Burning bridges will not lead to progress.
Cops need to build one towards black folk and which includes black queer folk first...
Burning bridges will not lead to progress.
Cops are welcome out of uniform
Burning bridges will not lead to progress.
Cops need to build one towards black folk and which includes black queer folk first...
Yes, but the institution has had a lot of issues with the LGBT community. I'm sure you're aware of this, so why is it bad for the institution to try and make amends?
Yes, but the institution has had a lot of issues with the LGBT community. I'm sure you're aware of this, so why is it bad for the institution to try and make amends?
Pride is not for oppressors to seek absolution.
Because they aren't making amends to us all... black queer folk are still targeted.
They should march without having to join hands with a system that discriminates against them.
Queer folk must stand for queer folk of all colours and genders or we fail our brothers and sisters.
Showing up and not beating people's faces in is not making amends.
Amends are made on a daily basis in the precincts and meeting rooms by changing the policies and culture of the department, not by showing up to a parade.
Am I missing something or have the police already said they are retaliate because of this?
The pride website literally mentions inclusion so....
No, of course not, that'd be horrible to say, think or do. What they mean is that the plice have for the past 3 decades made huge efforts and leaps to better understand the LGBT community and put in place a lot of community outreach and better education for officers and been more inclusive, to the point where they were welcomed guests in the parade, including having chiefs show up in recent years. All that was possible due to the bridges they as an organization and lgbt members of their organization help build with the lgbt community
You don't seriously think that the intended meaning of talking about inclusion is to include oppressors in the community, do you?
Silly me, I thought the tax funded public institution that is the police department was obligated to serve every member of their communities equally rather than appease whichever is networking with them best.Burning bridges will not lead to progress.
The issue is that it's not just the police organization that is being removed, but LGBT members of the police force are being restricted from wearing their uniforms. They are being told that they can't represent themselves as who they are. Even if you have a problem with them, they should have the right to participate as they see fit. LGBT members within the police department is a fact of life, you can't just make things like that disappear because you don't like the police as a whole.
I wonder if everybody would be on board with banning crucifixes and hijabs from the parade as well?
Silly me, I thought the tax funded public institution that is the police department was obligated to serve every member of their communities equally rather than appease whichever is networking with them best.
But I get it, it's easier to burn the fringes of our community instead and bleach the image of the LGBT of any imperfections.![]()
Genuine question from an ignorant American. Is the relationship between the police and black people nearly as bad in Canada as it is here?
I'd assume it has to be a little better but...
What are you even going on about? Yes police should be serving people more equally I agree.
But how is banning them from the event going to do anything?
Because there doesn't exist a gradient in between where small things, such as attendance, still count?
There isnt lgbt police officers?
I am straight up gonna get banned in this thread if I stick around. I have written and deleted so many posts. "Is this the hill I want to die on? A street fair for straight girls sponsored by Pepsi?" My brain says no but my heart says yes.
And those bridges are burned now because? Like unless we all think shit is gonna go backwards why are we talking about burned bridges?
Silly me, I thought the tax funded public institution that is the police department was obligated to serve every member of their communities equally rather than appease whichever is networking with them best.
But I get it, it's easier to burn the fringes of our community instead and bleach the image of the LGBT of any imperfections.![]()
Genuine question from an ignorant American. Is the relationship between the police and black people nearly as bad in Canada as it is here?
I'd assume it has to be a little better but...
It doesn't "count" because it's not actually improvement, unless you seriously think that the problems with the police are so bad that police have to demonstrate "we can tolerate standing outside with you for a few hours without going apeshit" as progress.
LGBT folks who are employed as police officers are more than welcome to come. Just not in their uniform.
Durham Regional Police Service deputy chief Chris Fernandes said in an interview Monday that it sends a strong message both to the public and employees when officers participate in the celebrations in uniform. Durham officers made their biggest showing ever at Sundays parade.
We are proud to support Pride, and we do it every year, Fernandes said, adding that not being able to participate would be a loss for us.
Saunders told reporters Monday he could not comment on the involvement of Toronto police in future Pride events until he could speak with Pride organizers. But he said the service is committed to showing its support for those within the Pride community however it can.
Its not a one day a year thing, its a yearly thing. And we continuously have many things that we attend over the year with all of our LGBTQS communities. And well continue to do that. So nothings going to stop us from doing that.
