It would be amazing if there is a build calculator.
Where you can equip any character with any equipment and materia to see their hp/dmg/mag/def/etc values.
Any programmers here willing to take on this monumental task?![]()
It would be amazing if there is a build calculator.
Where you can equip any character with any equipment and materia to see their hp/dmg/mag/def/etc values.
Any programmers here willing to take on this monumental task?![]()
Awesome,thanks! Now I don't have to go back and forth switching eq between characters to see what's best!
10% TM Moogles this week:
1) ELT Gilgamesh Clear
2) 28-day November Login
3) Top 90k Arena Placement for Month
4) Top 3k Arena Placement for Month
GUMI really needs to give me some more Mogs to TM level my Medius. I have way too many characters to level now...
We have the an upcoming Moogle for daily awards and the monthly ranking. That's two. I need a third. I guess the next banner I should be good to go for the growth egg then sometime in December.
Dumping the TM moogles into a 2nd growth egg is looking so tempting at the moment. Far too many people to level up nowadays.
Yup. Double the EXP, Half the time and Stamina to level.
Ooh, trophy light came on again. Wasn't expecting that.
Looks like I finally hit the 10k mark in quests completed. Thanks for the 500 lapis. Only have one annoying silver trophy remaining marring each of the first two pages of the trophy chart.
64 down, 6 to go.
My luck is probably not enough to get him without a lot of spending so yeah... when is the next tippity-top unit hitting? I need an educated guess on how much lapis and tickets I should be saving for the next month or so
10k quests? How is that even possible, there's not even 10k wuests in the game. Plus i got 500 lapis for completing 70 quests, is there more?
Wording issue :/
Quests awkwardly has multiple simultaneous meanings:
1) Actual traditional quests: 70 for gold, as you did. The stats page lists these as "missions". Pretty sure I have all of them done now including the new content; 94 completed.
2) "Quests": Very awkward here. The trophy page says "explorations completed", the stats page says "quests completed", and the in-game level completed says "Quest Completed". The trophy in question here is Esteemed Explorer, which is 10k energy-spending-activities completed (whatever anyone actually wants to call them).
It would be nice of SE/Gumi actually was consistent on what they want to call things in the game.
Yeah. Still not even close on finishing CoD, and she's critical to raise because of Omni-Veil.
Let alone Exdeath, as a 6* mage. That's at least 4 million XP there, if not more.
The only thing holding me back is that I only have 1 Ludmille, but 2 Medii. Really should feed the Ludmille and grind the Medii and combine them.
Should I replace Ingus with Faris as my full breaker? Only have a 3* Faris and I've Bartz and two or three Exdeaths to level so low down my priority list unless she's a major step up...have focus on Cecil and have Delitas stronger version so if that's the only big plus should I bother leveling her at all?
Should I replace Ingus with Faris as my full breaker? Only have a 3* Faris and I've Bartz and two or three Exdeaths to level so low down my priority list unless she's a major step up...have focus on Cecil and have Delitas stronger version so if that's the only big plus should I bother leveling her at all?
I'm actually looking forward to his 6*... I would like to use story characters on my team because it fits the flavor of the game better. I wish the story characters were a little more competitive to make that viable. I hope the 6* forms change that some.Doesn't really seem worth it to me. Probably just a sidegrade. Rain is probably better than either when he gets his 6* soon.
Grats on the pulls!
Looking at the release schedule from JP,
Gilgamesh released on May 1st.
Dark Fina released on May 20th.
Orlandu released on June 1st.
I'd probably say rather easily that Orlandu is the next "big one" to be saving up for. Many vets here have been waiting to pull him since Global launched.
Likely upcoming banners on Global:
FF13 banner: Lightning again
FF Zero: Queen
FFBE: Dark Fina
FFT: Orlandu
Maybe??? Secret of Mana in there somewhere. May be skipped for Global, though.
