combat. Turn down the difficulty if you're bad at it.

Apparently Jeralt doesn't do what I want him to do

I've never had that problem with Geralt, especially with alternate movement. I think the combat has a nice rhythm to it, and just when I thought I was super strong I started to get wrecked in Blood and Wine. Of course the combat in games like Souls/BB are better, but the entire point of those games is the combat. Witcher 3 has a lot more to offer and shines in those areas more.


OK. I need to get a fucking grip. Really need to give this more of a chance. Got a couple of hours in and shelved this hard. Just had no real attachment or interest whatsoever in what was happening, why it was happening or the people involved, lol. Honestly, if it wasn't for these threads keep popping up here and there I'd forget I even own the game, no desire to give it a go.

Did you play the previous games? If Witcher 3 is your first in the series then yeah it's going to take some time to warm up to the characters because you're starting with a clean slate and have no idea who anyone is. I would highly suggest playing Witcher 2 before jumping into this. If for some reason you don't want to, just stick with Witcher 3 for a bit longer because you'll eventually start liking the characters more due to the superb writing.

AMAZING game. 1st playthru will always hold a special time in my heart. Will play the DLC someday.

Gah, I've seen a few people post they've played / beat the main game and are holding off on the DLC for whatever reason. Trust me, PLAY THAT DLC. Like, drop whatever game you'e playing now and play it. I'm serious.
It is much better than other modern open world games, but that doesn't mean it is all that great because other modern open world games are garbage.

TW3 should be the minimum you should expect from the genre. If it is the best we get it is time to pack it all up.


It's definitely one of the defining titles of this gen, and one of the most surprisingly fresh games to come along since Dark Souls (or Demon's, if you had a PS3 at the time).

I've enjoyed other RPGs more for their exploration and C&C, but Witcher 3 is an incredible package and must have introduced many mainstream gamers to old-school RPG concepts in a big way. That's something hard for games to do.


I love it. If I remember correctly, I played Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne before starting TW3, and never really thought to compare the combat. In the context of TW3, which for me was more about the story and the very high quality of the writing and sidequests, it works, and works well. I would never call the combat "garbage" as so many people do. I have lots of fun using the signs, and while parrying is much easier here than in Souls games, it feels good and leads to great finishing animations, so perhaps it's style over substance, but whatever. It's a wonderful game and one of the best I played this year.
This game is truly an experience. It may not be a hit with the hardcore crowd thats into combat precision, but it's absolutely fine.

The game captures your imagination. The feeling of dread when you encounter the Crones for the first time through a painting and their theme kicks in. You want to get the fucking fuck out of the godforsaken swamp. Then the feeling of calm and serenity of Kaer Morhen, the last witcher fortress, as you enter it meeting your old friends. The scenery is gorgeous and breathtaking. You want to stay there forever and just pass the time until you grow old. No other game made me feel...a personal connection to places as much as The Witcher 3 did. The desolute despair of Velen, the No Man's Land, the bustle of Novigrad's docks and fish market, the daring adventure of Skellige by climbing huge mountains and defeating ancient monsters. You get the picture. This game creates a living, breathing world unlike any other.

I can talk about how well crafted the characters are as well! Yen, Triss, Dandelion, Crones, Triss, and your Witcher friends. From Lambert's utter dickheadery to Eskel's resolute calmness. Vesemir and Ciri are in a league of their own.

I can go on and on. This game is really a masterpiece.

Mr Git

It's not only a phenomenal game but also the best bang-for-buck I've seen in a very long time. I've still not finished Blood and Wine but my playtime is over 400 hours and I've not even started a newgame+ yet or tackled the hardest difficulty (both are next stop post B&W). I didn't find the combat system to be as much of a bug-bear as many - it's still far more fun, flexible and serviceable than many (a)RPGs, but the writing, quests and world are just exquisite and really have set the bar for games of its ilk. I still can't express how wonderful it is to walk/ride/run from Velen all the way through into a Novigrad tavern - seamlessly - which when compared to something like Skyrim is such an achievement.


formerly nacire
104 hours into my first playthrough of this game. I'm playing on Deathmarch and just got to the keep where drunken absurdity broke loose. Something involving squeezing into dresses and drunk dialing some sorceresses with a megascope.

Really having a great time with the game and just enjoying the narrative, the character interactions and the world.


The same way fans of the Witcher 3 ignore the horrific combat mechanics and shit on Soulsborne for whatever subjective as fuck reasons?

Come on. I dont think I could roll my eyes harder at your response.

On topic: My stance with The Witcher 3 is that while it has a beautifully crafted narrative that goes places depending on the weight of your choices (CD Projekt deserves wide recognition for staying consistent on that), the ghastly combat didnt let me go further past the Red Baron quest. I just couldnt do it, and Im not sorry. Combat should have EQUAL attention being given when the game was still in development considering how long the game spans. And CD Projekt fell flat as hell on that.