Having them in the event aint doing anything to improve relations either if black people are still being targeted, and if a tax payer funded government org is going to abdicate its duty to protect and treat fairly all of its citizens because it couldn't have a float in the parade every one of them deserves to be in prison for theft of taxpayer money.
Plus people shouldn't have to walk side by side with an organization that oppresses them. Might as well invite the Westboro Church to come march in it too.
Sounds like they are trying to make the effort to make it "count"
As I said a gradient. Small steps can lead to small improvements. All improvements are needed if we are to go forward successfully. Hence why I'm baffled at such negativity towards this. Negativity towards the police in general, sure, but this? It's like attacking them for one of the few good things they are doing. So strange. Not to mention Canadian forces are their own identity, and while Canadian GAFers have said they have their problems it doesn't sound anywhere near as bad as America.
Havibg them there helps to show lgbt people that the police are on their side. While the TO police have work to do in terms of equally treating people its not the 80s. Queer and trans is normal and mainstream now
You're from the UK, right? As in you live there now and don't live in Canada?
No but continuing to maintain bridges with the police is a great way to lower crime, make the community less fearful of the police, feel that their issues will actually be listened to if they have a problem and go to the police to have it solved.
Yeah, I made that clear earlier. I don't think there is many Canadians discussing this just now. Only one I know of in the last few pages. Pretty certain that is Apathy.
Yeah, I made that clear earlier. I don't think there is many Canadians discussing this just now. Only one I know of in the last few pages. Pretty certain that is Apathy.
Yeah, I made that clear earlier. I don't think there is many Canadians discussing this just now. Only one I know of in the last few pages. Pretty certain that is Apathy.
I understand if you don't want to answer this, and feel free to ignore me if so, but are you yourself a member of the LGBT community?
People aren't getting shot here daily, but you'd think they were if you asked some people
Not Canadian, not LGBTQ, not black.
Not surprised.
Phew. Almost missed this gem too.
Machoke, the onus is on the police to stop targeting black LGBTQ people. Didn't think I'd have to spell that out...You keep avoiding his question asking how this is a good step to help improve police relations...
Under Fantino, the Toronto police had stopped black drivers way more than white drivers - in line with American police statistics. The Toronto Star ran a big expose on it. I assume it's changed for the better in the last decade or so, but I haven't kept up with municipal politics since then.
Machoke, the onus is on the police to stop targeting black LGBTQ people. Didn't think I'd have to spell that out...
I like that apparently the unacceptable discrimination line is apparently did they shoot you?
Its the saddest thing seeing people say it's easy for policeman to just separate out their sexuality from their other overriding personal identity as a public servant who takes pride in their work.
It's kind of like telling a gay person to be have homosexual relations but stop 'acting' gay because somehow it is possible to seperate their sexuality from their identity.
Its the saddest thing seeing people say it's easy for policeman to just separate out their sexuality from their other overriding personal identity as a public servant who takes pride in their work.
It's kind of like telling a gay person to be have homosexual relations but stop 'acting' gay because somehow it is possible to seperate their sexuality from their identity.
If being banned from a fluffy parade prevents the people in power from doing their jobs fairly then...well, idk what to tell you tbh!Change isnt going to occur overnight. Especially not if they are banned from attending pride imo.
Don't bother engaging, especially when it comes to anything involving that last one.Not Canadian, not LGBTQ, not black.
Not surprised.
Change isnt going to occur overnight. Especially not if they are banned from attending pride imo.
Its the saddest thing seeing people say it's easy for policeman to just separate out their sexuality from their other overriding personal identity as a public servant who takes pride in their work.
It's kind of like telling a gay person to be have homosexual relations but stop 'acting' gay because somehow it is possible to seperate their sexuality from their identity.
If being banned from a fluffy parade prevents the people in power from doing their jobs fairly then...well, idk what to tell you tbh!
Look I just believe banning police is going to do nothing and most likely not help relations with police and lgbt people.
Id love to be proven wrong though I guess we agree to disagree?
I am also not excusing disgusting police practices like profiling
How exactly? Are police going to start harassing people in the LBGT community because they can no longer have a float in their parade?
Havibg them there helps to show lgbt people that the police are on their side. While the TO police have work to do in terms of equally treating people its not the 80s. Queer and trans is normal and mainstream now
The best way to show people that the police is on their side is by actually doing the work day in day out that proves it.
Not a fuckin float.
Lol no guy im just saying burning a bridge is generally not a good idea