If it hadn't been posted yet, Bundlestars has a new Build your bundle with some neat games in there, you can either get any one of the games for $1, or up to 8 games for $5
Interesting games worht getting from here include
Broken Sword 5, Pool Nation, Cook serve delicous, Shadowgate '14, Story about my uncle, Deponia 1, Kingdom Rush
Its still $30. Are you being sarcastic? I cant even tell anymore.
$30 for 30 games
Context matters here, As I wrote above, one issue with getting this bundle, should one get it, is that you're likely to saddled with more games than you actually want.
The issue here isn't the price, it's the content.
Imagine If this game would've had DOOM '16, Civ 6, XCOM 2, CoD: IW, Dragon's Dogma and Tyranny, for example, hell you scrubs would jump on it straight away. Of course that's not the case here.
There are some decent games in the bundle but not worthy enough to drop $30 for charity to get them at this point.
By your reasoning a $200 bundle of 200 games would be fine too.
If it were 200 games in your bloody wishlist, then sure as hell it'd be fine, wouldn't it

If Humble puts up such a bundle then at the end of the day, whether it were for charity or not, it'd come down to what games are in it If it has more games that interest me then I could see myself getting it.
It's not about the amount you pay but what you GET from paying
Then again there once was a time I too posted about spending $30 without a care in the world... good times ;_;
You still can, I'm already willing to drop $200+ on stuff this winter seal.
Esit: oh and don't think I didnt notice you not shilling for Nitroplus Blaster, thats like the third anime fighter in a row you dont shill for. What happened to you man?
Why would I shill for Nitroplus? The last 2 fighters I shilled for are Under Night InBirth and Melty Blood. I shill for games I like not just anime fighters in general :v
Most of that would not even sell on BST.
Most of it would be garbage giveaways =p
Then don't sell them and trade them for other $1-2 games from Steam? I traded a game from monthly bundle for another $5 game on Steam with a Gaffer.
Furthermore, this bundle has some decent games, so I don't see why you'd think of them as garbage?
GG XX #R, Psychonauts, Bit.Trip 2, Shadwen, Toy Odyssey
So far that's $30/5 games= $6 each
You can make the argument that they were cheaper during sales and you'd be correct, which is part of the reason a few didn't jump straight in. Should more games that interest someone appear they might be tempted to get the bundle.
However, The issue here would be that you're going to be saddled with more games than you'd really need. This is a reason why I'm not opting for the bundle. It's fine for those who don't have various of the games in the bundle, but if there's nothing in it for you then just leave it be.
Keep in mind though that the $30 you're paying goes to charity and while that's one reason to get the bundle, I still recommend cross checking your wishlist to see if you want those games or not.
I honestly don't even see any games thus far that would even sell for $2 on bst, much less $5.
Then trade them.
Shadwen was almost $5 during a recent sale.