It feels like we get this thread weekly
On a message board?! Why I never!Yay opinion battles
Name a better RPG.
The Witcher 1, FFXV, FFX, Dragon Age: Origins, Balder's Gate 2, FFVII, etc...
TW3 is wonderful, but the gameplay drops it lower on the list for me.
That is a decent but VERY flawed game.
Then I guess it must be true!
I'm glad so many people are discovering how amazing this game is, even after year and a half from its release.
And it's still amusing to read about 'shit combat system' in every single one of those threads.
It feels like we get this thread weekly
The number of people that enjoy the same thing, or extol it as perfection doesn't actually indicate anything other than a lot of people happen to like it.
Just stop. None of your Souls superfandomness is wanted here, just get out please, so the rest of us can worship at the altar of CD Projekt Red.
But seriously, either I'm just getting old, or I'm living in some alternate reality where cinematics and graphics are way more important than actual compelling gameplay. I just played through the game again after a year break and a ton of updates, and had to stop halfway through Blood and Wine. Just can't continue...sooooo boring, despite the fact that for the most part I enjoyed the characters and side stories.
It's would be irony if the Witcher 3 wasn't a better game.Irony much?
The number of people that enjoy the same thing, or extol it as perfection doesn't actually indicate anything other than a lot of people happen to like it.
Who's talking souls? I've never played through a single souls game completely and also never gave a crap about the story in any of them. The souls games are just solid games to me.
That said KoA Reckoning had awesome combat and RPG progression.
Souls superfans are so insecure.
It's would be irony if the Witcher 3 wasn't a better game.
FF15 has some of the most generic MMO questing I've seen in a while. And the story is a fucking mess.
bg2 is the only game on that list that compares. But different strokes.
And man I need whatever you're smoking that made FF15 equal to Witcher 3 in your eyes. That is a decent but VERY flawed game.
It is without a doubt one of the greatest games of all time. It sits along the classics like Planescape Torment and System Shock 2 for me. It really boggles my mind how CDPR managed to create such a beautiful piece of art with so much quality content. You can improve the experience by installing some mods to take care of UI and quality of life niggles. The combat is better than most action RPGs out there, people just complain about it because it's simply the weakest part of an amazing package.
And it's still amusing to read about 'shit combat system' in every single one of those threads, mostly from the same users.
Maybe if it had interesting sidequests, complete story or even any character customization [stats, armors etc.]. XV is more of an action game than rpg.
I don't get what's bad about Witcher 3s combat system.
I know opinions and all that, but there are wrong opinions and this is one of them.
I see some people have started the christmas celebrations early, mainly the intake of plenty of alcohol.
LOL Okay.Everything about it is outstanding, until you actually start to play it. Camera, controls, combat etc feel more clunky and an N64 game.
Yes, people really don't give enough weight to TW3's flaws. They're definitely drunk.
Why do you need other people to dislike games you don't like?
Also Final Fantasy 15s side quests are ancient MMO quest design. Please stop defending them. They are bad.
I don't get what's bad about Witcher 3s combat system.
Hai guys, I like souls and witcher!
I don't. I was making fun of the silly comment I was quoting, that's all.
So are TW3's. They're exactly the same level of bland.
Good writing to prop them up, bad combat/traversal to drag them down. They're on par overall.
(maybe XV is even a little ahead as the gameplay is so good, imo)
It's awkward to control, it has very little feedback, it has very little interesting abilities or ways to build your character.
It's low quality when compared to the rest of the game and other games in the genre.
It's not awful, but it's not very good and it absolutely stands out in an otherwise incredible game.
I don't get what's bad about Witcher 3s combat system.
TW3 sidequests from a gameplay perspective are exactly the same as FX when you boil them down.
While TW3 adds meaningful story telling to even the smallest of the quests, the actual gameplay is highly repetitive.
Go here, activate detective mode, search area, collect/kill x, etc...
I understand many find story the most important thing, but for me the gameplay is on equal footing. And I honestly think TW3's combat and general gameplay drag the overall experience down way further than XV's issues do.