It also didnt help boost my interest in staying engaged with the restrictions placed on the player with no character creation, meaningful physical character customisation, having a very small amount of weapons available that changes combat (all weapons feel the same, smashy, no substance), no long range weapons like bows to open up playstyles, and no variety whatsoever in magic spells considering they are WITCHERS.

Otherwise, the game has amazing cohesive narrative, excellent voice acting, excellent quest design, and probably the best RPG open world design/approach that should be the standard for future RPG open world IP's.

TLDR; Combat execution sets this game back so hard is unbelivable. Its that bad.

**Edit** I should also add that...and this last bit is entirely my opinion as well...that its a bit baffling as to why its regarded as "of all time" when it couldnt even get the most fundamental basis of a video game right.

It's hilarious how hard posters like you try to diminish a game rightly hailed by the vast majority of the industry as one of the greatest of all time just because you didn't have enough fun killing things.

You couldn't make a more clear argument for the regressive audience in the industry if you tried. Beautifully atmospheric landscapes and world, some of the best written characterization in any game, naturalistic storytelling and sidequests... but let me just bitch about the combat. This is why gaming isn't taken seriously by people outside of the bubble.

And honestly so much of it is just pure bullshit. Skyrim never got even a quarter of the hate this does for it's combat, and Skyrim's combat is far more boring. Giving you more "options" on handling boring combat does not make it less boring, it's a clickfest no matter what you do. In Witcher 3 you actually have to use your brain sometimes during the encounters. People go overboard on shitting all over W3's combat because they like to be contrarian. That's all there is to it.


Love it too, but srsly, chill with the goat stuff. Why does anything that's great gotta be the greatest of all time or greatest of something?

All you do with that mindset is putting yourself in a corner and inviting disagreement.

Fantastic storytelling, world and character building makes this game truly special. Its other elements beyond that are mostly great (amount of content, graphics and art), some good (combat system) and a few things are flawed (technical performance on console, skill system).

It's one of the greats for sure. We are lucky to have developers with such ambition willing to put in such huge amounts of sweat and tears to deliver something that will stand with the best... just relax on giving it the crown, no single game should stand above all others and none does.
People go overboard on shitting all over W3's combat because they like to be contrarian. That's all there is to it.

This is ridiculous. It can definitely be a deal-breaker for many. I like CDPR are lot, they are the type of studio this industry needs more of. They're good guys. I can't wait for Cyberpunk because it's setting and source material are far more interesting to me.

But if a game has a lot of combat and it's clunky, that's more than a valid reason to dislike it. Just like some like UC4's shooting but dislike the automated platforming or walking bits.

Movement in general is clunky, compare the horse and character movement of TPP to that of TW3 for example. The side-quests, while well-written, are at odds with the main quest.
Why would I pluck flowers for some guy if I'm on an urgent quest to save Ciri? It doesn't make a lick of sense. There is a distinct lack of challenge too, even on Death March.

And that whole Witcher-vision/Batman-vision and all the other versions of it is such a repetitive, outplayed and simply boring mechanic to me that I wish no game would ever use it again.
That's really the only knock on the Witcher 3 is the combat. It's not bad, but it isn't good either. It works and it's serviceable. But the game does SOOOOOOOO many other things right that makes up for it. Greatest RPG of all time, the gold standard. Top 10 games ever.


Gold Member
easily my favourite game this generation and my most played game of all time. i don't get the hate for the combat. it could be better yeah but the way some people are acting it as though it's terrible. if Witcher 3 is bad then don't play the 1st or 2nd game. Witcher 3 is a huge improvement. Each game improves upon the last. Keep in mind it's not just the 3rd Witcher game but the 3rd game that CDPR have made if you don't include the cheap mobile spin off games.

i can't wait to replay the game again. i feel a little burnt out on it at the moment but no wonder after spending hundreds of hours playing it.


This is ridiculous. It can definitely be a deal-breaker for many. I like CDPR are lot, they are the type of studio this industry needs more of. They're good guys. I can't wait for Cyberpunk because it's setting and source material are far more interesting to me.

But if a game has a lot of combat and it's clunky, that's more than a valid reason to dislike it. Just like some like UC4's shooting but dislike the automated platforming or walking bits.

Movement in general is clunky, compare the horse and character movement of TPP to that of TW3 for example. The side-quests, while well-written, are at odds with the main quest.
Why would I pluck flowers for some guy if I'm on an urgent quest to save Ciri? It doesn't make a lick of sense. There is a distinct lack of challenge too, even on Death March.

And that whole Witcher-vision/Batman-vision and all the other versions of it is such a repetitive, outplayed and simply boring mechanic to me that I wish no game would ever use it again.

I'm talking about how fucking overly dramatic and annoying people get over what are ultimately very small quibbles in the overall scale of the game. It is not justifiable to dismiss the entire project and everything it's trying to accomplish over minor flaws nearly every other open world game has, it comes off as contrarian because a stink to this degree was never raised with Skyrim or Red Dead Redemption.
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