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NieR: Automata |OT| "I wouldn't expect too much from this game if I were you."


sidequest question:
can the find a present sidequest only be done by 2B? i'm on route b currently and i did the terminal repairs sidequest like 30 mins ago and the find a present sidequest hasn't triggered yet. i need that type 40 sword like right now brehs


sidequest question:
can the find a present sidequest only be done by 2B? i'm on route b currently and i did the terminal repairs sidequest like 30 mins ago and the find a present sidequest hasn't triggered yet. i need that type 40 sword like right now brehs
Only on Route A.


Currently in C,but I enjoyed route A the most so far.

I am more a fan of the simmering,slow unraveling than shonen-esque shot firing of route C.

Also,not hugely a fan of 9S's character
Its basically blind revenge,though its justified here I guess
in C.

But to each their own.


You guys are heartless. (end of route A spoilers)
I used the Pod to shoot all of the crazed machines that were killing other machines in the background near the end of the factory escape sequence because I felt so bad ;_;

Game rewards you for that too-

the scared robots will thank you and give you 1000G each.


sidequest question:
can the find a present sidequest only be done by 2B? i'm on route b currently and i did the terminal repairs sidequest like 30 mins ago and the find a present sidequest hasn't triggered yet. i need that type 40 sword like right now brehs

Most Route A/B sidequests are shared, but
anything that relies on 9S's hacking abilities or deals with 21O is exclusive to Route B while anything that relies on interacting with the Commander or 6O is limited to route A.
Doing a lvl 40 sidequest
Father Servio i think
with a lvl 14 character. I am halfway and its taking ages. SHould I continue being dumb or fail this sidequest and get back later? Are the rewards super useful?


I wish the city-area had a better theme, it makes me miss Hills of Radiant Winds, which I even though was a bit exaggerated the first time I heard it.

The tranquil music is nice the first you enter the zone, but I would have liked something more... yay? for the 17th traversal.


Done the
boss fight in Route B.
Man these little additional bits are great.
boss fight, while in Route A it became one of my favourite bosses of all time, Route B adds an immense amount of depth to the cheracter. It's crazy to think that
these machines are not only taking on humanity's traits, but the bad habits as well. Like, developing into an evolved conscious species eventually turns you into a bad person, no matter what. That reflection on love vs appearance, and how obsession for someone's approval/love can often lead to self destrucion was really touching.
The Adam&Eve scene where
they eat at the table, discussing about human amazing is actually pretty clever, the concept of the desire to obtain human traits is sided with the image of the apple that links itself to the name of the two
. Truly a great way to use this old imagery.
I am, once again, impressed by this game.


Also, finished the Father Servo questline:
RIP Father Servo you beautiful badass Ken, i will remember you as my favorite NPC from this game

Oh, and the quest from the game developer sucks major ass, i feel so guulty but the completionist inside me took over :(


Route C is some heavy, not to mention crazy shit.

(Mid route C spoilers)
How the hell do you go from Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots to mass suicide in the space of 2 minutes?


Ugh, trying to get 100% archive items is not fun especially when
I have to use 9S. Bleurrrrgh such limiting combat abilities

The Abandoned Factory is super creepy as fuck when
you revisit it in later playthroughs after the religious cult get wiped out. Near darkness, with only your pod light to illuminate your surroundings. Then those suicide bots come out. And then you have to navigate the janky crushers. Hope I found all the chests there, never want to visit it again.


Slowly making my way through the first route (I only play a little bit at a time).

I can't say I expected to see Emil return after running away as some sort of motorized store...
On route C right now, and just discovered swords smith
, but it's pretty much pointless because I can't upgrade anything due to the lack of specific items. I'd really hate to have to farm this stuff. Any tips? Because I get overwhelmed by the stuff that I need for upgrades, and I'm not really provided with the necessary information to find them.


On route C right now, and just discovered swords smith
, but it's pretty much pointless because I can't upgrade anything due to the lack of specific items. I'd really hate to have to farm this stuff. Any tips? Because I get overwhelmed by the stuff that I need for upgrades, and I'm not really provided with the necessary information to find them.

Obviously i quite a few naturally, but I pretty much bought most of the materials needed. I did go throught pretty much the entire game with at least Drop rate + 50% on, and usually at 80% so got rabdom stuff there and a fair amount of Machine Cores to sell. They are all purchasable, and since you are on Route C you can get them all, but depending on how far you are along you might need to finish the game and use Chaper %select.

Meteorite stuff is sold via the Inventor who wants you to in invest in him near Pascals Village once you do the sidequest.