The actual story of XV is as good as TW3 easily (the actual overall story of TW3 is pretty crap).
Every sidequest in games eventually boils to the usual: [go here] [do that] [go somehwere else], it's the context that matt... oh wait... wait...
I don't. I was making fun of the silly comment I was quoting, that's all.
Every sidequest in games eventually boils to the usual: [go here] [do that] [go somehwere else], it's the context that matt... oh wait... wait...
Yeah... I guess we will not find a common ground on this topic, ever. Trying to continue this conversation would clearly be a futile endeavour for us both.
I'm glad you enjoyed XV though, I liked the gameplay, it was tight and responsive, if not a bit simplistic because of the combat, sidequest however were a soul-crushing experience for me.
The combat and food are the only redeeming qualities of Final Fantasy 15. Everything else is a Swiss cheese mess of 10 years of broken development and restarts.
Ah okay, that's fair. Im surprised you prefer the combat in the first game. I prefer it over Witcher 2 too. Also as an overall game, but it's highly affected by the low spec PC I played Witcher 2 on. It's hard to have fun when game can't even keep 30 fps especially in combat situations. Should replay it now and choose Roches path.
No the rhythm game combat of TW1 was fantastic. You're not wrong.
I dont agree on the combat being bad either. You do not really notice the nuance on lower difficulties, but on the higher ones if you don't use the correct oils and buff potions, and you don't use your Witcher signs for crowd control, you are dead.
I do think Witcher/detective mode quest in games are something that needs a rest, but the quest lines in Witcher 3 are good enough that I'm usually thinking about them while on the trail.
It accomplishes the job of making you feel like a witcher more than any other game in the series, which had flashes of greatness but were never great, witchers are stronger than humans but aren't anywhere near remotely invincible and can easily be wrecked by a monster, who require the full brunt of your equipment and magic to defeat. That's what the combat system feels like, and it's honestly great, contrary to popular belief there's very little animation priority as it's animations are completely based on context and can be interrupted, so you're very rarely taking hits due to Geralt not being responsive compared to TW2. And ofc enemies have much more weighty hit reactions than they did in the witcher 2. So all in all the game has a great combat system that fits the game easily, but wouldn't fit in a souls game, but it's not trying to which begs the point of why that's a criticism. As if a souls combat system would magically make the game better when everyone's currently arguing in another thread that it absolutely wouldn't work in an open world setting.I would personally say that there's nothing bad about it, and it's a perfectly serviceable system. At the same time, there's just nothing particularly exciting about it.
It's not only the most awarded game of last year it's the most awarded game of all time and devs are considering it very influential. The industry has spoken.I didn't even think it was the best game of its own year, but glad you like it so much OP, as it is a great game in any case.![]()
Something about the rhythm game style of TW1 really appealed to me. I mean, it was sloppy and the game had a few technical issues that made it awkward too, but there was something about it. I'm probably rose-tinting, but my memories are very fond.
I didn't enjoy TW2's combat at all, but I really did love the overall style of the game.
I'm very curious how CDPR are going to handle there new game in this regard. They seem to be very open to experimenting.
Played it on DM exclusively. Just because you were forced to use the systems didn't make them any less awkward or repetitive.
It accomplishes the job of making you feel like a witcher more than any other game in the series, which had flashes of greatness but were never great, witchers are stronger than humans but aren't anywhere near remotely invincible and can easily be wrecked by a monster, who require the full brunt of your equipment and magic to defeat. That's what the combat system feels like, and it's honestly great, contrary to popular belief there's very little animation priority as it's animations are completely based on context and can be interrupted, so you're very rarely taking hits due to Geralt not being responsive compared to TW2. And ofc enemies have much more weighty hit reactions than they did in the witcher 2. So all in all the game has a great combat system that fits the game easily, but wouldn't fit in a souls game, but it's not trying to which begs the point of why that's a criticism. As if a souls combat system would magically make the game better when everyone's currently arguing in another thread that it absolutely wouldn't work in an open world setting.
The industry has spoken.![]()