Dude, congrats! I'm happy for you. Nice to see a fellow Canadian have some luck!Okay couldn't sleep and in a fit of rage I broke my rule of not spending money on this game. It took me 6 x 10+1 pulls but I got my gilgamesh lol
Welp, it's starting to feel really lonely where I am.I didnt get any Clynes in those 3 x10+1 I made. So I had to fix this shitty situation.
Can I cry now?
Iam so sorry @Chrono, I did left your team
You need to share some of your rainbows/luck with others, i.e., me.... daily Gold to Rainbow. Greg (!!). I'm at work (no one's here) and I nearly shouted like crazy. First and last pull on this banner!
Lightning + DKC ain't too shabby! Granted, that's a lot of money to spend which might sour the accomplishment, but even still, nice
So i spent 150 bucks.
Got lightning at least..... no gilgamesh....still no zidane
Got dark knight cecil.
Is he any good?
Congrats on the Gilga!Yeah, did 40 pulls
When the bad streaks start, they stay for a long time. At least, from my experience.Broke my promise to hoard everything for Orlandeau.
Currently at 69 pulls without a single rainbow....I think I'll stop.
Of course if I had my Brave Frontier pulls (and horrible luck to get Tilith) I'm at 130+ without rainbow now.
Congrats! Lots of really nice units in there. Exdeath dupes, Bartz, Agrias, and the man himself, Gilga. Great stuff!Bought some lapis for two 10+1 pulls. I got 3* Ex-Death from my daily pull. From the other 22, I got another 3* Ex-Death, a Gilgamesh, a couple 3* Bartz, 4* Agrias, and some other new units since this account is only 3 weeks old. I got what I wanted from the money spent.
Congrats on the Gilga/DKC.I got him too!! Took 3 11 pulls and 40 tickets though lolll. Also got dkc on the way![]()
Grats on the pulls!
Looking at the release schedule from JP,
Gilgamesh released on May 1st.
Dark Fina released on May 20th.
Orlandu released on June 1st.
I'd probably say rather easily that Orlandu is the next "big one" to be saving up for. Many vets here have been waiting to pull him since Global launched.
Likely upcoming banners on Global:
FF13 banner: Lightning again
FF Zero: Queen
FFBE: Dark Fina
FFT: Orlandu
Maybe??? Secret of Mana in there somewhere. May be skipped for Global, though.
You'll have to correct me, but if I recall. He came with a Mog King event.
I know the FFXIII Banner is a Mog King, but I'm not sure about the FFZero and FFBE. They will also most likely have a Christmas event(They did in JPN)
Ahh yea, i got silver for that the other day, and i was like wuuut? There's no way i completed 1,000 explorations. But if it's just spend energy 1,000 times, then yea..
You'll have to correct me, but if I recall. He came with a Mog King event.
I know the FFXIII Banner is a Mog King, but I'm not sure about the FFZero and FFBE. They will also most likely have a Christmas event(They did in JPN)
Ffzero part 1 Event is a mog King like the Brave Frontier one (that has a rare enemy spawn that gives you 3000 currency... The difference is unlike metal gods, this enemy can fuck your ass really hard)
Good idea! I would have forgotten for sure.Don't forget to do Chamber of Crystals for the mission lapis![]()
Don't forget to do Chamber of Crystals for the mission lapis![]()
My friend did an 11 and pulled Gil, the urge to do the same is strong but I shall persevere for Orlandu!
I aleeady went 3 11 pulls with nothing so luck isnt on my side
Damn man i want him though lol
I'm actually surprise I manage to stay in top 3000 in the arena this time, a lot of people gave up?
I'm actually surprise I manage to stay in top 3000 in the arena this time, a lot of people gave up?
Seems to be a lot less people playing in the arena these days. I'm below 90k and I've only done 2 matches so far.
Why complain? Makes it easier and the rewards are good.
I'm actually surprise I manage to stay in top 3000 in the arena this time, a lot of people gave up?