Silver/Gold Ore is sold by the shop in the Amusement park
Pretty much everything else is sold by
. Shops spawns in multiple locations, but the two you need are near the Deesert Camp and the resistance Base. It can be a bit random getting him to spawn in certain areas, and even stocking the right stuff, but you'll get it eventually.


Reposting from the spoiler thread because apparently I'm such a dumbass that I didn't notice I posted this in the wrong thread.

This has to be the best credit sequence ever created, right? I almost got teary eyed when the chorus kicked in.

Route A & B might not have impressed me much, but Route C and the endings really make up for it and really shine with Taro's quirkiness. I'd also like to add that the final machine report you get after ending E has some very choice words from Jackass regarding the whole thing lol.

I really hope that Automata sells well and SE greenlights whatever Taro feels like doing next. God knows he really deserves to keep telling his crazy, sad, beautiful stories.


I really hope that Automata sells well and SE greenlights whatever Taro feels like doing next. God knows he really deserves to keep telling his crazy, sad, beautiful stories.

I just hope they treat him with respect and don't meddle in like they did with Deus Ex.
He needs to be left alone to do his thing.


You've gotta be kidding me with this Data of the Old World quest. I don't wanna look for all this shit.

It's less annoying than you would think, just plug in the "view chests on minimap" chip that you get starting on Route B and keep an eye out as you walk around. However...

The only piece of info you actually need is the nuclear weapon instruction manual that can be found near the City Ruins - Center terminal, giving this to Pascal or the Commander ends the quest
Very much!
Just keep it up, and don't be afraid to accept help from any offers.

Does it change if
I don't accept help?

I accepted help and simply can't imagine clearing that alone. I get through maybe 6 major waves after squeenix bullet hell starts. There has to be 15-20 waves in total. on 3 hits? that's gotta be some bullet hell veteran level accomplishment. I'm sure it IS possible (people beat Geometry Wars after all), but idunno if it's realistic for me. Anyone here do that alone?

Also, I see several missions I didn't do that say "shared". What does that mean? Or, how do I clear those?


Does it change if
I don't accept help?

I accepted help and simply can't imagine clearing that alone. I get through maybe 6 major waves after squeenix bullet hell starts. There has to be 15-20 waves in total. on 3 hits? that's gotta be some bullet hell veteran level accomplishment. I'm sure it IS possible (people beat Geometry Wars after all), but idunno if it's realistic for me. Anyone here do that alone?

Also, I see several missions I didn't do that say "shared". What does that mean? Or, how do I clear those?

"Shared" missions are sidequests that can be done with any character in that Route.


I just finished Route A.

I started up path B and liked some of the new things going on, but I dont know that I want to replay mostly the same content again. It took me 14 hours for route A.

My question for those who are doing all the routes:

Is every route vastly different, or is it really just getting to the ending that you need to flesh the story out more?

Is each route the same amount of content and in length? If I did 14 hours for A, will I be doing roughly the same for B? C? etc
I just finished Route A.

I started up path B and liked some of the new things going on, but I dont know that I want to replay mostly the same content again. It took me 14 hours for route A.

My question for those who are doing all the routes:

Is every route vastly different, or is it really just getting to the ending that you need to flesh the story out more?

Is each route the same amount of content and in length? If I did 14 hours for A, will I be doing roughly the same for B? C? etc
Not a spoiler but I'm spoiler tagging for courtesy

B is a different take on A, but largely the same plot. However, as you've noticed there's different mechanics and added story bits on top of the other perspective. You can still speed through it in a much faster time than A. C is a completely new story and leads to the end of the game. C is the last "full playthrough", you'll see


I just finished Route A.

I started up path B and liked some of the new things going on, but I dont know that I want to replay mostly the same content again. It took me 14 hours for route A.

My question for those who are doing all the routes:

Is every route vastly different, or is it really just getting to the ending that you need to flesh the story out more?

Is each route the same amount of content and in length? If I did 14 hours for A, will I be doing roughly the same for B? C? etc

Route C takes place after A/B and is 100% new material. About a third of route B is entirely new material on the main quest, and there are additional side quests that open up once you reach the point where side quests start showing up.


Route C question -
this is the second time its asked me to check on A2 or 9S. should I be sticking to one person or alternating? does it matter?


Route C question -
this is the second time its asked me to check on A2 or 9S. should I be sticking to one person or alternating? does it matter?

Doesn't matter, but
A2->9S->A2->9S is the "order" that the chapter select that you unlock after finishing the route has it
if you care about that.
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