Yes or no answer please, still at the beginning of C.
Does Nier from the first game appear or get mentioned in this?
t as anything but "Him."
Yes or no answer please, still at the beginning of C.
Does Nier from the first game appear or get mentioned in this?
I'm loving the game and the story is intriguing but can't help but wish I was playing with Nier and Weiss.
2B is so boring and bland and the YoHRa looks all kinda lame, I have a hard time taking them seriously. I wish they had more variety in their designs, like the Resistance ones.
You can use a Weiss skin for your pod, but sadly it is not Weiss.
Routa A finished, dat ending theme goddamn :')
Started B and while i'm enjoying it i'm confused by something
Am i actually supposed to hack everything
or what? i'm doing absymal damage compared to 2B with regular melee
Also, i totally missedon my A i fucked?Iron Will
So... I finihsed route A and I found it thoroughly mediocre.
The plot is paper thin, the combat is passable but lacks depth, the world feels very empty and uninteresing. The sidequests were terrible MMO stuff.
By the talks I'm hearing, it seems the game doesn't get good until route C. Is it true? or should I stop here?
So... I finihsed route A and I found it thoroughly mediocre.
The plot is paper thin, the combat is passable but lacks depth, the world feels very empty and uninteresing. The sidequests were terrible MMO stuff.
By the talks I'm hearing, it seems the game doesn't get good until route C. Is it true? or should I stop here?
It's good from the start. It gets a lot better in route C, but considering that you think the quest that have very great writing and worldbuilding are MMO quality then I'm not sure how much more you're gonna get out of the game.
How are the sidequests deep? All I've seen is go kill that/go find that, and come back. I did not bother doing them once I understood this, so maybe I've missed some good sidequests?
I'm enjoying the game a lot , but for all the praise heaped on P* for their combat......It'seems flashy as fuck but they're really doesn't seem to be all that much depth to it.
After the treasure hunt quest.I immediately proceeded to destroy that little shit
How are the sidequests deep? All I've seen is go kill that/go find that, and come back. I did not bother doing them once I understood this, so maybe I've missed some good sidequests?
dat stamp collection quest
How are the sidequests deep? All I've seen is go kill that/go find that, and come back. I did not bother doing them once I understood this, so maybe I've missed some good sidequests?
Sounds like you went in with the intentional on hating. You should stop playing and give a user score of 0 in meta critic.So... I finihsed route A and I found it thoroughly mediocre.
The plot is paper thin, the combat is passable but lacks depth, the world feels very empty and uninteresing. The sidequests were terrible MMO stuff.
By the talks I'm hearing, it seems the game doesn't get good until route C. Is it true? or should I stop here?
dat stamp collection quest
Almost done with Route B I think (At least I'm close to where Route A ended.)
I haven't played any of Yoko Taro's previous games but I always hear they have a great story, setting and music but bad gameplay. And I dunno, I wouldn't call the gameplay in this game bad overrall but it's definitly the worst aspect. Combat feels good, Platinum got that right, but it's so simple, and mindnumbingly easy. The sidescrolling dungeons and especially the bullet hell segments are worse, because there's still no challenge, but they feel even more limited with the stuff you can do. Just tedious. And enemy attack patterns are pretty simple too.
Doesn't help that the game is just drowning you in various health recovery chips, which I guess you could just not use, but I don't believe in self-imposed challenges like that.
Maybe it gets significantly better in Route C?
So... I finihsed route A and I found it thoroughly mediocre.
The plot is paper thin, the combat is passable but lacks depth, the world feels very empty and uninteresing. The sidequests were terrible MMO stuff.
By the talks I'm hearing, it seems the game doesn't get good until route C. Is it true? or should I stop here?
Y'all sound a little defensive guys. There's some good stuff in the quest but a lot of them are fetch quests mechanic wise.
I mean, it was the same with Nier 1, there were a lot of standard MMO quests with only some of them being really good.
I mean, I skipped most of the sidequests and watched them on youtube instead. I definitely think the game is better off if you avoid revisiting areas and backtracking, but the sidequest writing is too good to miss out on at the same time.
It sounds like you're ignoring the story and themes. If you never look at Automata beyond the surface level you're never going to like it.
I haven't played any of Yoko Taro's previous games but I always hear they have a great story, setting and music but bad gameplay. And I dunno, I wouldn't call the gameplay in this game bad overrall but it's definitly the worst aspect.
Check out some of the combo vids on youtube. It's actually quite deep with some crazy cancels and wire pod antics.It's mostly a really good upgrade/evolution to the Nier Replicant's combat, but yeah they didn't exactly make a Bayonetta 3 (nor people should've been expecting that i guess)
Well, you've already met him during the story line, so now you just need to locate him in the City ruins. He will be randomly moving around at either near the entrance to the desert, the entrance to the Resistance Camp or the area you where you initially landed in the city after the far am i from ending Ai just "killed" Adam and saved 9S
i saw atroll merchant that runs around yelling stuff in some youtube video and it seem he has good things to sell how do i get him?
Some of you sound a little defensive guys. There's some good stuff in the quest but a lot of them are fetch quests mechanic wise.
I mean, it was the same with Nier 1, there were a lot of standard MMO quests with only some of them being really good.
Also, speaking of side quests, I'm nearing the end of route A and finished about 30% of them.
When I start route B will the side quests change? If I want to 100% them, I have to do it in route A or can I complete the remaining quests in routes B and C?
Also, speaking of side quests, I'm nearing the end of route A and finished about 30% of them.
When I start route B will the side quests change? If I want to 100% them, I have to do it in route A or can I complete the remaining quests in routes B and C?